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11 hours ago
Straight Male, 70
0 miles · United States


My longest story so far is Seduction in Paradise, at twenty-three chapters. I have a couple more chapters in the works, but I'm getting some unfinished ones completed first.


I'm currently working on a story where one of the characters is almost eighteen. She's performing a striptease for her lover, who is older. She's acting like she's younger than eighteen but never saying she's a specific age.

I can message someone the text if they need to review it. I don't want to continue writing it with that scenario if it's going to be rejected.

Thank you

I was hoping there would be a topic like this. Thank you.

I find it difficult to write wham-bam-thank you, ma'am stories. I've done a few single-chapter ones, but the ones I really like to write have multiple chapters and slow build-ups.

The one I'm currently writing involves two perspectives. The first chapter has a lot of flirting without any sex and is currently just over nine thousand words. I like to keep them to about five thousand per chapter. I'm debating making them two stories, but you'd get the same story in each.

Maybe I should start a new topic?

I think i know the answer to this, but I'll ask anyway.

I'd like to change the title and picture of a story that at this moment is up for approval and is not published. Once it's published can I change those without having to delete it and resubmit?


I have been spammed on one of my stories with someone's personal porn site. How can I get that comment removed?
I think you have enough material for an extended reading period. I don't advertise at all but, I do have a few stories that you might consider for your list.


It looks to me like Beauty is a very interesting lady.
Quote by Irresistibledesire
Mostly my desires, things I want to do or things I just find sexy.

That and situations I find myself in and wish I could let myself go.
Quote by Shadowforce1

As someone who has many stories with chapters yet to be published, I fall into the category and yes I understand that many of my readers might want me to post the next chapter as soon as possible. But I work out of town a lot, and I have many different ideas and many storylines in my head both for lush and on my personal name. So while I would like to publish a story chapter one after the other, it's not something I am in the habit of doing. I have only had one reader who said they disliked this approach, while I have had others say they liked it because it gave them the chance to re-read the previous chapters. I like the re-read approach, as I used to collect comic books and if anyone knows they would take a month or more to come out with the next chapter. I also liked the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter series, and well they took almost a year or more. If a person chooses not to follow my stories because of the "wait" that is on them. I won't change because of it.

I'm in that boat also. I get a couple of chapters done and I'm anxious to get them published. I wait a week between them to give them some time on the site. I plan on more but then I get another idea and ....oh...shiny! to another idea and a couple of chapters.

I also tend to write more when it's cold and miserable outside. When it's nice out I'm outside having a life. I feel bad about it at times but, it's my life to live as I want. I'm not getting paid for my pervy thoughts and stories so.....I'll keep on doing what I'm doing.
Currently a Toyota Tacoma.....I prefer trucks.

Buy her a car....or a puppy. A house works too I hear.
Mine is from when I was on "Tribe" an older social networking site. It still exists mainly for Burning Man folks since most of the world moved to Facebook. Oregon Outdoors was my original name there and everyone shortened it to O2....
Long term....MILF. If my wife would let me...
Have you tried using Grammarly? It's a free download from Google. You can use it on Firefox or Chrome.

Grammar Checker
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I learned by doing.

Me too.....
Well.....since I'm at the doctors office when they tell me I have only an hour. I'd go sit in my truck in the parking lot and call everyone and say good bye.

I don't have Facebook or Lush on my phone......
I haven't read all the responses which I probably should have. But, why can't you have a category in the competitions for co-authored stories along with solo stories?
I have a couple of stories that fit the bill if you're needing more.

My Camping Trip and The Wedding Gift.
Quote by Dirty_D

I moved and mostly run with a good friend now.

I'm glad you've resolved that issue and hope it never reoccurs.
First, I'm sorry that this happened to you. I run with a group on Saturdays and from time to time one or a few of the ladies will mention some idiot doing something like this. I saw you posted this quite some time ago and was wondering what solutions if any you came up with.

I'd suggest changing routes frequently, run with a large dog ( if possible ) run with a friend, or run with a group.

Stay safe.
If my wife did that to me I'd have to pinch myself because I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven.

The swim trunks and towel are in it.

The ear worm in my head is Boston.....Peace of Mind.
After reading a comment regarding a story of mine on another site. I was going to reply but, everyone is entitled to their opinion and if that person didn't like my story that's their problem.

So, I'm going to eat lunch then split firewood and stack it before the rain returns.
I think one other knew about this. But, I think they forgot.