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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 59
United States


coffee....been sitting here in Starbucks for the past 5 hours...Lushing...
What kind of Little are you?
Your Result: Angel


You are Daddy's little Angel!!!!! You do absolutely everything to please your Daddy and make him happy and his great love for you reflects your dedication!




Quote by Ls63563
1 brain
2 fingers
3 glass toy
4 everything else

I have to completely agree! what more do you really need?
Quote by cajunbuckaroo
Nothing! I don't believe in buying a tee-shirt that has an advertisement on it. Now if someone were to pay me to wear it, that's a different story.

A man after my own heart! Wouldn't it be great if they paid us to do their advertising for them? Or at least give us the shirt for free!
I have 2 best friends--they are a package deal though, we were the "three musketeers" back when we were kids. We have been friends for almost 40 years.
There was a time when I went around my house naked. As soon as I got home I would take off my clothes and go au natural .... but that house had air conditioning. Where I live now, its a ground floor apartment and there is no air conditioning so the windows are always open. Needless to say, I don't go naked these days.
Oh they can definitely work! Your heart feels what it feels regardless of whether or not you can touch that person in real life. We still feel the same emotions....A very wise man told me that "You have to remember, on the other side of that screen is a real person who has real feelings and deserves to be treated as such."
It happens .... I do wish there was a little notice sent via email. I suppose it would be a nice thing for someone to let you know they are deleting their account, but a lot of people delete their accounts on a whim, in the heat of the moment.... oh well ...
Definitely Veggie Pizza...The more veggies, the more I like it!

I have a friend who makes a little pizza on a tortilla using sliced pears, feta, prosciutto, and some mozzarella that is awesome!
Your score is: 60

What does your score mean?

You've been known to flirt on occasion, and probably have some refined seduction techniques... but you're not a hard-core, 24-hour-a-day flirt. You realize that there is a time and a place for seduction, and know when to shut off the charms. When you do decide to work your magic, however, look out world! This seems to be a healthy approach - flirting is a natural, fun way to strut your stuff, boost confidence and send the right message to objects of desire. On the other hand, we all know someone who flirts with everyone, everywhere... and it can be really annoying! Maintain this balance and flirting will serve you well.
Where I live, people use the term "Used to to it" in stead of "used to it" it makes me "small kind" crazy!
Oh my! I wonder how many men world wide could be charged with that offense. What makes a woman's underwear "women's underwear?"
I remember when I could remember I can't......Never mind...