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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 53


i work as an aircraft technician, enjoy it, but the pay sucks
Quote by poizenivy
This is an impulse I have had for years but only ever acted on in the clubs and after several drinks. But I am really curious as to what the average Joe would do if a woman he didn't know came up and laid a seriously passionate kiss on him in the street. Would it matter if she was hot, average, or fugly? I am curious if hot guys, average guys, and fugly guys would have different response.

this is not easy, because it depends on a lot of things
as on the street one is involved in different things (work,getting from a to b, going to meet.., etc., life in general), hence most likely response would be shock and surprise, then depending on the moment other reactions would follow.
but in a club! you'd be taken on
no reason not to
but do check further if you want to get to know someone
Quote by buttercup2u
Who the heck has time for t.v.

I don't have t.v. and friends are finally realizing that when they ask me if i saw such and such a show, that ...i havent

Lush is better that t.v. there is always something on, to read to do

definitely the eyes , need to know if the smile matches the eyes.
last present was cash, the one before that was cash , the one before that was cash......

i guess it's the easiest option, lazy option as well, but the least complicated!
true sexiness depends more on the woman than the clothes.
Quote by clum
It's a most hodge-podgical, most illogical, most confusiling, most bamboozling, most bemuddling, most befuddling thing!

maybe all that
but it feels good, really GOOD