I had a girlfriend once that was a squirter and it was amazing. I started to think that although I did orgasm, I didn't always let go 100%. In the years that followed, I explored this, and amazingly discovered that in the right sexual circumstance, and through self pleasuring I too am a squirter.
Yes, I DO, and would love to a little more often with the right lover.
I am in a long term committed relationship with a man. But I don't like being without a woman in my life. He has found he tends to gets jealous if I have a woman on the side, and I don't like the way it divides my love/attention. He also knows I really am not happy long term without at least an occasional female lover.
For a number of years we had FFM relationship, where she was a friend and lover and joined our life regularly. It was amazing.
We have also had one night flings which have been sexually very satisfying, both MMF and FFM.
As biking is my main means of transportation, there are often opportunities to peek up another girls skirt! I love that about biking culture!
And yes, sometimes it is possible to peek up mine too.
As a bi woman in a relationship with a man, I do have times where I crave the touch of a woman. For my own sexual needs, I don't think I could have a monogamous relationship with a man long term. I have an agreement with my partner that he doesn't want me to go off sleeping with other women, but when there is good chemistry, I am welcome to bring a woman into our life sexually, or a three-way love relationship. We have been together a long time, and we have had both.
Have I felt not accepted for my sexuality? Yes. Mostly in the gay community.
The last 5 years or so, I have been much more open with friends/colleagues about my sexuality. I realized I was part of the problem of judgement/non-acceptance, if I wasn't willing to be open and honest about who I am.
76% slutty. Sounds about right.
First -as a teenager, kissing and touching, but really making love I was in my 20's
Second - Me
Third - Sober
Also to answer a question not asked. My male partner and I have invited and enjoyed a number of women inside our relationship, and for me the most important part is communication, intuition, and taking time.
If being with a woman is new for her, then give her 100% space to feel and experience if it is right for her.