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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 75
United Kingdom


65 years old this August.
Still learning about female sexuality which I love.
State Registered Nurse.
Trained in Communication Skills.
Ex -Local Goverment Officer.
Trade Union Liaison Officer;
Play lead guitar,acoustic guitar;blues harmonica;singer songwriter.
Trained in Management of Contracts.
Trained Negotiator;
Service with the Police; Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinator.
Security work.
Trained Scuba diver.
Firearms training

Exhibtionism, bondage, and women who like being spanked,and are exhibitionists;and female voyeurs.
Weight liftinfg,Kung Fu Judo,and health and nutrition.
I like watching women making love to other women
What arouses a woman sexually arouses me because female orgasm is much more complicatated[than mine a mere male] and totally consuming;physically,emotionally;involving completely her nervous system;and maybe her soul;and that is what gives me satisfaction
Love of self discipline; can do the splits and one thumb press ups; and one inch punches.
Interested in other peoples experiences of BDSM.
I would like to know more about the pain /pleasure sexual arousal in women;the "pain slut" as displayed in women who liked to be spanked; to have a womans naked bottom at the mercy of my slapping hands or a cane; stimulates my interest.
Great interest in Re-incarnation the Supernatural the Paranormal;there is an Intelligent Design
to this Universe and to the estimated 220 Billion Galaxies;existential anxiety is the ploughshare around our necks,and the hope that our souls are the reins ;guided by the hands of the Great Ploughman ;that we mjght emerge through the "dark side" to the light ;or vice versa;depending on what teamster you support.!
Women masturbating and phone sex are extremely sexually arousing!

Favorite Books
The Karma Sutra, The I Ching the Oracle,Lady Chatterly's Lover,Dennis Wheatley "The Ka of Gifford Hillary",The Grapes of Wrath" ,John Steinbeck,The Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Favorite Music
Blues ,Rock and Roll, Soul Music.
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