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I bet the eagle was caught in a lie he couldn't explain and decided to drop the tariffs against the Northern country because the Big3 automakers got in his ear and then the foul fowl accused the Netherlands of harboring viscious MS13 cartels who were importing all the Fentanyl which is predominantly killing his MAGA base.

That eagle always swoops in, makes a lot of noise, shits all over the place, then beats a hasty retreat and ultimately caves. The goose politely waved - 'Bye-Bye'

This is encouraging after 45 days of trashing America and selling out Ukraine to Putin.

Sorry to upset your apple carts, my fellow Lushoids, but I'd likely break out my water bong and a pouch of my home grown missouri flower - me and the moose would get along famously with zero violence and zero moose cucking.

I'm usually in the buff for breakfast and brunch, Noll & I don't do moose knuckles either.

Another good one - a bit longer and more detailed: A weirdo born into a fucking family of weirdos.

Elons mother (to this day) looks like the granddaughter spawn of a Nazi eugenics program matching selected males with selected females launched in the late 1930s. She sounds like one, too.

Quote by PrincessC

Trump and his first lady, Musk are on the same old bullshit about South Africa. Elon, famously from a family that profited from Apartheid, has definitely had something to do with this.

I typed in: Elon Musk Apartheid last night into the youtube search bar - 2 pages of videos came up, this was one of the more revealing ones. Musk's father claims he was against apartheid - Elon and his brother Kymbal? claim their father is demented.

These fuckers are all Nazis, as far as I'm concerned -

Quote by Magical_felix

I wonder how many Republicans Russia has caught fucking chickens on video?

It was just a decade ago, that Marco Rubio and almost ALL Republicans were bashing Obama for not doing more to protect Crimea when Russia invaded that region and reclaimed it as their own. In 2014 the Republicans were the war-hawks blasting Putin daily on Fox and every far right website they could get themselves featured on.

And now we see this in just 4 short weeks - People who voted for Trump and MAGA are showing up at townhall meetings around the country - LIVID that the Republicans in concert with Musk, are firing thousands of people who voted for Trump.

If we can survive until the 2026 mid-terms... Big if at this point.

I've managed to live my entire life without murdering anyone.... But I might have to reconsider my choices this year.

Musk is an ignorant dunderhead who was born into a very wealthy family of mineral and human trafficking exploiters. He's now claiming that he and his team of wunderkidz have discovered massive fraud inside the Social Security Administration - they are looking at databases which are mostly written in 1960/70's programming language called COBOL.

I'm not a programmer, but one of my past girfriends was proficient with COBOL and she was hired by a large financial institution in the mid 1990s to help their large team of COBOL programmers - translate and recode their databases of financial information before the computer world ENDED on January 1, 2000. Almost all of the Fortune 2000 companies in America and around the world were frenetic in the 1990s to rewrite their financial databases from COBOL to modern programing languages and to standardize their systems.

If you were born after the start of this millenium, chances are great that you have no idea what the huge impending threat to the world was - beginning in 1990 - when computer programmers around the world first raised the possibility to their corporate management about WHAT COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN on New Years Eve 1999/2000.

Fortune 2000 companies literally spent tens of millions of dollars on manpower to transform their computer databases. Some didn't, most did. Apparently the government decided the cost was not worth the risk of not doing so. They turned out to be correct. The financial world did not crash during the first month of 2000.

Musk isn't finding any fraud anywhere inside the Federal Government - he's raiding the information to feed into HIS Artificial Intelligence Cloud model. He's setting himself and Trump up to begin draining the US Treasury at the expense of all Americans. He and Trump could give zero fux about anyone else.

Steve Bannon - that slug of humanity - is correct about one thing: Elon Musk is the most evil motherfucker alive today.

The perfect narcissistic MAGA power couple. They both stomp off the stage if their audience doesn't give them the appropriate attention they desire. The middle aged kid can even share here with Nugent and Hogan.

Imagine that three some.

Okay, but when is the last time you leveraged your Scrabble skills into a lifelong memorable piece of tail?

Quote by sprite


2 each (DC office and your local office) to your 2 Senators & your 1 Representative.

Purely coincidental, but I just watched this video this morning and it was published on YT in the last week.

I believe this is the website your previous comment references:

Charles Schumer and the majority of Democrats over the age of 40 are acting like Trump sycophants, hiding in foxholes, not saying or doing anything in opposition to this slow rolling coup de'tat we are witnessing with Trump's version of Shock and Awe.

Thank you very much, Merrick Fucking Garland. (Coward/Republican). Just another in a long line of 'old school republicans' like Jim Comey, Robert Mueller, Bill Barr, John Bolton and Mitch McConnell - who by their actions and inactions have allowed this situation to happen to America since election day 2024.

Fucking Trump shouldn't even have been on the ballot but for these power-freak/cowardly motherfuckers.

Quote by sprite

FYI - if you feel the need to actually do something...

Put the 6 numbers in your phone (all under P – Politician.) An example is McCaskill MO, Politician McCaskill DC, Politician Blunt MO, etc., which makes it really easy to click down the list each day.

Unfortunately, Claire McCaskill - Democrat Senator from Missouri, was voted out of office in 2018, replaced by Republican ass wart Josh Hawley (Coward/Traitor). Also, unfortunately, Roy Blunt - Republican Senator from Missouri resigned in 2022 and was replaced by an even bigger piece of Republican shit - Eric Schmitt (coward/motherfucker).

But, I get the gist of your message, Sprite.

Quote by ErinDcup34

Every time I hear kamala or Tim or schumer or aoc or Schlaib or Crockett or Biden or warren - or any of the other numerous losers on the left, all I think.of is a collection of whiny lefties whose heads,are exploding as their USAID gravy train is shut off. Its hilarious to listen to their lamentations ....

Tell this to the US Farmers who were selling the food to the US Government for export to those countries. Those US Farmers (who all voted for Trump) are now experiencing impending bankruptcy and the loss of their land and equipment. Just another subset of fucking morons who all voted against their own best interests.

I'm astonished the USA sent $100 million worth of condoms to the Taliban so they could make IEDs with them to use against our troops! The amount of ludicrous bullshit emitting from Republicans in congress to support the bullshit from Trump and President Musk - is indeed, monumental.

Called out - publicly, to his face and in front of his family of complicit, unempathetic grifters and toxic chamelions. The female bishop simply spoke her desires and Trump was captive by history at the time.

All the blustering emitting from the orange shitbox is designed to draw our attention away from the massive tax cuts that are coming.

Trump is good at diverting, lying and general fuckery. He wants to be a dictator calling all the shots. The GOP is allowing this. Goodbye social security and medicare - Wall Street is always on the lookout for their next grift - just like the Trumps are.

Securitization of our Social Security is on the horizon and inevitable. Thanks to a bunch of pricks who didn't want to vote for a female president instead of this piece of shit motherfucker.

Former anti-woke, anti social justice warrior neckbeard, evolves over the last decade. This is a good listen, especially if you're questioning your current alignment with Trump and those friends of yours who are quite a bit more intimidated than you've ever really been. Be less of a follower. Be Better.

2024: We can watch a couple of mafia felons arguing on the internet about who's the biggest rat. This is made for streaming TV.

Seriously, Americans may never again, have to be troubled to go to a polling place every 2 to 4 years and ever have to stand in line to cast another vote for any Senator, House representative or President. The millions of people who were eligible to do so this last election - but chose not to - won't have to ever make that piddling decision again.

On January 20th, America will have a kingdom/monarchy full of Trump heirs to lead this former Republic. By the end of 2025, I can see Social Security and Medicare disappearing like the Dodo. Phased out then privatized so Wall Street can securitize it and sell it to 'investors'.

Quote by PrincessC

I LOVE the shift to class discussions, particularly because of the frankly amusing narrative that conservative news is peddling to make us feel bad for scared CEOs. Take United Healthcare as an example, they leveraged AI systems to deny claims at staggering rates. This contributes to a healthcare system where even the insured are left vulnerable and untreated and that doesn't even take into account the uninsured who can't afford their premiums. Private healthcare is a human rights concern. They leave people to die or exclude them entirely, for profit. Ethically, should you be allowed to profit from healthcare or education? I say no.

Who here, reading this thread, remembers when Sarah Palin coined the term 'Death Panels' during the run-up to the 2008 Presidential election. She claimed that's what eventually became Obama Care in 2010 was going to, in essence, be.

16 freaking years ago... The death panels now reside within all of the Medicare Advantage Insurance corporations.