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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 51
United States


Quote by myself
some really funny stuff here lol : )

I loved your reply. "Giving and receiving can be a beautiful thing even if one learned and advanced with bad experience and even if the one giving is still learning if the desire is there." Well said.
Quote by lafayettemister
Personally, I don't like having to "earn" head. If I were to go down on a lover it wouldn't be because she did something to garner my attention there. It would be because i like doing it and she likes getting it. If she hated blowing me, I'd still do her if she got off on it. If I have to mow the yard, paint the fence, change the oil in teh car to get, whatever... sooner or later the "price" for getting a bj will get more and more until it's "unaffordable". If a guy's being a dick, then he may not get any head. But in the heat of a sexual moment, why stop the fun because he isn't worth it. Of course I'm talking about a long term relationship, not just a random one night stand. That's different.

OMG, you nailed it! Why barter sex? That gets old fast and there's always someone offering discounts. That goes for both sexes. Either you want to do it or you don't. And yes, sadly external events do enter the bedroom. But if I'm too pissed to give a blowjob, why would sex be an option period? Are there levels of pissed I've missed? Is there a flow chart?
Quote by kudos
I did it! She was beautiful. I can't wait to see her again. Thanks for all your thoughts.

Congrats! Cunnilingus should be an Olympic sport!
Quote by loud_bkr
Age is just a number. If there is a connection between two people irrespective of age, I think both should explore it further.

Absolutely! It's difficult enough to find someone we connect with. Why throw age into the equation?
Thanks Sprite for explaining. I was on the verge of deleting my account when he called me stuck up. Stuck up?! Not in the least! As you said, what if (heaven forbid) we're not in front of the computer? Meanies!
Quote by Dancing_Doll

If I'm lurking/reading/posting and not interested in any contact with anyone then I am set to invisible. I know that many people don't obey this rule, but when someone is set to invisible and you notice they have just scored a story or posted in the forums (so you are aware they are probably lurking), please don't rush to IM them. Chances are they don't want to talk to anyone or don't have time to. That is why they are set to invisible! I have a handful of people that I'm ok with doing this because I'm good friends with them and because we are often all set to invisible most of the time. But for someone you don't know really well... just send a PM (that's just my opinion). I'm far more likely to respond to a proper PM than a "hey how r u?" IM. If I'm invisible, usually I'm multi-tasking so my attention is scattered as it is.

Abso-freakin'-lutely!! I set myself 'away' because I'm new here - I wanna look around, read some stories and I'm often multi-tasking as others have stated. If I have a couple of minutes, I don't mind passing a few lines on chat but it doesn't happen often. If I can't talk at all I'll give the person the courtesy of telling them I'm busy (this is if I see the window pop up). PMs work best - drop me a line.

Last week I told someone I couldn't chat and he snapped, then gave me a low score. WTH? Did I inadvertently violate some unwritten Lush rule?
Oh, I'm up for it! Someone lifted my earlier work and without the help of others I wouldn't been screwed. Creative people, published or not, have to stick together or we'll find ourselves stuffed in cubicles. *cringe*
Exactly! I wonder why more writers don't have their own place on the web.
I need your help. After looking at the links posted on this thread, a few pals and I were pretty effing disgusted. We've decided to blow this out of the water...aka launching a PR blitz on our sites, Amazon, social media, and encouraging our fans and bloggers to do the same. The more attention we garner the better.

This is where you come in. We need as much supporting info (links, names of the real authors & false if available, & so on) as you can dig up. It's difficult to ignore facts. We've also enlisted the help of our publishers (this sort of BS makes them look damn good!). Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Just read it...nice work you rabid fan!=d> Very direct - loved it!
Thanks Ellen. Based on her Amazon reviews this isn't the first time she's stolen work. She lifted another story from a guy named Sir_Nathan. She's publishing through Amazon Digital Services. It'll be interesting to see where this goes. If it'll help, I'll gather my minions to stop this person.
10 Big Myths about copyright explained by Brad Templeton is a handy post.

Hope it helps.
Quote by MorganHawke
The best way to keep a story from being stolen is to make it EXTREMELY PUBLIC who that story belongs to. For online stories, an author website -- where you keep the full collection of your free posted stories -- is your best insurance for this. Having an online site will Brand those stories as yours far more effectively than you think.

Never underestimate just how rabid your Fans can be!

Believe it or not, my Fans have proven extremely effective in not only spotting poached stories, but providing a storm of hate mail to the offender. (Keeping my nose clean.) This is in addition to notifying the site hosting the stolen stories (and bitching them out) in droves. smile

Bang on, Morgan! Excellent advice. Earlier this week a fan spotted one of my free reads on another 'author' site and not only blew the whistle but gathered my minions BEFORE contacting me. This is the third time this has happened...but the first time Copyscape didn't catch it - I guess you have to actually run it for it to bad.

I don't mind being quoted (hell, I talk alot) but credit must be given. Flat out lifting someone's work takes balls especially when the author has a following AND their own site. Devoted bloggers and rabid fans are the best defense. They kick ass!
Be caught on lush - the other has lost it's shock and awe.

Lights on or off?
We can talk until we're blue in the face. I guess the fundamentals reek of tyranny. They certainly improved my life!...sans water-board. smile
Quote by Mistress_of_words
If you cook for a hobby, by all means chuck those ingredients around to your hearts content. Cooks follow recipes. Eventually you get to be a chef, and you understand the food so well you can adapt the recipe with skill to produce something exquisite and unique.

Absolutely! Once the fundamentals are in place it's balls to the wall! Hell, I look back at my earlier work with acute horror. Not to say it was bad - rather, it was unstructured because I was ignorant of the formulas needed to convey my thoughts in a clear and concise manner. The fundies aren't meant to fence us in...they're a springboard.

Also, creating outlines help me avoid Traitville. Just spit-balling...
Excellent post, Morgan. I LOVE Byronic heros but often I find myself shouting, "Oy, here we go again." *Throws book at wall*