Timeline no longer comes up when logging in. When clicking on the profile icon, the list to choose timeline pops up and dissapears faster than can be responded to. So, can the timeline be added to that other list of items such as personal details, reading queue, avatar change, etc.?
I am from Cocoa Beach, Florida but currently finishing school in Jacksonville.
I used to work on the beach renting surf boards, floats, beach chairs, etc. and yes!! I scored in the supply shack a few times, mostly during college spring break. You wouldn't believe how many girls would show me their tits hoping to get a rental discount. The job didn't pay much but was a great way to get hook-ups.
Hell, no! Only a real low shit would do that.
No complaints about any of those choices.
Congrats!! Dude that's all good.
Trump is a dangerous, selfish, and vain man surrounded by Nazi stooges.
The Change option on story voting needs to be fixed.
I accidentilly voted 4 when I meant to vote 5 because of the page being jumpy. When I attempted to change it to 5, 5 is no longer available, only 1 thru 4 votes are available.
Can that please be fixed?
Congratulations to first place Sprite. Awesome story!! Congrats to NaughtyAnnie, Burquette and all those listed.
Back porch of a bait shop.
In a fishing boat in a marsh.
Under a pier.
Both are great. I voted for the one on the left, something about full lips is extra hot
I love to plunder the coast.
The grocery stores keeps them in a refrigerator so I do same at home.
Condoms yes, but never felt the need to be tested.