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Constant Gardener

Harris is going to rick-roll this convicted /criminal and his couch fucking VP partner in perversion. The house will fall into Democratic control. The Senate lead will increase for Dems. No more fucking playing nicey nice with the remaining McConnell Republicans like Obama attempted to do.

Then we get to reform the supreme court and stamp out future tea-party/GQP nazi, christian nationalist Putin puppets. Fuck a bunch of these culture warriors and their attacks on our freedoms and progress into this century.

Liberal progressives own handguns and rifles too. I also like the smell of spent gunpowder, burnt diesel and lightning produced ozone.

And 73% combusted concentrates.

Constant Gardener

GQP likes to throw around the word CUCK whenever they think they can fit it in. We just witnessed Trump's spokesman, the cone headed Steven Cheung use that word recently in another of his idiotic rants - as he described Trump backing out of debating Harris. Complete word salad with a liberal dose of ketchup against the wall.

You're having your ass spanked by Felix and WMM on a porn website, Thorn. Daily, repeatedly.

It's fun for us.

Harris is going to mop the floor with Trump & never-trumper VP candidate Vance. And you'll still be pissing and moaning.

You're dust in the wind, Thorn. Harris is quite a bit more liberal than Biden (pro-hint) that's why she was chosen in offset Biden's conservatism.

Roevember is colluding with the 2018 blue tsunami to wipe out fucktarditis misogyny and racism in America. Deal with it.

Constant Gardener

Quote by Magical_felix

Some child bearing hips here

Eric needs an EXTREME makeover like his sister. There's zero hope for Don junior. He looks like Gargoyle knocked him up.

Constant Gardener

Quote by Magical_felix

These guys are sick

But, but, Hunter's laptop.

Vance's love affair with a latex glove loaded with Astroglide and shoved in between couch cushions and now him watching Dolphins fucking human females.

Trump has a groomer as a VP candidate who wants to remove women's rights so he can watch beastility in the comfort of his senate office via high speed fiber internet.

Almost makes ya wish for a Mike Pence and his mommy-wife, again.

Constant Gardener

Quote by RowanThorn

I'm really not impressed with predicting the winner of the match as the final seconds tick off the clock. I'm really also not impressed with guessing the vice president would succeed the president. Like, it's literally her job.

My records a lot better than 50/50. It's easy to see these things coming if you use logic and reason.

If you want a conspiracy theory to dwell on though, the Democrats are choosing a candidate with no input from primary voters. The process is completely undemocratic. With Biden's late withdrawal, an actual primary would be impossible. So if you want to believe Biden had planned all along to leave at a very specific time you also believe the Democrats do not want to give the people the right to choose their candidate. Makes more sense than your Trump shooter insanity.

I'm sure you've never heard of nor read, Robert's Rules of Order. Biden could die in office and Harris would ascend - automatically.

Since he backed out and promoted his Veep - he was doing what came naturally. He chose her to be his successor in case of such an event, in 2020. The choosing of a Vice Presidential candidate by the presidential candidate addresses this situation (and others) and is one of the most important first decisions a presidential candidate makes before an election.

She doesn't need to be approved of in a primary runoff, you dipshit. People who voted for Biden in 2020 - also voted for Harris and her succession - should it be required.

You sound like the GQP majority leader, instead of a thinking human being.

You're batting average is hovering just above .000. Have you ever been right about anything you've blathered on this forum in the last 15 months? I fail to remember such.

Constant Gardener

Thorn is a Johnny come lately punk ass beyotch. Since 2010, we've seen half a dozen such of his type come into these threads trying to influence anyone who reads his tripe, to sway opinion.

He practices whataboutism, changing the subject. His arguments are hollow and transparent.

Too bad Damon wasn't here to trash his garbage so I could sit back, crack open a cold one and laugh my ass off. Too bad Damon was damaged beyond repair. Of course that's the sort of thing that happens when you catch a rusty bolt in your eye from a Murphy bed.

Thorn, you're a poor fifth place behind other, more practiced fuckwads who've invaded Lush Forum since 2010. I await your implosion so I can heartily laugh in Roevember,

Constant Gardener

Quote by Magical_felix

Do you think the SS were in on actually killing him or setting up a photo-op?

I feel Trump wanted the most ass-kissy culty SS so they were incompetent like everyone else he chooses.

Doubtful they were in on anything. It wouldn't have taken a vast conspiracy to pull this stunt off. Maybe one or two SS sharpshooters who actually had eyes on the dork who was climbing a ladder to the roof of the building he then crawled across the top of. If he got discovered by any other cops (not in on the scheme) the sharpshooter could plug him and that would be the end of the whole shebang. Dead men tell no tales, etc.

His team of SS agents who were assigned to protect him on stage or whisk him off the stage into a waiting armoured vehicle wouldn't have to know anything. Nor would the other local law enforcement working to secure the area and guide traffic, etc... It would just take one or both of the reported sharpshooters with their spotters to be recruited and informed so they could ensure the patsy had free reign to climb the ladder, get himself in position then fire projectiles (he's a lousy shot so he'd likely miss Trump and maybe hit other people, for added effect) or maybe he had 2 or 3 live rounds and 5 or 6 blanks given to him before he climbed said ladder.

It's not difficult to slice through an obvious Roger Stone rat-fucking production. You have to have the audacity to think up what creatures like Stone and Bannon would dream up and then try to implement. They own some of the darkest hearts & minds of all the animals who have been promoting Trump since 2015.

The rat-fucking isn't over either. Again, you have to try to think like those inhumane motherfuckers. They've been pulling dragon/rabbits out of their hats for over 40 years from the GOP book of dirtyfuckingtricks. Stone and Manafort learned under the tutelage of Lee Atwater - who thankfully, died a slow painful death (Karma struck) over 33 years ago.

Something I'm curious about... Did Trump get to hand pick this current team of SS agents to guard him AFTER he left office on 1/20/21... or did the agents who erased their government issued smartphone call and text logs from 1/6/21 stay on with him and were they part of these keystone cops who failed in their role as protectors on July 13th? Was it a new team of LOYAL SS agents - or were they part of the same team who tried to hide their communications and probably roles in the insurrection?

Constant Gardener

Quote by WellMadeMale

The other guy sowed chaos on a daily basis when he was in office. Lies flowed from his lips about everything. He was the greatest in the world of doing everything for everyone, some say. He failed to deliver on anything sensible - didn't pull the US out of Afghanistan over 4 years, increased drone useage levels over that of the Obama years, more soldiers died doing their jobs - than have under Biden - 65 to 16 is the score on that point.

He created further division between the far right and everyone else who don't identify as racists, misogynists or selfish/greedy borderline criminals. And then he tried to overthrow a fair election and our current form of government when he got his ass kicked in the 2020 election. January 6th and his involvement/instigation should disqualify him from holding even a mayorship in any small redneck town in a red state.

Biden/Harris - should run on their fantastic record of achievements for ALL Americans. I'm not going to type a wall of text reflecting those accomplishments, it's easy to look them all up elsewhere. Biden has restored dignity and diplomacy while strengthening our NATO partnerships - Trump wants to let the dictators of the world - start wars of aggression (he held Ukraine hostage for months prior to the Russian invasion in Feb 2022 - and if elected - Ukraine will be swallowed up whole).

Now is Kamala's turn to take the reigns (and the war che$t of donations already accrued by Biden) - she's the Veep and the most logical choice to combat the wombat in November. She'd wipe the floor with him and the Harvard Hillbilly. She simply needs a strong VP choice of her own, to help.

The shitshow lasted from 2017 to 2021 culminating in the most embarrassing and violent attempt at a coup de'tat in American history.

Just for you, Thorn. I called it here on Saturday 7/20 - about 20 hours before Biden finally stepped down. And only after he resisted for four solid weeks after his admittedly disasterous June 27 showing in the debate. And only after the leading Dem voices all began piling up on him to withdraw and let someone - anyone (some were calling for Kamala) to pick up the reigns. It looked like it was going to be a brokered convention similar to the 1968 catastrophe - for the previous week before Biden finally fell on his sword - maybe he waited - on purpose, until after Trump selected his VP choice. If that was Biden's plan - it has worked brilliantly.

Trump's already backing away from the previously agreed upon debate faster than a lobster fleeing a ray. His spokesman is spitting out stupid excuses even faster than Trump himself.

Very few Democratic leaders were calling for Kamala to take over. But she was the only logical choice and in the 8 days since Biden resigned and recommended her to take his place - the entire Democratic party has united around her. Records have been set for monies raised by any political party in this short of a timeframe.

But yeah, I was wrong about Biden toughing out the rough sledding and staying around. I was right about Kamala being the Chosen One.

I guess that makes me right about half the time. I'm batting .500, what's your record, Chump?

Constant Gardener

Quote by RowanThorn

Hey, how is your 100% sure prediction that Biden will win going?

Your claims of conspiracy are just as unhinged as Trump supporters claiming election meddling won the election for Biden.

Oh, you failed to see what I posted a week ago last night? I predicted Joe would step down, Kamala would get the nod - she'd raise a hundred million in less than 4 days. She's going to clean Trump's clock.

Do try to keep up.

Constant Gardener

Quote by RowanThorn

Honestly y’all want this Cheeto to be an idiot and a Machiavellian genius at the same time.

You're not the first simpleton we've seen come here to the Think Tank since 2010, Thorn. And this isn't recency bias as I type to you, either.

Fucktarditis is strong in you.

Constant Gardener

If Trump is stupid enough to debate Kamala - and they both get their 2 minute opening statements - I so want her to place her hands on her hips, turn away from the cameras and look him directly in his eyes...

And begin to read him his Miranda rights. When she's finished, she'll have one minute to state the obvious differences between the dictator and the freedom fighters.

Constant Gardener

Quote by RowanThorn

These conspiracy theories are just silly. Mr. Occam doesn’t mind if your burrow his razor.

Young white kid obsessed with gun culture trying to make a name for himself missed a very, very hard shot. Honestly I’m just glad he picked a Trump rally instead of a pre-school.

You prefer simple things. Easier to just move on, put things behind you.

I'm sure you also believe Oswald the lone assassin was firing magical right angle turning bullets into the President's limousine in Dallas 60 years ago also. Your type always reverts to muttering 'Conspiracy Theories' when you don't wish to think critically.

POOF - you make all other arguments disappear with a simple slur. Usually that spills from maga mouths when they don't wish to use what little brain power they've developed over the course of their lives.

Constant Gardener

I'd rather see Kamala dancing the pole than the Wombat who can't even walk down a ramp without someone holding him steady. Diaper Don is in deep shit of his making. Literally and figuratively.

The blue tsunami of 2018 is going to roll these authoritarian bastards back out to the deep end of the ocean in November. Again, for the 4th straight election cycle. Unveiling their Project 2025 - along with all their other SCOTUS decisions since 2022 - are going to combine to crush 'em.

I'm standing in line for summa that.

Constant Gardener

The Wombat is front and center on the stage - look how far he had to have turned his obese body and pumpkin head to his right side - to have his face pointed, so that the shot - when fired - traveling like lightening in a straight line - flew parallel to his skull - so that it could have sawed off the top part of his ear.

At most it was 1 millimeter from taking a chunk out of his right eyebrown/skull and misting the air with bone fragments.

Trump's timing was impeccably perfect in order to survive with a grazing from a slightly tumbling AR round. It should've shaved off the top of his ear - without deafening him as it whizzed past his ear opening at full velocity. The normal wildly gesticulating, doddering off balance Trump wasn't even looking at 99% of the crowd, at that second.

School children have been getting nailed by these same rounds for over 20 years and their injuries are described as horrifically gruesome. Trump gets a scratch in comparison.

Sounds legit.

Constant Gardener

Compare the behavior of: 1) the Secret Service and 2) The intended victim/target of the assassin - by watching this 40 plus year old video of RAWHIDE (the SS callsign for Prez Reagan) when he got thrown violently and quickly into his armoured limousine after he was shot by Hinckley.

The SS does a lot more than just offer blanket protection for Presidents - but the behavior of the SS last Saturday, keeping Trump in the target zone for nearly 2 minutes on that stage so he could put his shoes on and then fist pump and mouth his exortations - while supposedly not knowing if there was more than 1 active shooter - is an indicator that something is amiss with this entire situation.

The SS fucked up bigtime in 1963 in Dallas and then again July 13, 2024. On purpose or simply because they are Asleep-at-the-Wheel Buffoons?

Reagan was bruised up by the actions of the Secret Service throwing him away from ANY and ALL shooters as quickly as possible. And then Reagan didn't use the shooting to try to grift donations from his GOP base in the days and weeks afterwards. Nor did he and his campaign staff attempt to use repeated showings of the available footage in his 1983/84 campaign video advertisements - as the current Dictator in Chief is doing now.

Constant Gardener

The same people decrying Project 2025 are those who insisted on wearing facemasks for 3 years while sitting alone and WOKE in their cars while driving.

An actual comment/meme I saw on facebook yesterday - posted by my 26 year old MAGA niece in redneckville Missouri.

Constant Gardener

The polarization started in 1985 when the Reagan administration did away with the Fairness Doctrine - which enabled the rise of the FOX Network by Ailes. They brag about this 'accomplishment' on Reagan's official website:

This enabled the shitshow that Fox news has evolved into. You say it started in the mid 90s? You fail to remember the Starr investigation into Bill Clinton's behavior in 1991 after he was elected to office - he was badgered for the entirety of his 8 years in office - and Fox broadcast everything he did they disagreed with and they invented BULLSHIT he had nothing to do with to paint him AND Hillary as liberal devils.

Rush Limbaugh rose to prominence on Talk Radio during this timeframe and nobody swung more public clout than that nasty SOB.

Democrats were on the defensive all the time to the point where they failed to be able to go on the offensive at all. Newt Gingrich in the 1994 election year came rolling into power with lies and bullshit which was promoted daily on Fox Noise.

Constant Gardener

Quote by dannig

I really don't get why the Democrats keep sabotaging themselves by focusing on that stupid debate and still keep asking him to drop out.

If we have learned one thing since Trump showed up, you have to leave those things behind. If Trump can get away with all the shit he pulls, Biden should easily be able to brush off that debate performance.

I like Kamala, but it's too late, they should have tried to push her two years ago to make this happen.

Biden needs a win, some sort of game-changer to turn this shitshow around.

The other guy sowed chaos on a daily basis when he was in office. Lies flowed from his lips about everything. He was the greatest in the world of doing everything for everyone, some say. He failed to deliver on anything sensible - didn't pull the US out of Afghanistan over 4 years, increased drone useage levels over that of the Obama years, more soldiers died doing their jobs - than have under Biden - 65 to 16 is the score on that point.

He created further division between the far right and everyone else who don't identify as racists, misogynists or selfish/greedy borderline criminals. And then he tried to overthrow a fair election and our current form of government when he got his ass kicked in the 2020 election. January 6th and his involvement/instigation should disqualify him from holding even a mayorship in any small redneck town in a red state.

Biden/Harris - should run on their fantastic record of achievements for ALL Americans. I'm not going to type a wall of text reflecting those accomplishments, it's easy to look them all up elsewhere. Biden has restored dignity and diplomacy while strengthening our NATO partnerships - Trump wants to let the dictators of the world - start wars of aggression (he held Ukraine hostage for months prior to the Russian invasion in Feb 2022 - and if elected - Ukraine will be swallowed up whole).

Now is Kamala's turn to take the reigns (and the war che$t of donations already accrued by Biden) - she's the Veep and the most logical choice to combat the wombat in November. She'd wipe the floor with him and the Harvard Hillbilly. She simply needs a strong VP choice of her own, to help.

The shitshow lasted from 2017 to 2021 culminating in the most embarrassing and violent attempt at a coup de'tat in American history.

Constant Gardener

Quote by Magical_felix

Did you see them chanting FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT while pumping their fists at the RNC? Looking like Nazis for real.

The only items missing were the mosquito repellent tiki torches as seen in Charlottesville.

Constant Gardener

This wasn't a Sirhan Sirhan style of murder attempt. This was an uber staged secret service special, made for TV and slow motion replays.

I've seen fishermen accidentally hook themselves in their ears while casting multi treble hooked lures - which looked more gnarly than the cut on Trumplets ear.

Constant Gardener

It's a walk in the park to stand up on a stage and spew lies and hyperbole - Trump got away with doing just that on debate night. Nobody is holding his feet to the fire for the 30 plus lies he proclaimed.

But, but... her emails. ad nauseum

Constant Gardener

Here's a conspiracy occurring right in front of our eyes. From the liars aboard SCOTUS.

Five of the six justices who ruled that Trump has absolute immunity for “core” presidential duties sung a different tune at their confirmation hearings.

Collective amnesia seems to have struck the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, especially around the question: Is the president above the law?

Five of the six conservative justices who ruled to give the president absolute immunity for “core” presidential duties seem to have made contradictory statements during their Senate confirmation hearings.

“No man is above the law,” Neil Gorsuch told Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) during his confirmation hearing in 2017.

Gorsuch even doubled down, calling the court’s landmark 1952 decision in Youngstown v. Sawyer, which reigned in presidential authority, a “brilliant opinion.”

Similarly, Brett Kavanaugh told the Senate that “no one is above the law” during his 2018 confirmation hearing, according to CNN. Amy Coney Barrett concurred during her hearing, but like Kavanaugh, obfuscated on presidential pardons, according to The New York Times.

“That question may or may not arise, but that is one that calls for legal analysis of what the scope of the pardon power is,” Barrett told the Senate on the extent of the presidential pardon.

Kavanaugh told the Senate, “The question of self pardons is something I have never analyzed.”

In Samuel Alito’s confirmation hearing he told the senate that “no president, Democratic or Republican, no president is above the law, as neither are you, nor I, nor anyone in this room.”

Alito also praised the Youngstown ruling, adding that during Watergate it was “the responsibility of the judiciary to hold fast,” in forcing President Nixon to abide by subpoenas.

Chief Justice John Roberts concurred, citing Youngstown as binding the president to the law.

“Senator, I believe that no one is above the law under our system, and that includes the president,” he said in his 2005 confirmation hearing. “The president is fully bound by the law, the Constitution and statutes. Now, there often arise issues where there’s a conflict between the Legislature and the Executive over an exercise of Executive authority, asserted Executive authority. The framework for analyzing that is in the Youngstown Sheet and Tube case, the famous case coming out of President Truman’s seizure of the steel mills.”

Presidential pardons, Youngstown and presidential immunity were not discussed in Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearing.

Constant Gardener

Now that the Supreme Court has made any president into a king who chooses to corruptly use the power granted them by six Republicans on the Supreme Court, the next step will be to end all prosecution of Donald Trump, now and for forever.

Clarence Thomas — writing on behalf of the billionaires who have been bribing him, Alito, Cavanaugh, and Gorsuch — initiated the process with Friday’s “the president is a monarch” decision, reversing the Revolutionary War. He wrote in his concurring opinion:

“I write separately to highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure. In this case, the Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States. But, I am not sure that any office for the Special Counsel has been ‘established by Law,’ as the Constitution requires.

“By requiring that Congress create federal offices ‘by Law,’ the Constitution imposes an important check against the President—he cannot create offices at his pleasure. If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution. A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President.”

In other words, Jack Smith should go back to the Hague and prosecute European war criminals, because American war criminals and fascists — as long as they hold the office of the presidency or are former Republican presidents — are now officially immune.

While Thomas’ opinion isn’t entirely reflected in the larger Court’s opinion, it’s reasonable to assume it’ll be the next step once a lawsuit against Smith’s appointment reaches the “fascist six.”

As many have speculated in the past 24 hours, President Biden could use his newfound powers to order the arrest and imprisonment of those corrupt Supreme Court justices for bribery, Donald Trump for any one of the hundreds of crimes he committed while in office and afterwards, and even rightwing talk show hosts for encouraging sedition.

But he won’t. He’s a good man who believes in the America we had before six corrupt Republican Supreme Court justices changed everything. So Biden will, no doubt, continue to hold to the old laws, consequences be damned.

Donald Trump, of course, will not be so restrained. The parallels between last week’s Supreme Court decision and Germany’s Enabling Acts — which were similarly ratified by the German Supreme Court right after Hitler took power in March, 1933 — are startling.

That collection of laws ruled that whatever Hitler said in the context of an “official act” instantly became the law of the land. For all practical purposes, as the nation’s leader he became immune from prosecution under the laws that applied to every other normal German or elected politician.

In a very real sense, therefore, one could argue that the six corrupt, bought-and-paid-for Republicans on the Supreme Court just initiated the process of the Nazification of America.

By any reasonable standard, including the code of ethics by which every federal judge must live and operate, at the very least Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito should have recused themselves from this decision. Thomas‘s wife, after all, was an actual participant in the attempted overthrow of our government for which Trump is being prosecuted, and Sam Alito and his wife proudly proclaimed their loyalty to that seditious overthrow attempt by flying flags to that effect.

And, had those two not been so vociferously arguing on behalf of Trump and his fascist proclamations and crimes, it’s remotely possible that, at the least, Barrett and Roberts may not have gone along with this morally and politically criminal decision.

But the “well-bribed two,” after ruling last week that their bribes were merely “gratuities,” prevailed, and we live now in a new America that would be unrecognizable to Washington, Jefferson, Paine, Hamilton, or Adams.

It’s been said so often that it’s now almost a cliché, but it is no longer possible to even feebly deny that, of our two political parties, one is still devoted to our Founders’ ideal of a secular democratic republic and the other, the Republican Party, is fully committed to a form of government last seen on this continent in the Confederate states when they ended democracy, instituted a brutal police state, and fought a war to try to destroy democracy in the north.

It’s been often noted that this November’s election will be the most important in our history. Tragically, alongside the election of 1860, that is now irrefutably true.

If ever there was a time to volunteer with one of the many fine organizations, or join your local Democratic Party, to help encourage people to vote this fall, that time is now. It will be our last chance.

--Thomas Hartmann (The Hartmann Report)

Constant Gardener

Quote by joe71

A "bad night?" That's what you say about someone who has mental illness or the early stages of dementia. We can't afford a President who has "bad nights" when he's 81, and plans to remain in office until he's 86. God help us all.

A cold explains his hoarse throat; it does not explain a total inability to speak coherent thoughts and sentences. But your sentiment is the dominant one emerging from the party machinery and the media they control, so ...

Looks like these fucktards who run the party are going to "run this train into the wall," as Rowan put it. And Trump will win. Humanity is doomed.

I'm sure all Americans have forgotten about the 4 years of bad days and bad nights, Donald Trump unleashed upon America. His decisions during that timeframe are still haunting the USA today and will for quite some time - but that doesn't mean we have to elect him to the Presidency again.

Perhaps we just need to reacquaint ourselves with the damage this human filth unleashed on the country when he was calling the shots. (not to mention how he mishandled COVID19) -

Constant Gardener
Ex-GOP consultant makes case that Democrats should stop panicking over Biden debate performance:

Following a debate performance from President Joe Biden that failed to solidify his ability to defeat ex-President Donald Trump in November, several newspapers and Democratic leaders have called on the president to end his re-election bid — but one conservative is shutting those calls down.

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project adviser and former Republican consultant Stuart Stevens, in a Sunday op-ed published by the New York Times, argues, "For all the talk of Mr. Biden’s off night, what is lost is that Mr. Trump missed a great opportunity to reset his candidacy and greatly strengthen his position."

Stevens is baffled by many Democratic leaders' failure "to rally around a wildly successful president after one bad night."

Is this how Americans see themselves? When we watch the American flag carried at the Olympics in Paris, are we to feel ashamed, not proud?

When Ronald Reagan was president, he believed that to be born in America was to win life’s lottery. Now, in Trump’s America, are we victims, chumps, losers?

I don’t think so. Mr. Trump has difficulty expanding his base because most Americans are still proud to be Americans. Most Americans do not wake up mad at the world, fearful to go outside their homes. What is it that you are supposed to hate the most — the record-high stock market or low unemployment?

The veteran GOP consultant also argues:

The Republican Party is at war with the modern world, and it is losing.

What happened when Republicans attacked Nike for its endorsement deal with Colin Kaepernick? Nike made a fortune.

How is it possible to get in a fight with Disney, the happiness company?

This is a party that thought it was a good idea to go after Taylor Swift when it was already suffering from problems with female voters over the death of Roe. Seriously?

While Biden may have stumbled, Stuart points out that his opponent "unleashed a virulent anti-American rant," proving, "The America he lives in is a postapocalyptic hellscape of violence, with people 'dying all over the place' — more 'Mad Max' than 'morning in America.'"

Stuart emphasizes, "My one plea to my new friends abandoning Mr. Biden is simple: Suck it up and fight. It’s not supposed to be easy."

Constant Gardener

The mini-micro plastics in my blood, help the flow through the clogged arteries I've earned from 30 years of smoking weaponized cigarettes.

It's a win win win.

Free, helpful, abundant.

Constant Gardener

Quote by DanielleX

Biden needs to be replaced quickly. Some of the debate was just really uncomfortable viewing. I don't know how practical it is for the Democrats to replace him? D

Dude had a bad night. It's reported he had a head cold. The last 3.5 years have been 180 degrees better in the opposite direction than the 4 years of Trump which preceded Biden.

He's been delivering in the Presidency aspect for the last 3.5 years. Trump tried to overthrow the government and a valid election the last time he was in power.

Vote for whomever you wish.

Vote for Trump and you'll get the exactly what you want.

Vote for Biden and you'll get exactly what you don't want but will settle for because the other dude is a fucktard magnet of the 3rd order who will sell America out to the highest bidder and that president doesn't give one fuck about you or your family.