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2 hours ago
Bisexual Female, 50
0 miles · Texas


Quote by Piquet
Very much so. I write so that I can create ideal worlds which can be a mental playground for anyone who cares to enter them but ultimately I write my stories to please and entertain myself.

I completely agree, most mine happen in my head, and I usually have to take breaks during the writing process, expecially the editing part (why I employ an editor). Dreams mostly either day ones or the night ones. My latest was written as I was on the elliptical machine, had to stop and type it up on my phone so i would not forget it.
Quote by a_chica
I would love to see completely anonymous scoring...

I agree, but would like comments to be made for low scores, I have pissed some one off in a chat room and they like went and gave tons of my stories a 1 with some jerky comment that had nothing to do with my story. I want constructive critiques not personal bashing.
I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me
I'm begging you to beg me

~~~Cheap Trick~~~
Happy Birthday Darlin ! ! ! ! Hope it was a wonderful Day ! ! ! ! !
To each his own....if you don't like what is going on in my life, fuck off......if you don't want me in yours have be balls to fucking tell me.
I am a princess at heart. I know I deserve to be treated as such. Took a long time for me to get to this point. That being said if you know me you know exactly how far you are ALLOWED to go with me, because I make the rules. Submissive or not, only those that I allow to treat me any different than a princess can.

I too hope even the most submissive that wants to be degraded would never ever want to be treated like shit. There is a time and a place for degrading and in general that is not being treated like shit, because you are still in control. I consider anything else abusive.
Quote by simplyjohn

Well its like one sees what is still available .. picks a number and then posts ..

lol....i kinda meant like do they do it random or by i have a set of numbers i would try first and then those are not available i choose a variation of the number like 239....since 310(my birthday), 103, or 923(my sons birthday)....

and what does (marker) by my name mean....

Thanks for doing this by the way....Huggs
Quote by Dani

If you're a bronze member, it'll say so on your profile (check your badges).

And yes, you can upgrade your membership at any time.

I think she meant as in pay the difference. I would also like to ask if I upgrade and then fail to renew do I still get the bronze membership that was gifted by the site?

Thanks for being so helpful.
Quote by nicola

We will be adding something to the welcome PM most likely, so people are aware of the various membership levels from the off.

New members have a 3 month free trial, so it shouldn't affect them. What are they moaning about?

Just the same stuff as here, no one reads the actual forum post. They claim they were hit by a train (no notice), that the charge should be per story submitted and not chat (cause this is what the site was originally for). Really really crazy stuff. It is honestly amazing that people come here only for chat and some didn't even know that stories were on the site.

In a chat room someone just stated that they joined Jan 2nd, and was not told about the membership levels. Can I suggest that somewhere on the join page this is mentioned? Just trying to keep the drama down in the chat rooms, the moaning and groaning is crazy.

Just my



PS....thanks for all the hard work on keeping this site up and running....i know it is difficult and comes at a cost (both in time and money)
Pretty Woman: Vivian Ward to Edward Lewis: Lights, Light would be good here.
Gone with the Wind: Rhett Buttler to Scarlett O'Hare: Your should be kissed and kissed often by someone that knows how.
Quote by trinket
OMG doesn't it hurt like fuck when you get it pierced though? it makes my eyes water just thinking about it. Getting my nostril pierced was bad enough

I just got my nipples done and was talking to the guy about having my hood done. He said if you have a good piercer and they know what they are doing it doesn't hurt, as there are no nerve ending in that area. The pain comes from the clamp thingy so that it is done in the correct place.

I want my belly button done, my Knight wants my tongue and hood done...but not sure what I will do next.....only time will tell...
in a whisper, in public, with his mouth so close to my ear i can feel the fire in his breath "you are MINE!"

Party Table Set

Don your gear…...

The cake is ready….

Your own special whiskey…..

All ready for movie night…..

A fort for all the girls to play in….of course you are invited….giggles

Kisses…..i love you…..

Your kitten
Quote by gav

I have added an option to use a dark theme. This will switch the transparency colour and the font colour. Any better?

Gav you are the you
Quote by SugarBaby2013
Just doesn't look good, when the transparency is changed. Guess everyone will have to go to a solid background.

I agree, but in playing with the 100% option, I noticed that I liked the white blocks around the stories/


Could you put that around the pertinent parts of the profile info, like the bio, or perhaps have a choice of color for the words. For example I have a B&W pic and if i could make my words white. has posted this added to the end of my story....

Written by TxPrincess for publication on LushStories Only! This story is protected by International Copyright Law, by the author, all rights reserved. If found posted anywhere other than with this. note attached, it has been posted without my permission.

seems a little contradictory.
Quote by gav
Ok all the holes have been plugged, there should be no SSL exclusions except for profile pages with a grooveshark player. I spoke with grooveshark today, they are aware of the issue but couldn't provide a date as to when it might be fixed.

So do i need to take my grooveshark off my profile page?
Quote by clum

Fair point. I guess there is a tab for audios because people go specifically looking for those. Do people come on specifically looking for collaboratively written stories? (Genuine question; I don't know).

I don't necessarily seek them out, however I got a notice about a story Poppet did and didn't have time to go then to read, then forgot, was in a chat room and it got mentioned "oh Poppet has a story with someone else and they were in an apartment" I am still not sure of the darn story, at least if I could go to the search and click on collaboration search Poppet, I would not have all 100+ of her stories to look thru.