Been writing erotic stories as a hobby for more than 10 years.
I've been asked what compels me to write these stories and where they come from. Well, unless I specify otherwise, they're from my life experience. Yes' it's had some unusual moments and I've meet some very out-going, unencumbered, uninhibited people. I've always written. I find it to be an easier more effective way to get my point across, especially when doing that matters.
I used to write stories for my wife, which she very much enjoyed. Then menopause took away everything that defined that part of our relationship...and I mean everything. So, while I was still compelled to write, I just decided to seek an audience and here I am. It kind of fills a void.
I am something of a photographer. Having once been married to a model, an actual sought-after, paid model, well, one learns to take pictures and not necessarily with a cell phone. I'm a creative person. That's the arena where I'm the most comfortable and where I thrive.
Thanks very much and please feel free to contact me directly with any comments or inquiries.