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Over 90 days ago
Straight Cis Male, 34
0 miles · Toronto


Anyone here fascinated or curious by occult practices such as Tarot and Astrology? Have you ever tried casting a spell? Would you ever try witchcraft?
Quote by Bria_xoxo
I became an Aunt this morning, mom and baby did great dad not so much LOL. As soon as he saw the baby he passed out. The video is hysterical.

Thank you so much for the feedback, it makes me happy to hear you're enjoying them and that they're as good as they say!
Quote by amy221
This Pub section of Lush.

Heart officially warmed.

Quote by vanessa26

Nope I had a pair of bright yellow ones on but I have several like the one in my avatar ( I buy a lot if sunglasses)

I woke up in a really good mood and just feel.super positive about life in general smile

That's great, that feeling is what I live for!

I was having a pretty bland day that involved visiting family, which is often uncomfortable for me, but I had the greatest of naps and for the first time this week I feel completely rested!
I'd like to read more stories of polyamorous polycules having group sex. Something really sweet and romantic. I'd write some myself if I ever had the time.

Quote by apptobebad

There are some very hot Canadian women.

They're also pretty badass, in my experience.
So many things: the streetcar coming at just the right time, 3 times in a row. Watching a movie and spending time with friends I haven't spent time with in months. Passing my favourite musician on the street.

Quote by vanessa26
The girl at the coffee shop screaming in my face about how she loves my sunglasses

If they're anything like the ones in your display picture: ditto.
A quick icebreaker game. Which of these turns you on? Respond to each subject listed with either "Turn-on", "Turn-off", "Neither," or "Depends".

1. High heels
2. Dick Pics
3. Bromances
4. Poetry
6. Game of Thrones
7. Cuddling
8. Sarcastic & Cynical Humour
9. Motorcycles
10. Musical Virtuosity
11. Yourself
12. Short Skirts
13. Classical Erotic Art Pieces
14. Emotional Sensitivity
15. Tattoos
16. Scars
17. Social Awkwardness
18. Star Trek Uniforms
19. Lesbian Orgies
20. My (Venutian) Profile Picture
I'm considering getting a strapless dildo as a gift for my friends and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with them or recommendations?

Quote by StephTaylor
I'm doing well but a little tired. Hope everyone else is ok?

I'm glad to hear it and I wish you a good night's rest. I'm in the same boat, life's amazing but there's no time to sleep!
I am doing great. Full of love for everyone. Hope you are all having beautiful lives. Big Hugs

I am so excited and happy to hear that! Thank you for spreading your joy.

I am doing good actually, it's a beautiful rainy day which always makes me feel relaxed and happy

This is a really sweet thread Big Hugs

I hope you are doing good ?❤️

I love the rain, especially for writing. There's a thunderstorm tonight and it's very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

I am doing well my lushie friends. Although the weather outside isn't cooperating, getting I hope the last snow for the season.'s springtime, it's supposed to only rain and sunshine. Have a wonderful day to all.

That sucks. I wish you some warm sunny weather in the near future. Thanks for replying!

I am doing good. Had a rough couple of weeks but it turned out for the better. Tomorrow is the start of my final exams...feeling a little stressed (wish me luck) and also getting close to finishing school as off next Friday.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend ?

I'm sorry things have been rough for you. I'm excited for you to be finished exams and I hope you get to relax and take it easy soon.
Quote by sprite
this is a really great thread, Tristan. *hugs* as for being ok, lol. umm... with me, that's a loaded question. smile i hope that you are ok, too.

Thank you!

It's always a loaded question because life is never as simple as 'ok' or 'not ok', but I like loaded questions and it's worth asking. I hope you're ok too, and that you pull through until the next good times.
I'm ok, thanks for asking.
Just tired after a long, busy week.
How about you?

I'm glad to hear that. I always say it's better to be too busy than not busy enough, but there's a point where being too busy actually leads to less productivity. That's what I've heard, and also what I've observed in my life and in those close to me. I hope you get a chance to do 'nothing' all day soon, I highly recommend it once in a while.

I'm better now. TGIF, right? Thanks for this thread and listening (reading).
The past four days have been full of "immediate attention" status. Work had me feeling out of sorts, even after work hours.

So, how has your week been?

TGIF if you don't work Saturday morning. Unfortunately I do!

I'm happy to listen/read, I really do want to know how you're doing! Thank you for sharing.

That sounds pretty draining. Don't you hate it when something bad or stressful happens at work, and then it ruins the rest of your day/week because you can't stop thinking about it? You should be able to bill your employer all of the hours they took away from enjoying life. I will wish for you a "zero-fucks-given" week in the near future.

As for my week... well, this is technically "Ask the Gals", but I appreciate the gesture! Shoot me a message or a friend request sometime if you want to chat.

People don't ask this question as much as they should, to themselves or to others. So, thank you.

My normal answer for someone I don't really know? I'm making it. I'll be fine. Or, my favorite: I need sleep. lol

My real answer? Nah. But I will be.

I agree, asking yourself is as important as asking someone else. It's all about being a good friend, even to yourself. I understand if you're not comfortable sharing with me. Maybe I wouldn't really comprehend your situation anyways, since I know so little about your life. But I'd be happy to try.

I wish you several amazing sleeps in your near future. It might not solve everything, but it will definitely solve something!
As a straight or gay person, have you ever met someone who made you reconsider your orientation?
Quote by Beffer
No, my sinus cold seems to be relapsing. Thought I was finally getting over it, then I wake up in the middle of the night coughing, so I snuck out of bed so I wouldn't wake Seth up, and now he woke up missing me, and keeps bringing me stuff - my pillow, my Vicks... offering to set up the vaporizer for me, and I just want him to go back to bed and stop worrying about me so he won't be a sleepless wreck today too... Ugghhh, I HATE being sick!!

It sucks being sick and knowing you can do nothing but wait it out. When I'm sick it saps my self-confidence because it's a reminder that many things in life are beyond my control. Also it sucks to feel like a burden to someone else, especially someone you care about.

I'm great.

Thank you for your offer.

Thanks for your reply!
Quote by sweet_as_candy
I'm awake at a stupid hour but apart from that I'm absolutely great thanks for asking smile

Happy to hear that!
Quote by Verena

1. I'm fine thanks.
2. Yes, the rain, April showers and it's cold, 4 degrees.
3. I don't need to talk about it, no one can control the weather.
4. I wouldn't judge you for spelling judgment-free zone without a hyphen.

Really I meant to say judgment free-zone.
How are you feeling today? Is anything upsetting you? Do you want to talk about it? This is a judgment free zone.

If you'd rather talk about it privately or with select friends, send me a friend request.