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Invisible Girl: An Erotic Romance, Part Seven

Jane and Peter sneak into a stranger's house.

Chapter Fourteen “I’m home...anybody here?” The voice from downstairs startled her awake. She didn’t remember drifting off, but she must have. And Peter must have as well because his eyes were wide with dismay when hers snapped open in the twilit room. “Oh god, it’s my Dad,” she whispered. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bedroom door. She opened it, leaned her head out, and called, “Hi Dad! I’ll be right down!” She c...

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Invisible Girl: An Erotic Romance, Part Six

Jane meets a strange girl and hatches a plan.

Chapter Twelve As Peter walked her home Jane told him the whole story of the Invisible Girl, and how she’d felt seen for the first time when he’d spotted her in the coatroom that night. How, even though she’d been terrified when he’d come into the girls’ bathroom and made her his slave, she’d also been thrilled by it because he really seemed to see her. How she’d been becoming more and more visible to other people. How sh...

Score 14 14
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Invisible Girl: An Erotic Romance, Part Five

Jane and Peter role-play in an empty classroom after school.

Chapter Nine “Have you ever wanted to be invisible?” Jane had been waiting in line to get into the cafeteria for lunch when the sound of his voice made her start and turn around…to find him standing behind her and pretending to read the book he held open in his hands. She had never told him about being the Invisible Girl. She still often felt invisible when she wasn’t with him, especially when she was at home. But it seem...

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Invisible Girl: An Erotic Romance, Part Four

Jane gives Peter a taste of his own medicine.

Chapter Five The intensity of the experience had shaken them both. Sometimes as they walked along the dark streets, talking quietly, their eyes would find each other, and although the topic under discussion would continue unchecked there would be a silent question exchanged, along the lines of, Did that really just happen?, followed by the equivalent of Wow. As if they had been caught in a forest fire or a landslide and h...

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Invisible Girl: An Erotic Romance, Part Three

By unspoken agreement they meet again.

Chapter Four It was all right for him. All he had to do was zip up his fly and hide in the shadows for a couple of minutes until he could make his escape. She, on the other hand, naked and already breathing hard, had to jump down from the window seat, grab her underwear, and run through the house unlocking doors and switching on lights and appliances. Then she scrambled into her underwear, then the rest of her clothes and...

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Chapter Two The next few days passed her by without really registering, a distant distraction like a television playing unwatched in a corner of the room. Outwardly she was still the Invisible Girl, for which she was thankful, because this allowed her to give her attention almost entirely to the stranger she had suddenly become. Who was this girl who had done all those things, things that played themselves over and over i...

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Invisible Girl: An Erotic Romance, Part One

A young woman discovers her submissive side and falls in love.

PROLOGUE: Spring, 1965 She’d begun to think of herself as the Invisible Girl. She’d had friends: kids she’d grown up with, stumbling through the grades together in the Boston suburb of Ridgeton, connected by the endless and complex threads of shared experiences in their small world. And many of them had continued on to the local two-year community college, just as she had. But somehow between grade school and this, her fi...

Score 29 29
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Legally Binding, Ch. 12

Nadine's journal: the conclusion.

I woke up this morning on the first day of my new life, Sir. I only vaguely remembered noticing the pearly light of approaching dawn as I fell asleep in your arms, and the clock on the nightstand, as well as slanting beams of sunlight coming through the window, showed that only a couple of hours had passed since then. I smiled, tired but blissfully content. I yawned and stretched like a cat, my body stiff in several place...

Score 7 7
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Legally Binding, Ch. 11

Nadine's journal, continued.

Oh, Sir, even in my current state of overwhelming arousal, even in my now-familiar but still deeply humiliating position on all fours while I continue to write this report for you, I can feel myself blushing all the way up to the roots of my hair as I recall some of the things I said when you ordered me to beg: words I didn’t even know I knew. To be honest, Sir, I don’t remember a lot of it; by that time I was in some kin...

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Legally Binding, Ch. 10

Nadine's journal, continued

Until I experienced it, I could never have imagined how difficult it is to climb a flight of stairs while crawling on all fours. When you removed your belt and once more looped it around my neck, it felt like coming home. I couldn’t help myself; I smiled happily up at you and breathed, “Thank you, Sir.” I was prepared for you to urge me to my feet again, to lead me wherever you wanted to go. But when you gently tugged me...

Legally Binding, Ch. 09

Nadine's journal, continued.

You held me close and said nothing, Sir. You stroked my hair and gave me little kisses on top of my head while I cried and cried. You even rocked me back and forth, like a baby, and more than once you plucked a tissue from the box beside your chair and held it to my nose for me to blow into. The sweetness of it, the tenderness and caring, made me cry even harder, I think. But at last I was completely wrung out, burrowed i...

Legally Binding, Ch. 08

Nadine's journal, continued.

When we finally reached your house, Sir, I remembered being somehow surprised by its ordinariness, its bland similarity to the houses around it. I have no idea why I thought it would be somehow different; I certainly wasn’t expecting to find a dark, sinister castle filled with torch-lit dungeons or anything like that. It just seemed strange in its lack of strangeness. Here I was after being led, in nothing but my panties...

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Legally Binding, Ch. 06

PART TWO: Nadine's Journal.

Sir: I’m writing this as you have instructed me to do, in longhand on a legal pad. I am in my office on the morning after you took me as your possession. I’m dressed as you ordered, Sir. I really do resemble “a sexless librarian” - except for the fact that I’m writing this on all fours behind my desk, with my skirt up over my hips and my pantyhose halfway down my thighs. My head is down, my ass is in the air and the panti...

Score 9 9
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Legally Binding Ch. 07

Nadine's journal, continued.

It was a warm, humid night, and the moist air was welcome on my skin as we stepped out into the parking lot behind the building. The asphalt beneath my feet still held a great deal of the heat it had absorbed during the day and felt vaguely sticky. I was glad I’d chosen not to wear the shoes you had so kindly offered me, Sir. I had never felt so awake to all of my senses, or taken such pleasure in them. The droning of cic...

Legally Binding Ch. 05

Nadine is punished for disobedience.

She looked up at me uncomprehendingly for a moment, then understood. She turned her attention to my belt buckle and tried to lift her hand from my hip, only to find it still held there by my own. Again she looked up at me, but I kept my expression blank. “Ohhh...” she breathed, realizing what I’d meant, and leaned forward to seize the end of my belt in her teeth. She worried it like a dog, literally growling with frustrat...