A comfortable spooning, telling her how much I just adore stockings.
Fuck.. gently ;)
edit - nevermind, someone beat me too it, i retract my previous statement >.>
Bend her over and pound the tight little ass full of juicy cum.
A kiss and gentle groping ;)
Aren't there like 5 thousand topics currently discussing this anyway? Try and think of something imaginative..
"Do I look fat in this?"
To which I replied, no, you look fat because you are fat. And subsequently spent 3 days nursing my man veggies back to their natural colour.
Haha, this thread is amusing. Personally I have never encountered a partner having a pet name for it, but if it happened I would most likely burst out laughing and lose the mood. :P
... I do call him Jeff when I'm alone sometimes though.
On a side note, why is the title of the thread "Pet names for your cock or dick?" Are they different things?
First time I've been with a woman over a year older than me, and can say it feels no different apart from the obvious individuality of the person. The only thing that reminds me is that she calls me her cub fairly often. :P
Curvy, curvy and definitely curvy. Super skinny women are a complete turn off, not only that but the image of bones showing beneath the skin is endlessly disturbing, makes me want to douse the woman in holy water and run for the hills.
How can you get sexually excited while you're holding a skin covered skeleton in your arms?
I always liked the name Anna Sassin, it's quite subtle.
Nice debate you have going on here guys, but there is something about this topic that just disturbs me a little. I have never been a fan of social stereotypes and when it comes down to this type of thing it is no different. I am a firm believer in the fact a person should not be defined to one particular type, if you think of yourself as something, or someone tells you you are something, chances are you are going to trick your brain into believing it and never have a chance to change.
Personally, I bat away all comments that try to define me into a stereotype, during my relatively short span of being sexually active, I can safely say I have been through pretty much all of these defined types (except stalker and cheater), and neither has stuck firmly. I don't consider myself any one of them, my mood and/or partner defines what I am.
As for who I should be attracted to? Well, the first thing I look at, can she make me laugh? If the answer is no then she is not the woman for me, I am lucky enough to have found a woman I love deeply and that, people, is stronger than a social stereotype. She can be whatever she wants to be, I will not change my opinion of her or be less in love because she is not exactly like me.
In conclusion, it is a sad reality that the trend of thinking in this thread will define how relationships are built pretty much forever. But in my opinion, stereotypes are insulting to a persons individuality. Love your partner for who they are, or don't make the move in the first place.