would you cheat on your partner with a famous person.... if yes; who would it be and why!?!
NO!! Would Never "Stray" Behind Her Back. But I Am Sure She Would Be All For Me Living Out A Fantasy.
BTW, Shouldnt This Be In Ask The Gals Or Guys?
YES! Johnny Depp. Enough said.
Latest story:
I'd cheat on anyone with Scarlett Johansson
NO, but when I actually have a partner I am sure they would actually enjoy joining me, Johnny Depp And Katherine Heigl in a 4-some
No. I am extremely loyal.
Hmmm.... Yes, I would... and it would be with Gerard Butler.... that twinkle is his eye promises something magical. lol
i totaly agree.... but if he wants a relationship!? what do u do?
I would hope not, but my "other" head might protest. :-D
Johnny Depp could definately tempt me
Kylie would be able to tempt me anyday
no way in hell with anybody
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
I haven't cheated on my current BF, but have done so with past ones!!!
Search the Internet sometime for an article called "Mommy's Little Secret". In short genticists are discovering through DNA testing that between 10 and 15 per cent of us are calling the wrong person Daddy. That's just the ones that resulted in pregnancy! Pretty much everybody cheats on everybody. I really don't think monogamy works!
This reminds me of a great joke with a crude punch line. Whoever wants to read it, just drop me an email.
And no, I wouldn't cheat on my partner to screw around with a famous woman.
Infamous, maybe.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
No, I don't cheat not for anyone. I would however ask for a threesome!
My boy also loves David Bowie as much as I do, so I CALL THREESOME YESSSSSSS
For me it would be Emilie Autumn (she is an alternative musician). She is hell sexy and I saw her live in concert and I swear she would make a good Dom. I also have this music video where she gets naked and making out with a fairly unattractive woman.
I'm sure my partner wouldn't mind ;) He knows how much I love her.
I would say no but then again if the right opportunity came with the right person I'm not sure. There are several females I'd love to see my wife "sexing" and would not be able to resist joining in.YsXag0K58FefcBea
Never, if I was not in a good enough relationship to desire cheating on my partner that badly I would probably have to end the relationship.