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Mysticism, Tarot, Magic

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Anyone here fascinated or curious by occult practices such as Tarot and Astrology? Have you ever tried casting a spell? Would you ever try witchcraft?
Fascinated, yes. A believer, no. They are more cultural/spiritual activities to me. So I have not actually tried any of it, at least in my modern years. I did do a bit of ouija, tarot, etc. when younger.
Quote by Venutian
Anyone here fascinated or curious by occult practices such as Tarot and Astrology? Have you ever tried casting a spell? Would you ever try witchcraft?

Wiccan since before you were born, so ... yeah. I've never actually been much for either Tarot or astrology, but other forms of divination do resonate with me. I've cast the occasional spell, but find my results unreliable; sometimes implausibly spectacular, others ... well ... not so much. If I have a problem I can't solve myself nowadays, I usually either suck it up or ask the gods for help. Of course, They aren't always inclined to help either, but sometimes They'll blow the doors off.

Like most things in life, it's a mixed bag.
The occult is curious about me! Ten years ago, a Wicca coven in Saguenay, Quebec declared me their 'Goddess Hierophant' after their High Priest became a huge fan of my Sapphic Tales series of stories (see my Rainbow Warrior photo album).
I've met with a witch/voodoo lady or whatever she was.
Quote by Beffer
The occult is curious about me! Ten years ago, a Wicca coven in Saguenay, Quebec declared me their 'Goddess Hierophant' after their High Priest became a huge fan of my Sapphic Tales series of stories (see my Rainbow Warrior photo album).

Quebec is ... weird sometimes . Though they do have good taste in women at least.6S2KhLvSb9p0Z2Jn
No. No. No. I guess that covers it all.
Quote by seeker4

Quebec is ... weird sometimes . Though they do have good taste in women at least.sXeeSKApdRISHPws

We love our neighbors to the East, but they can be a little strange, unlike us (Please don't pay any attention to the Toronto Shark Moose!).

Quote by Bunny_W

We love our neighbors to the East, but they can be a little strange, unlike us (Please don't pay any attention to the Toronto Shark Moose!).

Dear God, who summoned that up from the depths of their warped imagination? Though, as a fan of both sharks and moose, I kind of like it. I think I'm going to write it up for the next time I play Dungeons & Dragons.
All I can say, is its all real. If you shelter yourself from it, you'll be fine. But if you welcome it takes a while to get back out. Spirits are everywhere and you can use them or they can use you. Its best to shelter yourself. So many other things to waste time on.

I've never tried casting a spell, but I'm certainly curious about it! Speaking of Tarot, have you guys ever tried the "Yes or No Tarot" online? It's a quick and easy way to get some insights into your burning questions. I think you might find helpful for this purpose. I've found it to be a fun and interesting way to approach some of life's uncertainties. As for witchcraft, I have to admit, I've always been a bit intimidated by it. But I'm open-minded and willing to learn more about it. What about you guys? Would you ever consider trying it?

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post this but not sure where else it would be appropriate. It may or may not be occult related depending on your viewpoint. I'm not sure what I believe when it comes to witchcraft, ghosts, etc. but I've seen things that remind me to never rule anything out.

That being said I've had this strange phenomenon lately where this girl I knew 12 years ago I can't get out of my head. I randomly started thinking about her out of the blue and while at the time of knowing her I was friends with her but was never romantically involved at all (not saying the interest was never there as she was attractive and there was chemistry there, but she was with someone else at the time). Anyway, we've since gone our separate ways and I haven't seen or spoken to her since college "12 years". Now suddenly I have this obsession with wanting to know how she is doing and what happened to her over the years. Her only social media account is Facebook and it hasn't been active in 7 years. I even went so far as to check a "background check" site and the last thing mentioned there was 3 years ago. The more I research, the more I get this pit feeling in my stomach, almost of dread as if I'm afraid to find out what happened.
A few days ago I had a dream about her where we were talking together on a bus and I was explaining to her that I was happily married, and the moment I said that her smile faded and she turned around.

I'm trying to wrap my head around what this possibly means. Did something happen to her and she's trying to communicate with me from the other side? Maybe I'm just going crazy...

Yeah, I'm Pagan, but it's been a while. I consecrated a house a while back.