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8 hours ago
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United Kingdom


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Quote by Buz

We're fucking ourselves into a huge mess.

Just about sums it up, doesn't it? America is faced with a choice between a dementia patient and a psychopath for President. Is that the best that the nation that leads the free world has to offer? Xi Jinping and Putin must be laughing their heads off. Shame on you!

Story Verifier

I have never understood the penchant for American's to want a President well past their prime (Obama aside). Biden is clearly out of his depth, and as for Trump... well, he's delusional as well as a danger to humanity.

If Congress were to change the rules for eligibility we could send you Boris. It's extremely doubtful if he would turn things around for the economy, but his first term would be one hell of a party!

Story Verifier

I can't understand all the fuss about AI; all this messing about with artificial stuff. Just sit a couple down and log them in to Lush Stories for a couple of hours. No better way to get the process of insemination going, in my opinion!

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Just came across a bit of surprising information this morning. Apparently, National Masturbation Day, normally reserved for the last day of May, was extended to include the whole month.

Personally, I don't give a toss.

Story Verifier

Quote by Trousseau

Don't know, but saw this:

Thanks. Local Access doesn't work for us, I'm afraid, but maybe they are close to solving the problem at there end.

I did see somewhere in a forum elsewhere that WD data is being offered for sale on the 'dark web'. Not a place that would ever venture going down, but if it is true, WD are pretty crap at protecting our data!

Story Verifier

Bit of a longshot here, but has anyone here been affected by the Western Digital outage of 26th March?

Many thousands of people have been unable to gain access to their data for over a week now, myself and my firm included. WD have been pretty silent since the outage, and have switched off their Twitter feed because of all the complaints and adverse publicity.

The irony of it all is that many of us have our data sat right in front of us, but it can only be accessed via the internet, with the connection switched off by WD. I have had our Techie guys take a look, and the data drive is encrypted!

Any help or suggestion greatly appreciated.

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On the 'old' site we used to have an Authors List with stats etc. Do we have one for here?

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All the time in public places. Masks go on at work when client's are around as well.

We have testing kits at home and at work. We routinely test every couple of days at home and we have them in the office too. It is voluntary for staff but they to have got into the routine of testing every two or three days - we even get the odd client doing a test as well. No positives so far!
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Procrastination has its advantages, you know.

It frees up today and gives you something to do tomorrow!
Story Verifier
Quote by Buz
I've had Covid 19, plus I've now had both doses of the Pfizer vaccination.

Same here.

And I know people who refuse to get the vaccine. Utterly stupid!
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Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
I was just thinking about early experiences with 'porn,' that seem really ridiculous now.

1. The lingerie section of the Sears catalog.
2. Stealing Playboy magazines
3. Trying to watch adult movies on scrambled cable channels.
4. Patiently waiting for naked pictures to download over a modem connection.
5. Having that connection fail whenever anyone picked up the phone somewhere else in the house.

What else?

We never had it so good them days!
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Ann Summers - South John Street, Liverpool. Opens 9:30am and Closes at 8:00pm ... just saying!
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Most certainly. I was a Marxist in my teens. Education and life experiences completely turned that around. I am now a Conservative with a capital C!
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She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

She Walks in Beauty - Lord Byron