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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 45
0 miles ยท Savannah



My nocturnal scribbling finally took air and was released to all friends, enemies, kin-folk, acquaintances, old school rivals, and the guy that flipped me off at the ball game that one time. My epic tale, "DID I JJST DO THAT?, was published earlier this evening. You will, laugh, cry, irritate your neighbor so much that they will attempt to fight you. And if you play your cards right, you might even cum.

But you didn't hear any of that from me. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Just here for the stories, friend. Nothing real. Just passing the time. Being a red blooded American male, I am a huge fan of the female form. I may trade witty barbs back and forth with authors that strike my libido. Or ones that have beautiful profile pics. Or honestly...ones that "do it" for me.


That is as far as anything will go. My wife is on here. If you can track her down, she will tell you the same exact thing. Lush isn't a real place. It's like Twitter in that regard. Some may abuse this site. Or perhaps even use it for real world connections. To each their own. Live and let live, I say. That's just not my bag, baby.

So that's it. I just wanted my opinion to be clear. This site, to me and mine, is like Angry Birds... but with exposed genitalia.



Erotic Pictures
Erotic Reading


Trans Female
Age: 18 - 99
Distance: 2000 miles