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United States


Quote by seeker4
No more so than at other times of year, but definitely it happens. Back before Mrs. Seeker and I were wed, we had to sleep in separate rooms when at my family home for the holiday. My family knew full well that we were sharing a bed regularly in other locations, but I guess Mom wanted the comfortable fiction of no premarital nookie happening in our home. We used to sneak into a room together for some play. Never actually did the deed, but some heavy petting and such happened.

The same thing happened to me when I brought a girlfriend/roommate to my childhood home for the holidays. She was put in what had been my bedroom, and we so much wanted to have sex in my old bed. All we dared do was a 60-second sixty-nine, which just left us frustrated for the next two days until we could get away on our own. We almost got stuck in the snow at our local Lover's Lane, where we stopped for a desperately needed quickie on the way to pick someone up at the airport. Then we drove to the airport with the windows open despite the cold to be sure we didn't leave a scent.
For me, holidays usually involve travel, which disrupts my normal outlets for lust. Some years my partner is elsewhere, some years I'm with my partner but without opportunities, and some years I'm without a partner at the holidays.

Finding times and places for solo or joint relief can be a challenge. I've steamed up the windows of a rental car in a snowy mall parking lot more than once. You have to be careful about which websites you visit using your sister's wifi. She set the firewall to alert her if her kids look for porn.

I was reminded of the problem by this tune:
It depends on what you like to see.

Watching a woman perform fellatio on a man doesn't do much for me. I can see a woman's face and a man's genitals any time I like. (And don't get me started on the man pulling out of some delightful warm wet place in order to ejaculate on the woman's face!)

Seeing only two women means I get to see twice as much of what I like to see. Seeing only two men means there's nothing I like to see. I am willing to tolerate men in a scene, especially if they are helping the women to appear more enticing.

There are many tropes and forms and people have their preferences. Like many things, there are fads and fashions. My current annoyance is how many wonderful scenes are ruined (for me) because the participants are pretending to be related to each other. It is pervasive, so I assume many people like it, but it's a bucket of ice water in my lap.

Need I say "Different strokes"?
It seems like I'm again in danger of violating one of the rules,

Is horror not allowed in Horrorween stories?

In my story (not that I invented the idea), I wake to find a ghost having sex with me. That's prima facie , whether I resist or surrender and whether I end up being happy or upset by it. The rules preclude it whether it is a real ghost or a dream of a ghost.

Does it make any difference that the story resolves in a positive and romantic way that caused the characters to reinterpret the events?

I don't want to get banned for submitting a story that might be objectionable.
I hope and assume that we have all given and received those gentle bites on sensitive spots done with the lips over the teeth. Although prone to use the word nibble, I feel uneasy about it. It seems to me there are three variations:

• directly with teeth
• with lips over teeth
• just lips

Only the first is technically nibbling, specifically using the teeth. It has the most danger, so generally must be done cautiously.

The third may be the least common. The lack of reinforcement limits it to a delicate grasp, Providing more enfolding than a kiss and less strain than a suck, I have found it useful on the most sensitive spots at the most sensitive times. Its adjacency to kissing and sucking may mean people do it without distinguishing or naming it.

The second has the widest variety of uses. From nipping an external surface to compressing the tip of something at the entrance to gripping the last of something that has penetrated more deeply. It may be as delicate as any kiss but can range up to force stronger than you would dare apply with naked teeth since your lips cushion the effect.

My vocabulary fails me. Because I need it more often, for the second category, I tend to use teeth-based terms assuming the reader knows she wouldn’t literally chew on his cock.

Does anyone have other suggestions?
I hope you sussed out how this works by now, but will present an answer for any new authors wondering about it.

When you click Submit Story, you get a form to fill in with various information, including a place for the text of the story itself. If you click Continue at the bottom, it will show you what the story will look like. At the bottom of that view are three buttons:

Publish Story says you're completely done. A moderator will take a look at it and, if it is acceptable, it will appear on the website.

Edit Story gets you back to the form so you can continue to work on it.

Save Draft will create an entry in your My Stories list and save the current contents of the form. If you don't do this (or Publish Story) before your browser session ends, you will lose whatever work you have done.

So after editing anything using the form, be sure to click Continue at the bottom and Save Draft on the next page to preserve it for later.

Once the story is in your My Stories list, you can find it there to edit it further.

When your story is perfect, you edit it, check that you have the title, tags, one-liner, link, etc., all filled in, then click Continue, then click Publish Story. At that point, you can no longer edit it until a moderator reviews it.

The entry in My Stories may be a little confusing. Here's how you tell which is which.

A Saved Draft says No under Published, and has a title that is text, not a link. It does show a Date Submitted, but this is just the date it was saved. Saved Drafts are visible only to you.

When you Publish a story it will first say Not Verified under Published. The title will be a link, so you can see what it will look like once it is verified. Published stories are visible only to moderators until they are verified.

After a moderator has verified your story, it will say Yes under Published and will also get a Display Date saying when it will be visible on the website.
I'm getting a General Error trying to access Timeline, My Stories, Inbox, etc. It seems like this happens from time to time.

I assume I just need to wait for it to get fixed. Let me know if there's something I need to do.

It says that it sent the Lush admin an email. I hope I'm not generating too many by checking if it's working.
I have issues similar to the OP, and have applied some of the suggestions others have made.

Here is something I tell myself to allow my characters to act with less motivation and to make less obvious choices:

My characters can be less analytical, calm, considerate, fearful, etc., than I am.
My characters can be more spontaneous, insane, kinky, ignorant, etc., than I am.

When reading, I don't second-guess everything a character does.
When writing, I shouldn't have to build an iron-clad basis for each action.
This is keeping me up at night:

What is the meaning of the shading on some of the story entries?
As a noob, I'm trying to learn things. The forum search does not find many entries that do exist. (Try searching for mobile)

For what it's worth, going to google and searching mobile works.
To add my 2 bits:

I signed up on the desktop site. Later, trying to access the site from my phone, I was routed to the mobile site and its insistent demand for information. I just hope any transgender centenarians in my neighborhood don't get the wrong idea. The matching feature must be made opt-in.

I did discover, way down at the bottom of the front page, the Desktop Site link, which got me to what I expected.