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Daughter Of Wands

"“Fuck, that’s deep!” she exclaimed, her ears between her knees."

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Author's Notes

"When Asha visits a tarot reader while holidaying in Wales, she hopes the cards will help bring perspective to her increasingly complex sex life. <p> [ADVERT] </p>But will the tarot bring her the understanding and solace she seeks, or will they tell of trouble waiting just around the corner?"

Asha had been unenthusiastic when her husband, Joel, first suggested renting a cottage in Wales. But, with overseas travel restrictions still in place, she understood that it was either three weeks in Wales or no summer holiday, and she had reluctantly agreed to go.

However, two months later, as they left London behind and headed up the M4 motorway, Asha quickly realised the holiday had been a good idea after all. Having been cooped up in the city for months, just seeing open green spaces was refreshing and energising. And once they crossed the bridge into Wales, Asha understood the enormity of the pressure she had been under as the tension slipped from her shoulders with every mile they drove through the tranquil Welsh valleys.

Although Covid vaccinations were being rolled out and the number of hospital admissions finally dropping, the staff on the ward where Asha worked as a Ward Sister had been hard-pressed for months. Asha had been working long shifts covering for absent colleagues, and the constant pressure had taken its toll. She now found it difficult to sleep at night, and her weight had crashed as she barely had time to eat. But it was Asha’s marriage that had come under the greatest strain, and her relationship with Joel had become increasingly fractious.

Asha had become resentful of Joel’s idleness as he spent his free time sitting on the balcony enjoying the sunshine when furloughed from his job in IT installations. Rather than coming home to a hot meal after a demanding shift, Asha usually found Joel in bed or asleep on the sofa, surrounded by takeaway boxes. And, instead of using the opportunity presented by his temporary redundancy to redecorate the apartment, Asha found the tired wallpaper and shabby paintwork more and more irritating as Joel kept finding excuses not to get on with the job.

Joel knew that Asha was becoming disillusioned with their marriage, but he had no idea how bad the situation had become. He trusted that things would return to normal once he returned to work and Asha’s job became less pressured, and, in due course, he hoped that starting the family they had always wanted would help fix the cracks in their marriage. But had he known that Asha had recently embarked on an affair with a doctor on her ward, he might have been less complacent about the direction in which his marriage was heading.

It hadn’t been difficult for Asha to keep the affair under wraps. A quick text telling Joel that her shift had been extended was enough to buy her the time to take a short detour on her walk home from work to enjoy an intense fuck from her lover. She knew it wasn’t fair on Joel, but the affair was a distraction from the dissatisfaction and stress she felt at work and home, and being fucked by her Polish beau made Asha feel appreciated and sexy in a way Joel no longer did.

If he had been awake and horny when Asha returned home, the affair would have been discovered when Joel slipped his dick into the other man’s sperm, pooling inside his wife’s pussy. But since Joel was seldom awake when Asha returned home, she had never been held to account for the semen dripping into her pyjamas as she joined him in bed.

When Joel wanted sex, usually on her occasional days off, Asha willingly opened her legs like a dutiful wife, agreeing with Joel how lovely it would be to hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet soon. She didn’t mind which of the two men succeeded in impregnating her as long as one of them gave her the baby she had long craved, so she was happy to accede to her husband’s advances, providing her body had had sufficient opportunity to ingest her lover’s seed first.

Asha thought she would likely leave Joel sooner or later, but she still wasn’t ready to make such a far-reaching decision. Still uncertain if she and her lover were entering a proper relationship or whether they were just using one another for easy, no-strings, stress-relieving sex, she didn’t want to be too hasty in making a decision she might later regret. But, if she did fall pregnant, her condition would become leverage if separating from Joel was what she decided to do. By the time the child was born, the divorce would be too far advanced for the baby’s paternity to become an issue, and the house would almost certainly be awarded to her by the Court should Joel refuse to go quietly.

When they arrived at the cottage, Asha resolved to use the holiday to restore some equilibrium to her life. She knew that fatigue was clouding her judgement, and she hoped that time away from London, her lover, and her job would help bring some clarity to her increasingly messy love life. Just breathing in the clean air as she climbed out of the car and looked out at the viaducts crisscrossing the lush valleys stilled her soul, and she hoped that after three weeks of rest and recuperation, she would be able to review her options with a clearer head.

She could tell Joel was as relieved to leave London as she was. As soon as they unloaded the car and unpacked their cases, he suggested they go upstairs, much to Asha’s surprise and delight. It was over thirty-six hours since her lover had grunted a load into her, so Asha was happy to lead her husband upstairs, swinging her hips seductively, confident that Joel wouldn’t receive a nasty surprise if he went down on her. She didn’t expect her husband to give her the rough, dominant fucking her lover did, but if he pulled out all the stops, he might still make things fun.

But whether it was being on holiday, finally having quality time together, or the romantic surroundings of the cottage, sex with Joel was incredible! As he urgently pushed her onto the bed, tugging down her short denim skirt and pulling off her panties, the look on his face was one Asha hadn’t seen for a long time. Consumed by lust for his wife’s semi-naked body, he seemingly couldn’t wait to crawl between her open legs to use his tongue and fingers to pleasure her in a way he hadn’t for months.

The spontaneity of their lovemaking was every bit as thrilling as the guilty pleasure Asha felt with her lover’s dick inside her, and knowing that Joel couldn’t even wait for her to shower first made her feel sexy and irresistible. Unsurprisingly, when he began finger-fucking her with his two middle fingers as his tongue spelt out the alphabet on her clit, Asha succumbed to the first leg-trembling orgasm her husband had induced in months.

When Joel emerged from between Asha’s legs, his face smeared in her thick, glistening juices, she quickly sat up and pulled off her vest top. Reaching behind her back, she unhooked her bra. Then, reclining, Asha spread her legs to welcome him inside her, kissing him as he pinned her arms behind her head and began thrusting into her pussy. The taste of her fluids on Joel’s lips was incredibly arousing, and she hooked her legs around his back, gripping him tightly and pulling him close.

“Fuck me,” Asha whispered, urging him deeper, “and cum deep inside me!”

Joel realised why Asha wanted him to cum inside and briefly withdrew, grabbing a pillow to put under her hips before grabbing the root of his cock and thrusting into her again, this time kneeling upright and hugging her thighs for extra purchase as he resumed his metronomic lunges.

“Mmm, yes, knock me up,” Asha grinned, spurring her husband on. “And keep me plugged until your babies are safely inside my womb.”

Joel placed Asha’s legs on either shoulder and as he leaned forward again, bending her double, Asha felt his tip pressing firmly on her cervix.

“Fuck, that’s deep!” she exclaimed, her ears between her knees.

Asha loved being deeply pounded, relishing the sound of Joel’s hips slapping on her upper thighs, but it was the desperate longing on his face that turned her on most. When she saw his eyes close and his face crumple, she cradled his chin in her hands as his thrusts slowed to the tell-tale jerks of a man in mid-release.

“Yes, fill me up,” Asha urged, gently stroking his anguished face and short blond hair.

With Joel trembling between her legs, moaning softly as his cock continued to dribble the last of his pent-up semen into her, Asha counted back the days to her last period. She realised she must be ovulating, and with her lover’s sperm already deep inside her, she guessed that Joel’s cum would double her chance of getting pregnant.

When he was finally spent, Joel didn’t withdraw but knelt up, allowing Asha to remove her legs from his shoulders, but she kept her knees bent and her hips raised on the pillow as Joel leaned in to kiss her, his cock dribbling his final drops onto her cervix.

Asha bit her bottom lip and grinned as she eventually felt Joel’s cock soften inside her. “When you pull out, pass me my wand,” she told him. “It’s in that drawer. We can go again in a minute, but let me make myself cum again while you get hard.”

Asha had never used her wand in front of Joel before. He knew that she had one and that she occasionally used it when he was out, but it was exciting to allow him to watch her openly pleasuring herself with it for the first time.

Joel sat at the end of the bed as Asha switched on the toy, its bulbous head quietly buzzing in her hand as she lay back to give her body the best chance to absorb his cum. Apart from a trace where he had withdrawn, it seemed that Asha had managed to hold onto his seed, and he hoped that her impending climax would further assist in her impregnation.

“Mmm,” Asha purred as she stroked her pubis with the wand, “we should play with this together. I’m sure you’d enjoy me using it on your cock and balls.”

Joel felt a twinge in his flaccid cock as he considered the idea, but as Asha moved the wand towards her vulva, he had even more arousing images to occupy his thoughts. He could see that Asha had the wand on a high setting from the way the tops of her thighs rippled when the wand lightly stroked them. And the delicious sound as the toy spread Asha’s wetness over her pussy soon restored life to his eager cock.

It would typically take more than the pulse of the wand to make Asha cum, but in her already heightened state and in the knowledge that she had a pre-loaded pussy, she knew that this time, the toy alone would be enough to push her over the edge.

Seeing Joel between the ‘V’ of her open legs, stroking himself while staring lustfully at his wife’s enthusiastic self-pleasuring, appealed to Asha’s fragile sense of self-worth. Having felt neglected, under-appreciated, and taken for granted for months, knowing that she could still hold her husband rapt simply by masturbating in front of him was exciting and validating, so she decided to turn things up a notch.

“Come and suck my tits,” she ordered, firmly squeezing her left breast.

As Joel rose to his knees and shuffled along the bed, Asha saw that her husband was now fully erect. She looked forward to having his dick inside her again soon, but first, she needed to finish herself off.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” Asha cried as Joel lay on his side, groping one breast as he took the other’s thick dark nipple into his mouth, pressing his face hard to her chest as he gently sucked and nibbled on her firm teat. “God, that feels so good,” she continued as her climax approached. “Fuck! I’m going to cum soon.”

Asha imagined what it would be like to be fucked once she became pregnant, and she wondered if Joel would be as keen to suck her tits once they began to swell and lactate. The thought of Joel sucking on her milky breasts was enough to bring about her climax, and her mind was soon consumed by the exquisite sensations emanating from between her legs as her finish took hold.

“Oh, Jesus!” Asha cried as her hips bucked to meet the firm pulses of the wand, and her orgasm intensified. She could feel her muscles contracting wildly and hoped that each spasm was drawing Joel’s sperm deeper. As she began to squirm more vigorously, Asha threw the wand onto the bed, relying on her fingers to educe further pleasure from her throbbing clit before sinking back on the bed, apparently exhausted.

But as he lay beside his panting wife and turned to kiss her, Joel was taken by surprise. Asha rolled off the pillow, quickly straddled him and guided his cock inside her before he could respond. Asha pinned his arms on either side of his head and thrust her breasts forward, keeping them tantalisingly out of reach of Joel’s lips as her long raven hair dropped onto his face.

“I’m ovulating, so give me a second load,” Asha ordered, beginning to ride Joel and feeling his hips rise to meet her as she found her rhythm. “I want to return to London with a very special souvenir of our trip to Wales.”

Keeping his hands pinned down, Asha leaned in and kissed Joel deeply, her tongue probing inside his mouth as her hips ground roughly on his pubis. Sometimes, she sucked his lower lip into her mouth; others, she leaned in and whispered dirty talk into his ear. Unsurprisingly, when Asha finally released Joel’s hands, he was desperate to cum.

“Oh, God! I’m going to finish soon,” he announced, holding his wife’s slim hips steady while firmly thrusting into her from below.

Asha began whipping her head left and right, her thick, black hair lashing Joel’s face as his thrusts slowed and his breathing became more erratic. Eventually, with a furious upward lunge, he dumped the first of several ropes into Asha as she closed her eyes to savour the warm feeling of a second cum-load in half an hour flooding her pussy.

“Wait,” she said as Joel stopped thrusting and made to pull out. “Let me squeeze the last drops from your dick first.”

Asha knelt upright with her hands on Joel’s chest, then gripping his cock firmly inside her, she began slowly riding him again, milking the final drops from his tip until she felt him soften inside her.

Eventually, with Joel once more spent, Asha quickly rolled back onto the pillow and reclined, pulling back her knees with her hands. A quick finger-swipe of her gaping pussy revealed that not a drop of Joel’s cum had leaked out.


After three days in the Welsh village and with several equally enjoyable fucks under her belt, Asha was beginning to feel a contentedness that she hadn’t experienced for a long time. Although it was much too early to end her affair and fully recommit to her husband, she felt her marriage had quickly moved from being in a ‘Critical’ condition to merely a ‘Serious’ one.

With his bad habits broken by being away from London, Asha began to remember what had attracted her to Joel when they had first met five years earlier, and she liked that he seemed to be making an effort. If he could keep it up, they might have a future together after all.

It was a warm but overcast day, and Asha and Joel decided to go to a craft fair, which, due to Covid, was being held outdoors on the village green. The weather didn’t look promising, but they figured they could quickly return to the cottage or go to the local pub for lunch if it began to rain heavily.

The craft fair was busy, and there was a wide range of stalls selling everything from pottery and paintings to local foods. People had travelled from nearby villages, seemingly keen to attend one of the first public events in the area for months, and the gathering had a celebratory atmosphere.

Asha took Joel’s arm as they slowly wandered between the stalls. She knew that many of the artisans and craftspeople would have been hard-hit by the pandemic and felt guilty that she couldn’t afford to buy something from all of them.

Eventually, Joel led her to a stall where an old man was carving a piece of wood with what appeared to be a small pocket knife. Surrounding him was a wide selection of polished wooden spoons, each carved with intricate designs along their broad, flat handles.

Asha became animated as she read the information on the table. “They’re Welsh Love Spoons!” she cried excitedly.

“That’s right,” the stallholder smiled, briefly looking up from his work. “All hand-carved, unlike the tat in the Cardiff gift shops.”

Asha read aloud, “‘From the Seventeenth Century, a young man would carve a spoon from a single piece of wood and give it to his beloved as a symbol of his eternal love’. Oh, that’s so romantic!” She began picking some up and looking at them closely, particularly intrigued by a large, square spoon with three protruding bowls.

“All the designs have a different meaning,” the stallholder explained in his sing-song Welsh accent. Seeing the spoon that Asha held, he nodded towards it. “For some men, the number of bowls he carved into a spoon was his hope for that number of children, should the young lady agree to be his wife.”

Asha gripped the three-bowled spoon even more tightly.

“Would you like me to buy you one?” Joel asked, unused to seeing his wife so enthused over such a mundane object.

“Will you? Thank you, Joel. I want this one,” she replied, handing him the three-bowled spoon. “It will look lovely hanging in our kitchen.”

Joel took the spoon and handed it to the stallholder for him to wrap while Asha moved on to the next stall. When Joel caught up with her, she was standing outside a small tent. Outside was a sign saying ‘Tarot Readings’.

“Shall we? It’s ten pounds,” Asha asked.

“You know I don’t believe in that nonsense,” Joel replied, “but you go ahead.” He took the money from his wallet and handed it to Asha.

Asha was as sceptical of fortune tellers as Joel, but feeling she had reached a crossroads in her life, she was receptive to any advice, even if it came from a pack of cards. She was intrigued to know if the cards suggested a particular path to follow in her complex relationships, and she was particularly keen to find out if they indicated the arrival of a baby in the near future.

The tent flap was open, so Asha called inside. “Hello?”

“Come in, lovely,” a voice replied. “Close the flap behind you.”

When Asha climbed into the low tent, she was slightly disappointed. She had hoped it would be decorated to look mystical and ornate, but all it contained was two cushions with a low table in between. A deck of tarot cards was on the table, and a stout, forty-something woman in a Gipsy skirt sat cross-legged on one of the cushions. Beside her, a Welsh Terrier sat patiently, seemingly just as pleased to see a customer as the woman was.

“Sit down,” the woman said, gesturing towards the cushion.

Asha looked at the woman as she shuffled the deck of cards. With her shoulder-length black hair, tattoos and piercings, she looked more like a refugee from the Glastonbury Festival than a woman who could give her any clear insight into her future. However, once she had paid her money, Asha sat and awaited her reading.

“I’m not Mystic Meg, I know,” the woman said as if reading Asha’s thoughts, “and the cards won’t tell you your future. But they will tell you your priorities and how you can address them. Does that sound okay?”

Asha nodded her assent.

“I use the Wild Unknown deck,” the woman continued. “These are more challenging cards to read, but even a simple three-card spread will leave you with more than enough to think about.

“This spread asks you to pick ‘Embrace, Erase, and Face’ cards. The first card represents something you need to embrace in your life. You must make room for the energy the card emits, welcoming its presence in your life.

“The second card challenges you to reject something holding you back. Whether it is a relationship, a habit, or a life goal, you must erase it to find the happiness you seek.

“The third card prompts you towards what you must face if you are to grow. Acknowledging its power will set you on the road towards fulfilment.”

Asha nodded, although the woman’s words made little sense. She hoped her explanation of her cards’ meaning would be more straightforward.

The woman set down the deck at one end of the table and expertly spread the cards evenly with one long sweep of her palm. “Choose your first card and lay it in front of you,” she said.

Asha chose a card from the centre of the deck.

“Two more,” the woman ordered.

Asha picked another card, setting it down before her. The dog looked on curiously, but when Asha laid down her third card, he whined and pressed his head on the woman’s leg.

The woman suddenly became agitated. “The Son and Daughter of Wands together!” she exclaimed. “That is very unusual in the same spread. And with the Daughter of Pentacles in the middle, it may take me a moment to read what message the cards are sending you.”

Asha became slightly worried as the woman looked from one card to another, seemingly uncertain about what to read into them. Even the dog looked uneasy, curling up in the woman’s lap but showing no sign of settling.

After a long pause, the woman spoke. “So,” she began tentatively, “the Son of Wands is the card you must embrace. Wands is a suit governed by the element of fire, a suit that speaks of your passions and desires. It tells you not to be afraid that others are drawn towards you. Embrace the wildfire this card represents. Allow it to burn inside you, and do not be tempted to quell the flames.”

Asha immediately felt guilty that her lover, not Joel, jumped into her mind at the woman’s words.

“The Daughter of Pentacles speaks of what you must erase,” the woman continued, moving on to the next card. “This card asks you to let go of your naivety, to have confidence in your skills and ability to earn money and build a home. The Daughter of Pentacles is shy; you must lose your inhibitions and embrace what your future holds.”

Asha’s guilt became even more firmly entrenched. For months, she had considered whether or not she should leave Joel but had worried that she wouldn’t be able to cope, especially if she had a baby on the way. Now, the cards seemed to suggest that she should jettison such concerns and take the step she had most feared. She awaited the third card’s meaning with trepidation.

“The Daughter of Wands is creative, but she needs to be nurtured to develop her gifts,” the woman began. “This card tells of a woman undergoing a sexual and spiritual awakening. It tells you to say yes to new adventures but to acknowledge that you still have much to learn. You must face the barriers that hold you back and embrace those around you who support your creative, spiritual, and sexual development.”

Asha thought this card was more ambiguous and asked if the three cards drawn together had significance beyond each card’s individual meaning.

“Oh, yes,” the woman replied with certainty. “Together, these cards indicate an approaching storm; indeed, the clouds gather even as we speak. But the cards have shown you how to navigate the storm and arrive on peaceful shores. If you heed their message, you will emerge stronger and more fulfilled than ever.”

“But how?” Asha pleaded. “It’s all so vague.”

“Accept the energy of the cards, then you will recognise what you must do. But I can do a five-card spread if you like; that might give you more information. It will be another ten pounds.”

Asha declined, but she thanked the woman as she left the tent. As she stepped outside, the sky blackened, and the first raindrops began to fall. She found Joel at a nearby stall under a small umbrella.

“What’s the matter, Ash? You look like you’ve seen a ghost! You didn’t draw the Death card, did you?” he joked.

Asha gave him a weak smile. “No, it’s fine,” she replied. “I guess these things just make you think.”

Joel passed her the umbrella. “Come on, why don’t we have a late lunch in the pub? This rain looks like it will get worse before it gets better.”

After her tarot reading, Asha felt like she needed a drink, and with the unrelenting rain falling heavily, one drink turned into four as she and Joel finished lunch and then put off the walk home. By the time they returned to the cottage, they were soaking wet and merry, and Asha had all but forgotten the fortune teller’s warning.

“Well, I suppose we’re allowed at least one afternoon on the lash when on holiday,” Joel said, switching on the kitchen light and untying his sodden canvas trainers as they walked into the gloomy cottage. “And our drenching serves us right for packing summer clothes for a holiday in Wales. We should have known better.”

“Yes,” Asha agreed, slipping off her sandals and rubbing wet grass from her feet, “Let’s get out of these wet clothes before we catch our deaths.”

“Mmm, let me check you out first,” Joel said, his admiring gaze fixed on the thin white crop top sticking to Asha’s dark, damp skin, the item’s newfound transparency revealing the lace bra beneath. He moved towards her and put his hands on her hips, pulling her close. “You know, I don’t think you should walk all that wet grass through the cottage - do you? And if we take our wet clothes off here, we can put them straight into the washing machine.”

Asha groped his bum. “You’re in a dirty mood again,” she replied excitedly, kissing her husband before pressing her cheek to his. “So, why don’t you undress me and fuck me here, on the kitchen table?” she whispered breathlessly in his ear. “It’s eight hours since you last bred me, and my pussy’s hungry for a fresh load of your thick, creamy sperm.” Pulling away, she looked Joel in the eye, raising her brows suggestively.

“Mmm,” he replied with a grin. “Since when did my wife become so insatiable?”

Asha blushed. If Joel had seen her bent over the sofa, her skirt around her waist and her lover’s thumb wedged inside her arsehole as he fucked her only a few days earlier, he wouldn’t have been so surprised.

“But I’d better shut the blinds,” Joel continued. “That cottage up the hill overlooks ours, and the people there can see everything.”

Asha suddenly remembered the cards’ message, saying she should lose her inhibitions. “No,” Asha said, grabbing his arm as he turned towards the window, “nobody will look, but if they do, I hope they enjoy it. Being watched could be fun.”

Joel didn’t look sure, but as his wife wrapped her arms around his waist and moved in to kiss him, he realised further protest was futile. After one glance over his shoulder at the darkened cottage, he guessed it was safe to continue and pulled the crop top over Asha’s head, throwing it on the floor beside the washing machine. He reached behind her back and, after a moment’s fumbling, unhooked her bra. Asha removed it and threw it next to the crop top. With her tiny denim shorts and panties similarly discarded, she dropped to her knees and pulled down Joel’s wet shorts and trunks in one movement.

“It’s not only me who’s insatiable, it seems,” Asha said as his cock sprang from his trunks, a string of silvery precum swinging from its tip.

Joel stepped out of the wet items and kicked them across the floor towards the washing machine, simultaneously removing his T-shirt. He perched on the edge of the kitchen table, his hands gripping it firmly and his legs spread. Asha knelt and took his dick in her hand, milking further drops of clear fluid from the tip before pulling back the foreskin, wrapping her crimson lips around the glans, and sucking deeply.

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“Mmm, I love the taste of your precum,” she said as she pulled away, leaving Joel quaking with anticipation. “But make sure you save the main course for that cum-hungry pussy of mine.”

Asha went down on him again. As her head bobbed on Joel’s straining dick, his hands now gripping her wet hair tightly, she moved one hand between his legs, cupping his balls. Although he gently moaned as she squeezed him, Joel didn’t show any immediate signs of cumming, so emboldened by several gin and tonics, Asha decided to try something new. Releasing his cock and balls, she pulled Joel’s hips forward. Again, he gripped the tabletop as Asha nudged his legs wider and put her middle finger into her mouth.

“Relax,” she told him as she held up her glistening finger, “just enjoy it.”

As Asha took his dick into her mouth again, Joel felt her fingertip wiggling on his anus. “Oh, fuck!” he cried as his wife slowly eased herself inside to the knuckle.

Asha curled her finger and began to massage Joel’s prostate. She could tell that he was experiencing the same juxtaposition of pleasure and discomfort that she had experienced when her lover had first anally penetrated her. However, as he relaxed, allowing her finger to move more freely, it became evident that he was enjoying it rather too much.

“Oh, God, Ash. If you carry on doing that, I’m going to cum.”

Determined not to allow her husband to cum anywhere but her pussy, Asha eased her finger out and pulled her mouth off his cock.

“I’ve read that a prostate massage makes a man cum more heavily,” Asha said with a grin. “Let’s see if it’s true.” She rose to her feet and moved around the table. Opening her legs wide and pivoting at the waist, Asha reached forward and grabbed the opposite edge of the tabletop, resting her breasts on the flat surface. Taking his cue, Joel moved behind her and eased his tip into his wife from behind.

“Christ!” Asha gasped as she felt her husband slowly fill her up.

Now facing the window, Joel glanced out to check nobody was watching from the cottage. The lights were still off, so he guessed the residents must be out. Turning his attention back to his wife, he gripped her hips and began thrusting hard into her, chasing the orgasm he had come so close to reaching only moments before.

“Harder,” Asha cried, moving one hand between her legs to massage her clit. “You’re hitting my sweet spot. Keep fucking me like that, and you’ll make me cum!”

Joel hoped he could last long enough for them to achieve a simultaneous orgasm. After his prostate massage, it felt like he had an unexpelled load already waiting at the base of his cock, and he knew the rest of his cum would soon join it for a huge climax. He fucked Asha hard and rhythmically, relishing the loud, wet slapping sounds as he roughly cleaved her.

“Yes, I’m cumming!” Asha yelled as her orgasm quickly consumed her. She drew her legs backwards as she thrashed on the tabletop, allowing Joel to grip her calves for extra purchase as he soon joined her in orgasmic rapture.

“Gnn!” he grunted as his cock released his cum into Asha in a long, thick stream, his prostate throbbing as he enjoyed the most protracted and intense orgasm Asha had ever given him. With each thrust, Joel felt his urethra fill with another thick load, and his glans tighten as he squirted each rope into his trembling, gasping wife.

“Oh, fuck, that was intense!” he said as his crisis finally abated.”

As Joel softened inside her, Asha pulled her hand away from her over-stimulated pussy and gripped the edge of the table again. Eventually, Joel slipped out involuntarily, pleased to note that most of his mess had remained inside Asha’s gaping pussy.

But a moment later, Asha began to wriggle uncomfortably on the table. “Fuck, nooo!” she cried, her face straining in desperation as her pussy loudly queefed two hundred million sperm cells onto the cottage kitchen’s cold stone floor.


Unseen in the cottage up the hill, a third person was also in the throes of orgasm, masturbating as she watched the young couple fucking from the window of her darkened room. With her fingers urgently flicking her clitoris, the woman gasped at the searing sensations emanating from her pierced organ as she watched the man eventually pull out and inspect the mess dripping from his wife.

And the woman felt her pussy become extra-sensitive when she saw the young Indian woman lie back on the table and open her legs wide towards the window as if inviting her to admire the pool of thick semen dripping from between her gaping, dark labia.

As her climax subsided, the woman caught her breath for a moment before pulling down the long Gipsy skirt bunched around her waist. Wiping her damp fingers on the fabric, she addressed the small Welsh Terrier lying in a basket by the door.

“We haven’t seen the last of that one, Bryn,” she said, standing to pull up her panties. “Oh, no! She’ll be knocking on our door very soon; you mark my words, my lovely.”


Asha initially put the vivid dream down to the high-quality sleep she had enjoyed since arriving in Wales. After months of catnaps and restless nights, the fresh air and relaxation were already doing her a world of good, and she hoped that by the end of her holiday, she would have established a much more settled sleep pattern. Weird dreams, Asha told herself, were a positive sign she was adjusting to the absence of stress hormones as her mind and body finally began to unwind. And given the amount of fucking that she and Joel had engaged in since their arrival, it was hardly surprising that her dream had been a bit racy.

However, when Asha had the same dream the following night and again the night after, she wondered if it was more significant than she had initially assumed. Unfortunately, the nature of the dream meant she couldn’t discuss it in detail with Joel, although she did mention it to him over breakfast.

“Think about your brain as a computer,” Joel responded sagely. “Every night as you sleep, it backs itself up, defragments, and puts your thoughts, experiences, and feelings into folders, deleting the unimportant ones. You’ve not been sleeping well for months, so now it’s all happening simultaneously: it’s like gigabytes of data are being crunched all at once, and the processor isn’t fast enough to cope. I’m sure the dreams will stop once you have caught up with your sleep.”

“Thanks,” Asha sarcastically replied. “I’ll take your nerdsplanation on board and keep processing.”

Joel laughed, reached over the kitchen table, and took her hand, momentarily becoming serious. “Ash, seeing how much you’ve relaxed in the past week has made it apparent how much stress you’ve been under since Covid,” he began. “It has also made me realise that I’ve not been the most supportive of husbands. I apologise, and I hope we can use the next two weeks to properly reconnect before returning home. I will try much harder, I promise.”

Asha squeezed his hand and smiled. Since her marriage seemed to be moving out of Intensive Care and into a ‘Stable’ condition, she decided that provided Joel didn’t slip back into his bad habits once they returned to London, she would give their relationship another go.

Later that morning, as she was hanging up some laundry on the line, Asha’s attention was drawn towards the cottage up the hill. Initially, she didn’t recognise the woman as she emerged from the front door and then turned to lock it, but as she started walking down the single-track road with her dog, Asha recognised her as the tarot reader.

“Good morning,” Asha called as the woman passed. She didn’t expect the woman to recognise her and was surprised when she did.

“Good morning, fy annwyl,” the woman replied. “I hope you and your husband are enjoying your holiday,” she said, stopping briefly as the dog tugged on the leash, keen to continue his walk.

“Very much so, thank you,” Asha replied.

The woman smiled knowingly. “I’m sure. Remember, if you want a second reading, I will happily do one for you. I live in the cottage by there. Just knock - I’m usually around.”

“Thank you,” Asha replied, not thinking she would accept the woman’s offer.

“Yes, when the storm strikes, you can always find shelter with us,” the fortune teller called ominously over her shoulder as she gave in to her dog’s urgent tugging and continued her walk down the hill.

Asha felt a chill shoot up her spine.


Having already decided to end her affair, Asha had expected the final pieces of her messy life to fall into place as she tried to find the peace of mind that had eluded her for months. However, as the second week of the holiday became the third, Asha’s mind was in turmoil.

The recurring dream still came to her every night, becoming more and more vivid each time it played out in her sleeping mind. But even more significantly, her period was late, which, for Asha, was highly unusual. She was usually so regular that even Joel knew when she could expect to come on, and since they had continued to have sex at least twice daily, it was only a matter of time before he noticed that there was no blood.

Asha decided she needed to find out whether or not she was pregnant, so when Joel went out for his morning run, Asha took the test she had discreetly bought from the local pharmacy into the bathroom.

The two red lines told her everything she needed to know. With her heart beating excitedly, Asha wrapped the test in toilet tissue, put it in the disposal bag and washed her hands before lying on the bed to think through her next steps.

Joel was the least of her worries. There was no reason for him to suspect that the baby’s father was anyone other than him, and he would be delighted to know that she was expecting. The only question was whether or not to inform him so early in the pregnancy. But since he would soon notice that she had missed her period, Asha decided she had no option but to tell him.

The question of whether to tell her lover was more difficult. Having already decided to end the affair, she could just leave it at that and keep news of her pregnancy from him. But she and her lover worked closely together, and it wouldn’t be long before she began to show, at which point he was sure to do the maths. Was it better to be honest with him from the start? After a few weeks, they could do a paternity test to find out for sure, but what if it showed that the child was his? Would he insist on parental rights? If so, Joel would inevitably find out.

Had she known that she and Joel would reconnect, she would never have put herself in this position. Before their holiday, Asha had assumed that her marriage was a dead duck, and she had just wanted to get pregnant before she and Joel split up. But now, with her marriage restored to a ‘Comfortable’ condition, the situation had changed entirely. Asha didn’t know how best to proceed.

As she rose and looked out the window, she saw the fortune teller walking her dog again. Asha suddenly realised this must be the storm the cards had predicted. She tried to think back to the woman’s words, desperate to remember what the cards had advised her to do, but she could only remember fragments of their guidance. However, with the foretold storm now upon her, Asha suddenly put her doubts about the cards on hold and decided that maybe she should go to the woman for a second reading after all.

Asha’s thoughts were disturbed by the sound of the latch as Joel returned from his run.

“I’m home, Ash!” he called up the stairs. Putting down his phone and keys, he climbed the stairs to find Asha lying on the bed.

“Good run?” she asked.

“Great! I wish we had hills like this in Hackney. And the fresh air is incredible!” Joel began removing his sweaty clothes.

“Why don’t you take a shower?” Asha asked. “I have a surprise for you when you come out.”

Joel grinned. “Naughty! Okay, I’ll not be long.”

When Joel returned from the shower, he was already hard in anticipation of the fuck he thought he was about to receive. Asha was a little taken aback; she hadn’t anticipated having sex with Joel, but seeing how aroused he already was, she figured she could tell him her exciting news afterwards.

As Joel lay on the bed beside his wife, Asha took his cock in her hand and began stroking it. “I’m in the mood for something a bit different,” she announced. “I want you to lie back and let me pleasure you for a change. So relax, and let me do all the work.”

Horny but weary after his run, Joel was happy to accede to his wife’s suggestion, and seeing her move towards his feet, he opened his legs wide, allowing her between them. He gasped as Asha gripped his cock firmly.

“Don’t say a word,” she ordered him. “Don’t tell me what you want or when you’re going to cum. I want complete silence until you finish. Promise?” When Joel nodded his agreement, she slowly lowered her lips onto his cock, taking every inch into her mouth and throat.

Asha began with several deep lunges, opening her mouth wide and taking his entire length before closing her lips around his root and slowly sucking upwards towards the tip to appreciative moans from Joel. Then, pulling back his foreskin, she gripped his root firmly between her thumb and forefinger, tightening the skin of his shaft and eliciting more urgent groans from her husband as her lips worked his thick white length.

Remembering what she had done a few days earlier, Asha withdrew for a moment, wet her finger, and eased it into Joel’s arse, quickly finding his prostate. She took him in her mouth again, sucking hard as she rubbed on his firm button, feeling him writhe and squirm at her ministrations.

Asha knew that Joel wouldn’t be able to last much longer, and she decided that when he came, it would be an orgasm to remember. Keeping her finger in his arsehole, she raised her mouth off Joel’s cock and put a finger to her lips, demanding his continued silence.

“I’m pregnant,” she said with a smile before returning her mouth to his cock. After a few more deep sucks, she came up for air, again putting her finger to her lips, bidding her astonished husband to remain silent for a few more moments. “So you can cum in my mouth for a change if you like?”

Joel wouldn’t have been able to find the words, even if his wife had allowed him to speak. He lay on the bed, his mind flip-flopping from Asha’s thrilling news to the exquisite sensations she was educing between his legs.

Asha kept Joel’s tip in her mouth as she simultaneously stroked his cock with one hand and pressed hard on his prostate with the other. Before long, as his hips began bucking upwards and his body twitched, Asha prepared to get a mouthful of cum.

“Urgh!” Joel cried as Asha squeezed hard on his prostate, and a long stream of spunk hosed her tonsils. Joel cried out again as a second squeeze induced another thick load, this time onto Asha’s palate.

Asha felt her mouth filling up, but Joel wasn’t finished. As she pressed on his prostate a third time, another rush of semen filled Asha’s mouth completely, forcing some to leak from the corners of her mouth and drip down Joel’s pulsing shaft.

As Joel’s crisis ebbed, Asha carefully removed her mouth and knelt upright between her husband’s open legs, cum dripping from the corners of her mouth. Joel sat up, his arms wide and his face glowing at the double delight of his powerful orgasm and Asha’s exciting news.

Asha shuffled forward into his waiting arms and locked her lips to his as their tongues met in a glorious, thick pool of warm, salty semen.


The following day, while Joel had his weekly virtual catch-up meeting with his boss, Asha silently indicated she was going to the village shop. However, rather than going down the hill, she instead took the short walk to the fortune teller’s cottage.

“Hello, Darling,” the woman said as she opened the door, trying to stop the dog from jumping up. “I knew you’d come. Would you like a cup of tea?”

Asha said she would, and the woman showed her into the lounge. The walls were adorned with mystical fantasy pictures, and the bookcase was full of tomes on mysticism, crystals, and the occult. Although many items were esoteric and strange, it was a homely room nonetheless, and Bryn, the Welsh Terrier, kept Asha company as the fortune teller fixed the tea.

“My name’s Sally,” she called through from the kitchen. “How do you take your tea?”

“I’m Ash. White, no sugar, thank you.”

Sally soon returned with the tea, and Asha asked how she knew she would call. “I read it in the tea leaves,” Sally replied mysteriously. “No, I’m only joking,” she smiled. “I just knew that after your reading at the craft fair, you would probably need more guidance before you returned home.”

“Well, you did say that I was about to go through a storm, and I think it has arrived,” Asha said grimly. “But I can’t remember what the cards advised me to do.”

“Oh, you can, my dear,” Sally replied, “just not with your conscious mind.”

Asha looked confused.

“Your mind is an amazing thing,” Sally continued. “If you embrace the cards’ energy, your subconscious can tell you what to do in many different ways. Occasionally, people have visions, others experience feelings of deja vu, and many have dreams.”

Asha put down her mug, suddenly becoming animated. “Yes, I’ve had the same dream every night since we met at the craft fair. You mean it might be connected to my reading?”

“I think it likely,” Sally said, nodding. “Oneiromancy isn’t my specialism, but I dabble. Knowing what cards you drew, I might be able to help you make sense of it, but no promises.”


“The divination of dreams to foretell the future,” Sally explained. “Your mind has reframed the cards’ message in a way that makes sense to you, and it is coming to you in the form of a dream.”

“But that’s the thing,” Asha replied, “it doesn’t make sense to me.”

“And that’s where I can maybe help,” Sally said. “I suggest that you tell me your dream and any other relevant information, and I will try to interpret it. Then, we can do another reading to see what the cards tell you now. Is that okay?”

“Yes, of course. How much..?” Asha asked, reaching for her purse.

Sally waved her hand. “Oh, no. I only charge when I do fairs, to cover the cost of my pitch. I don’t do this for money; that would be unethical.”

“Oh, thank you,” Asha replied with a smile.

“Now, tell me about your dream.”

Asha squirmed in her chair. “The thing is, there’s something I’m not proud of, but you need to know about it for the dream to make sense. Before coming to Wales, I was very overworked and stressed, and I stupidly started an affair. My husband doesn’t know about it, and I will end it when I get home, but it’s important because I’ve just found out I’m pregnant.”

“Ah, the storm,” Sally said knowingly. “And you don’t know who the father is?”

“That’s right,” Asha continued. “I hope it’s my husband, but I might never find out unless I tell my lover. I can’t ask my husband to do a paternity test, but I don’t know if I even want to tell my lover about the baby, much less ask him to be tested. I want to know whose child it is, though.”

“So, you’re uncertain which path to take and hope the cards can help? Well, let’s see. But first, tell me about your dream.”

“Okay. So, it’s late evening, and I arrive at a hotel,” Asha began. “It’s a beautiful old Tudor building, but it’s undergoing renovations: all the ceilings are propped up with scaffolding poles, and there’s a small digger in the front room.

“When I go in, there’s a child - a girl - in the hallway. She is holding the Love Spoon my husband bought for me just before I had my reading at the fair.”

“Ah, from Jones the Chisel’s stall,” Sally said, nodding. “Carry on.”

“So, I ask the child to give me my spoon, but she runs off. I follow her through a labyrinth of dark corridors but can never catch up. Eventually, she reaches a door and stops. She indicates that I should go through the door, and when I open it, she hands me my spoon.”

“And what is through the door?” Sally asked.

“My lover is in bed, and I join him.” Asha found herself blushing. “And we have sex.”

“Is the sex good?” Sally asked. “Sorry, but it might be relevant.”

“It feels pleasant but not as good as in real life,” Asha replied. “I’m clutching the Love Spoon to my chest as he fucks me, and it’s as if my mind is elsewhere. Anyway, before either of us, you know, cum, the walls collapse around us. At the end of the dream, we’re still in the room, but all the furniture is now in the middle of a desolate Welsh landscape. And then I wake up.”

“I see,” Sally said, nodding. “Is there anything else you can remember?”

“No… oh, yes! Just before I wake up, I see a figure on top of a hill, but he’s too far away, and it’s too dark for me to see who it is. I start moving towards him, holding out the spoon, but it’s then that I wake up.”

“Okay, I think I’ve got that,” Sally began. So, let’s cross-reference to your last reading. Your ‘embrace’ card told you to embrace your passions and desires and not to be concerned that others are drawn to you. In your dream, you are passionate with your lover, but that doesn’t mean he is the only one who can draw this passion from you. It just means that you are right to welcome and enjoy your sexuality and enjoy that others are attracted to you,” Sally explained.

“I have been feeling very tired, unattractive, and unappreciated lately,” Asha said.

“Precisely,” Sally replied. “The card told you to embrace that part of your character again, to enjoy your attractiveness and sexiness. Do you think you can?”

“Well, yes. I know my husband finds me sexy. Before we came here, I wasn’t too sure, but we’ve been constantly fucking since we arrived in Wales.”

“Lucky you,” Sally smiled. “Then let’s look at your second card. You were asked to erase the Daughter of Pentacles, embrace your future, and be confident in your abilities, particularly around homebuilding.

“In your dream, the building was being renovated. This is a sign that your home life hasn’t been happy lately but that you are rebuilding it to be stronger. You said that you’ve decided to leave your lover; does this mean you’re planning to build a new, stronger life together with your husband?”

“Joel and I have reconnected, and he knows he has to try harder, which he has promised to do,” Asha replied. “So, yes! That makes sense.”

“Good,” Sally continued. “Now, your ‘face’ card was the Daughter of Wands. It told you to say yes to new adventures while acknowledging that you still have much to learn. You were also told to understand the barriers that hold you back and to embrace those who support your spiritual and sexual development.”

“I think I know this one,” Asha said excitedly. “The barriers holding me back were the walls around my lover and me. In my dream, they fell, and I left him before we finished having sex. It means I should never have started an affair and should bring it to an end. I must learn from that mistake, but I can still have adventures of other sorts. I’m not sure who the stranger on the hill is, though, or the child.”

Sally smiled. “I think you’re absolutely right,” she said, “except for your last point. I think you know who the child is and why she gives you the spoon. And I don’t believe the figure on the hill is a stranger, just somebody you’ve become distanced from and now wish to return to. And it’s him that you wish to pass the Love Spoon to, not your lover.”

“Shit!” Asha cried. “So the cards were right!”

“More right than you think,” Sally continued. “Remember, the Daughter of Wands is about sexual and spiritual renewal. I think you are opening your mind to possibilities outside your previous experience and are beginning to see the world differently, accepting the power of the Universe.”

Asha wasn’t sure she’d go that far, but nonetheless, she felt she could trust the cards.

“Now, why don’t we do another reading to see if it can help with your more immediate problem,” Sally said, walking to a dresser and picking up the tarot cards. “So, you know how this works. Let’s do the same three-card spread since that worked last time.”

Sally knelt before Asha and spread the cards on a low coffee table as the dog sat down to watch. Asha took three cards, turning each over and placing them face-up on the table.

“My! This is a very different spread!” Sally said, smiling as the dog licked her hand. “You’ve drawn the Daughter of Wands again, but this time as your ‘Embrace’ card!”

“What does that mean?” Asha asked nervously.

“The card in this position reminds you of your potential to make the world better, but to do so, you must recognise and welcome your authentic self. If you embrace this card’s energy, you can be confident that your decisions are the right ones.”

“That’s good, isn’t it? But what of the other cards?” Asha asked.

“Well, the cards ask that you erase the Ace of Cups,” Sally stated. “This card signifies feeling-based experiences. The Ace of Cups is non-judgemental, letting you feel whatever you feel without considering it ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ You must reject this and do what you know to be morally right.”

“So, I’m right to give up my affair?” Asha asked.

“Only you can decide, but since you believe the affair was a mistake, I think so,” Sally replied. “But what is most interesting is that your final card is the Father of Swords. He challenges you to face up to your moral principles and to consider the facts thoroughly. It is time for you to act with authority and conviction, knowing that everything will be alright, but only if you make it so by your actions.”

“So, the cards tell me that if I reset my moral compass, act with a level head, and trust my gut feelings, everything will be okay?” Asha asked.

“Precisely,” Sally replied. “Last time, the cards warned of an oncoming storm, but this reading is much more benign.”

“But the cards can’t tell me who the father is,” Asha said. “I still have some decisions to make.”

“No, the cards can’t tell you that, but they don’t predict further confusion, so you must trust your judgement, knowing that everything will work out if you do.”

Asha breathed a sigh of relief, but Sally still looked concerned for her. “Speaking woman to woman,” she began, “is knowing who the child’s father is important?”

Asha thought about it. “I suppose I’ll know eventually. Once she’s born, there are bound to be some features that will tell me. And if I’m still unsure, I can do tests later without either man knowing. If a regular DNA test reveals strong central European markers, I’ll know the child is my lover’s.”

“So think carefully before you act. Your lover may have suspicions about the child, but what can he do? If you want to raise the child with your husband, that is your decision. As the cards said, you must do what you believe is right. But for what it’s worth, I think you make a wonderful couple,” Sally concluded.

“Thank you, but I didn’t know you’d met my husband,” Asha replied.

“I haven’t. But after the craft fair, I looked out my window and saw you both in the kitchen. I think from what I saw, that you have a great future together.”

Asha cast her mind back, trying to recall what they had done after the fair. When she remembered, she was mortified. “Oh, my God! You mean you watched…?”

“It’s a long time since my husband took me like that,” Sally said, collecting up the cards and returning them to the dresser. “Tell me, how many bowls were on the spoon you bought from Jones the Chisel?”

“Three,” Asha replied.

“Hmm, only three?” Sally said with a smirk. “I think you might need to buy another of Jones’s spoons. I don’t think three bowls will be enough for the two of you.”


Written by NishasWorld
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