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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 40
United States


Quote by tashitasha
my only weakness is a man in a dark suit and a tie

yeah, that'll do if for me as well.
nope. there are few things less sexy to me than a doctor's office visit -- or a trip to the dentist, for that matter.
just go up and introduce yourself, but make sure that first time that there is zero "pick up" vibe. make it no more than a minute or so.

you can either build off of that or not in the future, but after that you should pay very close attention to her signals.
depends. when he calls me a bitch, is he being tongue in cheek? like, we're playing monopoly and i land on park place and he owns it and he says he is gong to make me his monopoly bitch? i can probably hang with that.

or are we having a disagreement about something, and he tells me that i'm being a bitch because he's pissed off? 'cause that probably means it's time to come get your toothbrush, extra t shirt and whatever else you've left over at my place and go find a woman who's ok with being called "bitch."

just last week i was saying i thought their pants were getting a little tight, and they locked themselves in the bathroom for hours and wouldn't talk to me for days.

just last week i was saying i thought their pants were getting a little tight, and they locked themselves in the bathroom for hours and wouldn't talk to me for days.
Quote by sprite

You can turn off those sounds under your profile settings, just so you know. smile

woo hoo!!! thank you, sprite!
huh. i see that a lot of gals here are answering "yes." i'm... puzzled.

i've had a lot of experience with gals, both bi and lesbian, and i've never had this be a thing. in fact, up till just now all the bi and lesbian gals i know have all pretty much universally agreed that tribe-scissoring is what porn directors do for male audiences, so that you can see all the body parts dudes want to see at the same time.

kind of like how people almost never do reverse cowgirl in real life, but you see it in every porn movie because the target audience want to see a gal being fucked -- boobs and all -- but not have to look at the dude.
for me, it's a question of the damn sound that it makes when you get chat requests.

when you're a gal, the requests come constantly from people you've never talked to before. it would be one thing if there was just a little notice bar, but that sound, over and over and over, is not only fucking annoying -- it's fucking LOUD. so loud that i either have to turn down spotify to the point where i can't hear the music i want to hear, or alternatively, loud enough where i can hear the music but that damn chat notice gives me a headache.

same deal with the chat room "uh-oh!"s, fwiw. love this site a lot, but wish they'd change the lush sounds or turn down the sound volume. they're seriously fingers on chalkboard to me.
1. lacks respect for me.

2. tries to pretend he's something he's not.

3. any violence. at all.

4. bad in bed.

5. isn't funny.

i feel kind of bad about #4. but there it is.
Quote by nicola
What a great question!

I'm here because my parole officer said I needed to do something good for the community.

here is some good generic advice, based on actual first dates i have been on:

reba's first-date do's for guys

shower in advance

treat her with respect

relax, and be yourself -- not who you think she wants you to be

ask questions to get to know her, and then listen to what she says

reba's first-date dont's for guys

bring up your fascination with furries

ask her, in the middle of dinner, "are you going to finish that?"

confess that in some ways, you find your mom a little bit sexy

tell her that you've measured how far your stream of piss goes after you've had a six-pack

say, "it puts the lotion on its skin"

try to sell her a multi-level marketing product

explain to her what "the problem with women today" is

casually slip into the conversation that no matter what she might have heard on the street, your sexually transmitted disease has been taken care of and you are no longer a "high risk" sexual partner.

bring another date, just in case the whole thing with her doesn't work out
Why are you here?

i would think this would be the last site on earth where you'd need to explain this, but here goes:

you see, when a mommy and a daddy lover each other very much...
only if i've been really bad and i've warned myself prior that if i keep on doing that behavior then the next time there will be a spanking.

but -- and this is important -- i never, ever do it out of anger, and afterwards i am always sure to let myself know that i still love me, but that i need me to learn this important lesson.

to be honest, i think spanking me hurts me more than it does me.
neither. if you're a dude and i've let you attempt to take my bra off, this is not the thing that will make or break you. most of the guys i get naked with are older, and older guys normally already know all about the complex intricacies of todays modern brassiere technology. but if they fumble i just reach and do it myself, and we move on.
oh, i know this one!!!

a blow job is where you take the guys penis in your mouth and pleasure him. a picnic is where you go outside and eat food, preferably with a nice red wine.

you're welcome.
Quote by Nyaeve80
Aren't they all the same size, more or less, I have never noticed that a guy had "big" balls

no, not at all.

hell, the best time i ever had with a guy he came several times, and by the end there was hardly anything coming out at all.
no, not at all.

hell, the best time i ever had with a guy he came several times, and by the end there was hardly anything coming out at all.
yes, it's wrong.

just because i might fuck in my own bed, that doesn't give you the right to watch me.
depends on the body, but since the two options for me are "ew" or "cheesy" it's kind of a loser either way.
"Can you really look at a cock and know that its 5,6, or 11 inches?"

well, i tell ya this... i know from experience i can look at one that's 5 or 6 and know that the dude who is telling me it's 11 is living in a dream world.
i think for the same kind of reason that some people like dating blonds, or some people like dating taller dudes.