This forum post had a long life....I think it is time for to post here....some one has too.....I think some of the names are very cool and funny....mine is easy and plain...Jim is my first name and I worked and lived in the south for most of my live....
nah, just thread necromancy.
Mike Litoris
Perfect name to use when being interviewed by newscasters.
Thousands of user submitted stories removed from the site. You are nothing without your users or their freely submitted stories.
I love Ben Dover myself, and his cousin Buster Hymen.
Used to be a program on public access TV in Seattle...
The Mike Hunt Show
"Mike" spent the entire hour every week watching porn and smoking doobies. Yeah, real highbrow stuff that was.
I was once accosted by a man named Pat Myckok.
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I always liked the name Anna Sassin, it's quite subtle.
The Critic, at your service...
Our family has a vague acquaintance by the name of Nicholas Sex (knicker-less-sex) ....parents can be so cruel.
I knew an unfortunate guy call Harry Monk (slang for spunk)....................poor guy lol
I used to know Richard Head.. AKA Dick Head!
I went to school with Alistair Dick - Mr A. Dick !!!
Mr and Mrs A. Dick have a lot of little Dicks now too !
Here's some: Mehoot Mehboob, Alastair Wanklyn, Foxy Lady Charmaine Demeanour, Mr Chi Man Ting Tang and the quite disturbing Mr Roger A Child. All real names...
My mom had a friend Imogene whose nick name was Ima her lastname was cox! What a lovely name Ima Cox
Believe in yourself and all things are possible
I went to school with a Sally Fuchs
And yes, she lived up to the name
I saw an what I thought was a strange name on a list of lawyers being invited to a conference -
Peter V.D. Wilde