Quote by Angi
Yes, when I worked at https://tiltedkilt.com/victorville/
I don't think most of the girls had any idea I was really eyeing them!
Quote by vanessa26
Nope I had a pair of bright yellow ones on but I have several like the one in my avatar ( I buy a lot if sunglasses)
I woke up in a really good mood and just feel.super positive about life in general
Quote by vanessa26
The girl at the coffee shop screaming in my face about how she loves my sunglasses
I am doing great. Full of love for everyone. Hope you are all having beautiful lives. Big Hugs
I am doing good actually, it's a beautiful rainy day which always makes me feel relaxed and happy
This is a really sweet thread Big Hugs
I hope you are doing good ?❤️
I am doing well my lushie friends. Although the weather outside isn't cooperating, getting I hope the last snow for the season. Uggh...it's springtime, it's supposed to only rain and sunshine. Have a wonderful day to all.
I am doing good. Had a rough couple of weeks but it turned out for the better. Tomorrow is the start of my final exams...feeling a little stressed (wish me luck) and also getting close to finishing school as off next Friday.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend ?
Quote by sprite
this is a really great thread, Tristan. *hugs* as for being ok, lol. umm... with me, that's a loaded question.i hope that you are ok, too.
I'm ok, thanks for asking.
Just tired after a long, busy week.
How about you?
I'm better now. TGIF, right? Thanks for this thread and listening (reading).
The past four days have been full of "immediate attention" status. Work had me feeling out of sorts, even after work hours.
So, how has your week been?
People don't ask this question as much as they should, to themselves or to others. So, thank you.
My normal answer for someone I don't really know? I'm making it. I'll be fine. Or, my favorite: I need sleep. lol
My real answer? Nah. But I will be.
Quote by Beffer
No, my sinus cold seems to be relapsing. Thought I was finally getting over it, then I wake up in the middle of the night coughing, so I snuck out of bed so I wouldn't wake Seth up, and now he woke up missing me, and keeps bringing me stuff - my pillow, my Vicks... offering to set up the vaporizer for me, and I just want him to go back to bed and stop worrying about me so he won't be a sleepless wreck today too... Ugghhh, I HATE being sick!!