Musk is an ignorant dunderhead who was born into a very wealthy family of mineral and human trafficking exploiters. He's now claiming that he and his team of wunderkidz have discovered massive fraud inside the Social Security Administration - they are looking at databases which are mostly written in 1960/70's programming language called COBOL.
I'm not a programmer, but one of my past girfriends was proficient with COBOL and she was hired by a large financial institution in the mid 1990s to help their large team of COBOL programmers - translate and recode their databases of financial information before the computer world ENDED on January 1, 2000. Almost all of the Fortune 2000 companies in America and around the world were frenetic in the 1990s to rewrite their financial databases from COBOL to modern programing languages and to standardize their systems.
If you were born after the start of this millenium, chances are great that you have no idea what the huge impending threat to the world was - beginning in 1990 - when computer programmers around the world first raised the possibility to their corporate management about WHAT COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN on New Years Eve 1999/2000.
Fortune 2000 companies literally spent tens of millions of dollars on manpower to transform their computer databases. Some didn't, most did. Apparently the government decided the cost was not worth the risk of not doing so. They turned out to be correct. The financial world did not crash during the first month of 2000.
Musk isn't finding any fraud anywhere inside the Federal Government - he's raiding the information to feed into HIS Artificial Intelligence Cloud model. He's setting himself and Trump up to begin draining the US Treasury at the expense of all Americans. He and Trump could give zero fux about anyone else.
Steve Bannon - that slug of humanity - is correct about one thing: Elon Musk is the most evil motherfucker alive today.