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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 50
0 miles · Denver


Lol thanks ladies, I wasn' t trying to be an asshole, this was sent to me from a girl at work when I told her I'm not a fighter anymore, just a pussy. I couldn't resist posting it here. And everyone knows I'm an anteater lol!
Well, since I have already quit smoking, I vow not to go back to Afghanistan lol!!!
I didn't know she was sick again. I will pray daily for her Jim, please send her my love.
Fuck me again so I fall back asleep, I could get used to waking up next to an Angel.
Now that being said, this joke will surely put me in the pilots seat in Hell. Look at someone and say what is this (now act as though you are biting your wrists) when they say I don't know, tell them it is Jesus biting his nails!!! HAHA!!!
After looking at the list, and deciding I was void of any of these transgressions (As everyone knows I am the vestal virgin of lush) I remebered that even though I am angelic as can be, that as a Marine I am doomed to Hell anyway, as Marines never die, they just go to hell and regroup!!!
While I am by no means overweight, I am a very broad shouldered person, when I do get stuck in a middle seat on a flight, not only am I uncomfortable, but the people next to me have to deal with my shoulders taking up some of their space as well. Airlines should reserve a bank of seats on each flight for "common sense moves"
While I am by no means overweight, I am a very broad shouldered person, when I do get stuck in a middle seat on a flight, not only am I uncomfortable, but the people next to me have to deal with my shoulders taking up some of their space as well. Airlines should reserve a bank of seats on each flight for "common sence moves"
I'm not much of a breast man myself, so maybe we can package the deal and I will give the pelvic exams lol
Tonight is raspberry and blue cheese stuffed pork loin, roasted potatoes, tomato confi, and french bread.
My name is Caharain, and I too am a lush addict.

Recently I tried to break my addiction by taking several weeks off (also due to a broken comp) by not using my work comp to log on. I failed miserably. I found myself curled up in a ball in my kitchen, sweating profusely needing my fix. The day my new comp came I almost locked it up trying to get logged on here.
Do you realize how much time money and effort I put in to darken her starfish, and get that tramp stamp put on her lol
People who walk into a grocery store, pay for their food with a food stamp card, then turn and pull out hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to buy cigarettes and beer.
For most of the world the perfect woman is and always will be along the lines of Marilyn Monroe. Curves are what make a woman a woman; now curves do not have to come in the form of huge boobs or giant butts, to me it's the gentle curves of a woman who make her sexy. The soft curve where her chhek meets the jaw. The gentle swell under the breasts, the soft curve of a womans hip, even the arch of her foot...these are the curves that drive us all wild. So any man who says he doesn't like curves is not telling the truth.
What else could possibly happen in the saga of the Phillips family? lol this is like a bad story...
I have also discovered that clamores at the head of the drive tend to deter these boys from ever making it to the doorstep
A former drug addict, and alchoholic lol I guess we dont have the only evangelical crazies here in America.
With as many cold and hateful women I have dated I ought to say my heart...
Oh hello, never mind me, just trying to chew my arm off here...
This reminds me of the kick the baby game from Southpark lol
LOL Thanks Nic, it's nice to know that I am not the only one who thinks I am a crude SOB!!
I have a question, as serious as I am I don't want to come off as crude, but I am a smartass so here goes...since a woman is only allowed one birth in China, would that count as hers?
I may be the only guy to say this but I don't think every story needs a sex scene. As long as there is some kind of overtone, or underlying desire it's kind of like foreplay...I posted one a while ago that had no real sex scene in it, and knowing I am not the greatest writer, I think I pulled it off.
Overheard at work one day.....

"Some women have a cameltoe, but that bitch has the whole hoof in her panties."