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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix
A real master would never post a topic like this. Sounds like whining. A real master wouldn't whine about other masters. Other masters shouldn't even register.

That isn't true at all.

Would you trust a heart surgeon that hasn't been to medical school? Would you hire a lawyer that hasn't been admitted to the bar? At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you would. Such people, upon being discovered, are treated as criminals.

If someone expects to carry a title, they should expect to be held to the standards which that title represents. Calling BS where BS is to be called is not "whining," it is a necessity.

And, really. This is a community. Other people are going to, and they should, "register."

Quote by Magical_felix
Also, working years to be a master... Personality isn't a skill to be practiced. It's not like painting or playing guitar. Just sayin.

That also isn't true at all.

If someone expects to carry a title, they should expect to be held to the standards which that title represents.

Would you call a martial artist that has never thrown a punch a "master" of martial arts? Would you call an artist who has never dipped a brush into paint a "master" painter?

There are things which need to be learned in order to become a master of anything. There is experience which needs to be had, and maturity which needs to be gained. It is, indeed, something to be practiced. Even the most natural born alpha must be trained in the arts of leadership before his talents can be fully expressed.

And all of this really just echoes what Ravyn said. Not everyone who calls themselves a Master or a Mistress are, because there is a lot more to being something than simply saying that you are.
Active Ink Slinger
You know, just to be clear, I don't really care either way.

I'm simply amused by the fact that it's still an argument or an issue at all, much less its own fetish.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nikki703

HAHA! isn't that stereotyping? Are big white cocks BWC? Saying all black guys have big cocks, Im sure they don't!! Or is it this thread only dedicated to the big ones? LOL

Like I said, a Cock is a Cock!!!

Stereotyping, racial profiling, and a bunch of other things. And yes, this thread is dedicated to just the big ones. Because the little ones are just so easily over looked.

But, amusingly enough, there are "studies" which have results that seem to agree with such stereotypes.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nikki703
OK, I am assuming the BC in BBC means Black Cock. What does the first B mean?

Yeah, the first B is for "big." It's such a popular thing these days that even a lot of porn sites have a whole section dedicated to it, and that's besides there being entire websites, both paid and free, being nothing but this subject.

Because, apparently, sometimes size does matter.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MadMartigan
To be a gent you need only not be:

- An insensitive douche
- A selfish bastard
- A shallow fool
- Mean spirited

That's more along the lines of just being a decent human though.

I was going to say something like that. What I have learned of gentlemen can be summed up in two things: be honorable, and be courteous. Or, in just two words, "be decent."

To try to turn that into a list of almost 400 "rules," which don't even end up producing that...someone really had too much free time.

Quote by CurlyGirly
I picture a woman starting and finishing a bottle of wine as she creates this list after just going through a bad breakup.

That's what I was thinking. I really hope a man didn't write this, because if it was written by a man he really needs to put the doll back in his closet and find a real woman to teach him some sense.
Active Ink Slinger
Reading through this thread, I see there is a general consensus here on a couple of points.

One of those points is that punishments should be given based on the crime, and that one standard punishment for everything isn't really practical. Which, except for certain circumstances, is something that I agree with.

The other major point is that punishments which are sadistic are somehow bad. Which, as a sadist, thoroughly amuses me. Punishments are not supposed to be pleasurable.

Now, when it comes to the whole punishment thing in general, there are three things which I think are very important and which I use.

1) Communicate. These things should rarely be made up on a whim and tossed out on a dime. While that can be done in certain relationships, that level of power exchange is something that comes from years of knowing each other and understanding what is and isn't appropriate. Until that depth of understanding is accomplished, if it ever is, communicating about this is necessary. Talk about what methods of punishment are okay and what is too far. Talk about what things are punishable, and what can be overlooked. Communicate. Even the silent treatment has its practical uses, but just like everything else it should be talked about first.

2) Respect boundaries and limits. Through the communication phase, a lot of these will come up. When there is something that they are not okay doing, do not make them do it to punish them. Be okay with the fact that they aren't willing to do certain things, and find other ways to enforce discipline.

3) Reward. Punishments are nice and all, but I have found that including a potential for rewards usually works better. With a desire to please me and experience something enjoyable, that alone is often more than enough to not need a punishment. And, again, communication is necessary to figure out what is rewardable and what isn't.

Another thing to keep in mind is that a lot of people are simply different. One submissive might rather scrub the bathroom floor with a tooth brush instead of taking on the Tabasco challenge mentioned earlier, and another might rather be whipped for a solid hour than spend one fourth of that time scrubbing the bathroom floor.

That is why communication is important. There is no one size fits all to anything. You have to learn your partner as you go, and that requires talking.
Active Ink Slinger
With the advent of the internet and chatrooms, as well as other aspects of the modern world, the BDSM community has grown. A lot. With large and sudden growth, standards are lowered. Not necessarily by intention, but simply by reflex--not everyone bothers to educate themselves on the standards of a community they jump into, and not everyone within a community cares enough to offer that education in the first place.

I, for one, still stand by the old standards and completely agree with you. How can someone who cannot even control himself maintain control over someone else? No matter what their ego tells them, they can't.

One's journey to mastery must begin and end as a journey of self-mastery.
Active Ink Slinger
Bullies will always find something to pick on. If it's not the color of your hair, it will be the length. If it's not your hair, it'll be your clothes. If it's not what you're wearing, you'll be too tall or too short, too fat or too skinny.

People who like to point out what they think are the flaws in others are only trying to make themselves feel better about their own flaws.

Also, there is a certain reason why a lot of people do find redheads very attractive. You see, there is this redhead stereotype that suggests someone with red hair is hot headed (passionate), crazy (strong willed), and very wild (playful). And this equates to being very good in bed, or being willing to push boundaries.

Of course, it is just a stereotype, but being a redhead myself I do sort of agree with it to an extent.

Also, I present to you, Tim Minchin:

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MadMartigan
How much do you remember your dream(s) when you wake? Can you remember more than one?

It really depends. Sometimes I remember more than one, other times I don't remember any at all. Perhaps it is because I am a light sleeper.

Quote by MadMartigan
Have you ever had the same dream/nightmare repeatedly in your life?

Yes, and I have also had different dreams which carried the same theme or followed the same characters over several different adventures or life events. Some such dreams lasted for years, some still happen from time to time.

Quote by MadMartigan
For the writers of Lush, do you ever keep a journal by your bed for when you immediately wake up from a dream to jot down any story ideas?

No, but the story that I currently have up, A Wolfe's Reward, was written entirely from a dream that I had wherein I did every bit of what I have written in the story for a woman I love. I organized the thoughts and gave the characters a bit more depth than I had in the short but vivid dream, but all of the actual events in the story came from the dream. There are several other stories that I have laying around, outlined or in the early stages of drafting, which also came about in similar ways.

Quote by MadMartigan
What's the best/worst dream?

I have far too many sexual dreams to decide which is the best.

As for the worst, that one may be easy.

When I was 17 years old, I was very seriously considering joining the military as soon as I was able. My dad was USMC, and there was a certain warriors pride to it, even though he strongly opposed the idea. Well, I gave the idea a lot of thought, considering all of the options and what I would have to do. I couldn't quite decide if pride was worth it, until one night I laid down, closed my eyes, and when I opened them I was standing on the battlefield of Sekigahara in feudal Japan.

Now, of course, it was just a dream. But that is, to date, the single most emotionally and visually vivid dream I have ever had. Even after I woke up, I fully felt the pain of watching friends fall beside me, and the regret of having to hurt the people in front of me unless they destroyed me instead.

Suffice to say, I decided against a military career after that night. I have nothing against it, and I highly respect those who follow that path, but if just a dream is that vivid I really don't want to endure the real thing.
Active Ink Slinger
Shortly after I was introduced to BDSM, my "read everything!" tendencies kicked in. Being a little under 18 at the time, I was too young to buy books on the subject where I lived, and so I looked up every online essay and article I could find on the subject. One of the websites I eventually came across introduced me to the concept of a "sensual sadist." Someone who is sadistic and enjoys torture, but is also gentle, caring, and perhaps even a romantic. The kind of sadist that might bring his partner to orgasm from several hours of lightly touching her with a feather just as easily as he might achieve the same by using his whip or flogger, and perhaps even preferring the feather over the more violent tools.

A couple of years and countless hours of research later, I worked up the courage to join a small website on the subject and it came time for me to devise a user name. I was stumped for a moment, and then I remember the old concept of "the loving sadist." Given that I had already accepted my sadistic tendencies as well as my hopeless romanticism I thought this represented me quite well, but more as a joke (at the time) than anything else I typed it in and there I was.

And so, my name simply means that I am sadistic, caring, and (usually) gentle. For better or worse, it has stuck with me, and this has been my primary user name throughout the community ever since I took it.
Active Ink Slinger
Now that I am supposed to be able to post links, I would like to offer a slightly different perspective of Gorean M/s from one of the best pages I have ever seen on the subject online.

There are, like Alduras, some people who simply take it way too seriously--but at the end of the day most people who like that flavor of M/s don't quite view it like him. For some, it is just basic M/s dressed up in role play. Others find value in how the books stress that a Master needs to be an honorable man, in control of himself above all else. A kajira is not meant to be a mindless object. She is a ferocious and wilful tigress, and only a man stronger than she has what it takes to master her.

Quote by BlackTalon
They treat slaves like cattle or prostitutes for all their friends to use, and I will never be able to agree with that type mentality.

The kinks and consensual agreements for open relationships aside, there certainly are people like that. However, rather than cattle, I have more often seen people liken the Gorean (and certainly M/s in general) lifestyle to owning an expensive sports car or a priceless Van Gogh painting.

She may be property, but she is precious and meant to be taken care of so that she will last and serve her owner well.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ricinatl
Fairly similar to the satisfaction a women gets from making a man cum and blow his load.

I think this is one of the best answers in this thread.

For some, it is a simple kink or fetish--it's just one of the buttons that can be pushed. For many, even among that group, it is a simple sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. There is often a bit of pride and ego involved as well.
Active Ink Slinger
I like it, but an answer to the question of why I wouldn't is simple. Cleanliness is important, especially for that kind of play.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by StrawberrySweet
What’s the sexiest outfit a girl should wear to turn you on?

At the top of the list is my shirt and nothing else.

Besides that, it depends on the mood and the location.
Active Ink Slinger
I meditate as regularly as possible, and I can certainly attest to its health benefits. I have both ADD and insomnia, and I am stubborn about taking medicine for either. Instead, I have learned that proper meditation is really good for relaxing and controlling the mind, and I keep both completely under control with meditation alone.

Quote by Inupendi
It's great to read about meditation on lush & seeing all the perspectives it brings up that reflect where people are in their lives and how they deal with it. I don't know if anyone has tried the technique as follows.., usually in meditation the mind is used to focus on an object - say a mantra, image , even on the breath itself as in 'vipasana'. That's a tried & tested method/s. I became introduced to exactly the OPPOSITE way of doing so, and wondered if others had also. It's where the mind's attention is 'space' orientated as cpw 'object' orientated. For example if breathe was used, the focus is on the 'gap' between an in breath & an out breath and an out breath & an in breath. This aliens the brain with space & if you think about it the nervous system is interfaced in the brain by 'gaps' between neurones. Anyone using London Underground would also know 'mind the gap' is a tube meditation in itself!!
Thanks for getting this party started Liz, like it.

Concentration is certainly one of the more common methods of practice, but it is not the only one. What you describe sounds a little like what is often called Void Meditation, where you simply sit and empty the mind instead of concentrating on anything.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Inupendi
The 'Now' does not exist, it's a nice idea but trying to be in 'it', personally I would give 'it' up.

This, counter intuitive as it may be, is what is philosophically and spiritually called "the great now."

When you have no attachment to the future or the past, when you can simply focus on what is in front of you and live without stressing over the future or letting the past eat away at you, that is "now."

It is not a matter of physics or neuroscience, it is a simple matter of concentration. When you are at work, leave your home worries at home and work. When you are at home, leave your work worries at work and be home. That is all that it is. Concentration, and enjoying what is in front of you without worrying about those things which are not.
Active Ink Slinger
I seem to be a rarity, but I really don't like listening to music when I am exercising. I like to focus on the training its self.
Active Ink Slinger
I think it depends on the story its self.

There are some stories that are best expressed in good first person style in order to express the feelings underneath the words and draw the reader in. Sometimes, third person doesn't pull me in close enough to let me experience the full perspective of the story as well as first person can.

Then there are other stories, such as those with several characters or POV switches, where third person is easier and better expresses the events in the story. There may still be some events which aren't "fully experienced" in third person, but because there are multiple points of view it can be easier to manage everything from a birds eye view.

And in first person, it is also important which character has the point of view. I had one story that I had to rewrite several times because of this issue. The first time I wrote it, the woman who I wanted the story to focus on came off as looking too weak because it was written from the man's perspective. Then in third person, the emotional intensity of the story dropped, and on top of that she still came off as looking weaker than I wanted her to be. In the end, that story was best written through her own eyes, so that the reader could directly relate to the feelings that he inspired in her and see the story that she experienced.

The most important thing to consider, both as a reader and a writer, is the balance of the story. Some stories just need to be told in certain ways.
Active Ink Slinger
This isn't an "or" question for me.

I like to write things based on real life, whether it is something I have experienced or something that I have observed.

Sometimes I see things in real life which give me inspiration, and which I exaggerate or expand in order to make into a good "mixed" story.

I like fiction, where I write things that I have observed simply in my head.

And then, there are the times where fiction gives me inspiration to create a real life experience which can become a story of its own.

Writing is an adventure in creativity and inspiration. I see no reason to limit myself to one particular method, even though I surely won't share everything I write. smile
Active Ink Slinger
It amuses me that nobody has simply said "practice."

Men who masturbate regularly in order to explore and control themselves tend to have more stamina and control than men who don't, which leads to better and longer lasting sex.
Active Ink Slinger
I've been interested in things that would be called "kinky" for as long as I can remember, I just didn't know what they were until I was older and was introduced to this lifestyle.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Aladdin
As for the thing of rubbing the g spot with one's fingers and then the clitoris with the thumb, I suspect the tongue, or the lips, on the clit might be more pleasurable, no?

I would suggest it depends on the woman, and the technique. There isn't a precise formula as to which works better. Each way of doing it has its own subtle differences, and most women tend to prefer one over the other according to her personal taste as well as the general mood of that particular moment. In addition to that, there are different ways of doing each method as well, such as doing it more softly and sensually or doing it roughly.

It is usually best to simply ask a woman you are with what she likes more, and if she doesn't know, ask if she will let you help her find out.

Quote by Aladdin
I have been also wondering about multiple/continuous orgasm, and how many of you know about it, or have even experienced it. I have seen and heard it at least three times with different women.

Multiple orgasms are a very wonderful thing, but let me just say this: it isn't limited to women.

While it is a bit trickier for men to learn, I assure you that it can be just as intense. You simply have to understand that the physiological process of ejaculation is completely different from the process of orgasm. Orgasm comes first, then it triggers the ejaculation process. If you train yourself to separate the two, so that you experience orgasm without ejaculation happening, you can essentially have as many orgasms as you want.

This is also called Edging by some, but I've found it to be a bit more interesting than just hovering on edge. It's possible for a man to experience multiple, full body orgasms and not ejaculate (and without any health problems, but there are also health problems that sometimes cause this). A bit of research will reveal a lot more about it, but stay away from Mantak Chia's stuff.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, and I still do.

For those who think it is impossible, I'll kindly ask you to do a bit of real research on [url=]Polyamory[/url] before making emotional judgements about something you simply don't understand. You may not understand it anyway, but at least you can make an informed decision.

It is not just an attraction, it is not an excuse, and it is not always a choice. It is not different or inferior, either. Some people can only love one person at a time, and that's fine. Real monogamy has its virtues. Others are comfortable opening their heart to more than one at a time, and that is fine, too.

The important part is to simply understand your own true nature, and simply be true to yourself.
Active Ink Slinger

Kinky bastard!

Grats! You're 99% kinky!
Well well well, you kinky bastard! Most likely you're into some weird shit, which is always great. Consider mailing the author of this test, and keep up the good work ;)
