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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Female, 65
0 miles · Washington


Good morning everyone. Not much to say today TGIF Coffee - Lots of coffee please!
Quote by _chica_

Aww Larry you are making me blush ? truly.

Royalty is for sprite, her highness. I am just me my dear.
I found the forums on my first days on lush but was chased out of here. They intimidated me... So I sought refuge in the jungles, yes the chatrooms.

But here I am now.

Hello _chica_

I may have seen you somewhre the name is familar. I got chase out of Rumps by RL but am fighting m wayh back. Wecome andcongrats on fitting right in.
Quote by Lucky_lildragonfly
Hey everyone, I hope all are having a good day.

Ok, I’m not a pushy person. I’m not very loud and attention getting, but could you all read and vote on my comp. story. I hate asking, I feel like I’m begging. Maybe I am ha!

It’s a cute story of a foolish pet, that gets herself in sexual trouble. ?? Her Master is very smart to teach her a lesson. To find out what happens to the pet and her Master please read and vote on.

Her Master’s lesson.


I didn't feel pushed. It was a simple splicitation. had you not menitoned it I would not have read it so no worries.

Read it, loved it, Scored it.

More soon please. Thanks

Quote by techgoddess
Waves hi to everyone!!

I need to stick with tea. I've had all the painkillers I can safely take today with this pounding head. The barometer in my head isn't a happy camper.

I'm in the corner, doing my best to catch up on some reading!

I have a virtual meeting in an hour and have decided that my "beach hair, don't care" look is going to have to be good enough. I did my hair all last week for all of the pre-wedding festivities and had it professionally done for the wedding. I'm just not feeling it today.

On a positive note, I reconnected with one of my nephews at my son's wedding and received a text with a picture of his dog today! It's a start

Please be caeful. Those are not M&M's youare chugging. Hope the pain goes away. Enjoy your reading. Congrats onthe re-connect. =d> =d> =d&gt
Quote by curvygalore
Evening, everyone. Nice to see you back in the bar, Terri!

What are you drinking? Evening pint for me, please, Rumps!

I'll have a shot of that red head over there looking at me" wiht apo;ogies to the red head and Brooks and Dunn
Quote by fuzzy1954
Welcome back Terri Bill Kat and the little dragonfly you bring us ALL luck BTW

This was waiting for me this morning as I made coffee

Thank you for the Welcome! Good tobe back!
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Kimmi! Welcome home!

Sorry to hear about work, but at least it's Friday. So, sometime over the weekend, tell us all about your adventures – with pictures. I think we're all a little desperate for a change of scenery. But at least, Spring is promising to spring…I think.

A belatd thanks for the warm thoughts. Beentoo busy to stop in. Is there a barended capable of mkaing a descent Ol Fashine tingiht?
Quote by KimmiBeGood
Morning, Rumpies!

Welcome, Jay, I look forward to reading some of your writings. You are following a great group of writers.

Terri, big hug and I hope your dear friend returns soon.

Thank You so much for your thoughts Kimmie. I;m fine. I won't miss her
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Terri, I'd be happy to help, but CaringBitch is not a member. A better name?

She is / was a Lushy. I thought she was here but perhaps it was a cross thread. She has decativated for now. I must stay strong.

Bourbon pleease!

Thank you for the thoughts
Quote by CuriousAnnie

She had gone by the time I found her profile.

Hugs Terri, a wonderful poem for a wonderful poet. I loved Dani's competition poem. I am sure she will be back.

Summer music, as we slowly fade into autumn, here is one summer song I love

It is warm this Saturday afternoon and I will take a

Thank you for trying nad the kind sentiment. Gretly appreciated.

Enjoy your end of summer.

Friends I need a big favor and I need it fast.

Our own sweet cuddly Dani (AKA Caring Bitch) has a family emegency and needs to go to Spain first thing tomorrow. She is the reason I walked in the door and met all you nice folkd.

If anyone would liket to send he a note wishing her well please do so ASAP She is deactivating her account soon.
Please enclose a single rose in your message for her from me if you don't mind.

Just a simple reminder someone cares and loves. She is the one I wrote all those poems for / about. Feel free to blame her but don't tell her ok.

I worte one last poem. If anyone (EVERYONE included the poem maybe she will know there is someone in some damn bar waiting for her to come back.

Bartender take my keys - scribbles down address and UBER account orders 2 bottles o Jim Beam and a King size box of tissue in case I lose it.

She promises to come back, but that don't help my heart right now. I can be strong tomorrow but tonight is about me and Mr. Beam

Bumped into you in some damn bar

Dani Dani Dani my love

Thought your tatoos were crazy as hell

Dan Dani Dani my love

Like 2 magnets opposites pulled you to me

Dani Dani Dani my love

Wound tracing the ink late one lonely night

Dani Dani my love

Don't know what happened but felt such a joy

Dani Dani Dani my love

Wound up writing stupid poems to you

Dani Dani Dani my love

Now you must go back to Spain you say

Dani Dani Danimy love

Promise me you will come back one day

Dani Dani Dani my love

Please forgive me for shedding a tear

Dani Dani Dani my love

When you get back you will find me right here

Dani Dani Dani my love

Quote by CuriousAnnie

There was Olivia Newton-John and Summer Nights, I know she is an Aussie but even so I couldnt do that to you. So instead ...

What about surf music does that count?
Girls don't let your tops slip

Happy Birthday Hope you get a piece if somethng nice and hot

Have a super day
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Terri, she wrote (about Michelle): She walks into Rumples, one hip at a time
Like a broken field runner slippin' through the lines

Me, I said: Ain't no way. Michelle would get a 15-yard penalty for 'backfield in motion'. ;)

And a blessing on you for the Joe Duffy link. 'Third Rock from the Sun 'trails 'John Deere Green' on my list of his favorites but not by much and it always makes me smile.

Anybody need a nightcap or maybe a wake-up? Heck, this joint can deliver overpriced, underwhelming versions of either one. So whadda ya wanna drink?

After a thourogu revie bu the Commissone and the Head Referee the previous decison is overturned. No penalyt

Mr. 4 skin knows not who he messes with Hold still sir. This shouldn't hurt
Michelle writes this:

Quote by Twisted_Skald
Struts into the bar, blowing kisses as she gets to the bar.
Empties Big Bertha, keeping the sludge for Carl
Rumples ip at a time

Terri hears this:

She walks into Rumples, one hip at a time
Like a broken field runner slippin' through the lines
Quote by Twisted_Skald
Violet has produced her newest work, I'm listing it here.

Violets new story

Now if anyone wants me I'm trying to get my pencil to come back so I can attempt to write.[/quote]

Dearest Michelle:

I hope you didn't let the plumber use your penci; We all lknow where they seem to keep them
Quote by Soleil_Rouge
Hi Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?

Terrimedic, Thank you so much for your tribute it's beautiful and I was actually speechless and if you also see the red glowing over yonder that was me as well lol but as Rumple, as said there are many wonderful people here who are just as deserving ?

Quote by Soleil_Rouge
Hi Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?

Terrimedic, Thank you so much for your tribute it's beautiful and I was actually speechless and if you also see the red glowing over yonder that was me as well lol but as Rumple, as said there are many wonderful people here who are just as deserving ?


I am sure there are and no offense ment to anyone else. The time was right, the word were fitting and the idea was in my head. The roulette wheel of life spun and the ball landed on your number. I get excited seeing great friends. No aplogies for my impulse.

Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain
Now the dark days are done, and the bright days are here
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet

Watch the bake time and save me a few cookies. Enjoy your school break as well.
Quote by KimmiBeGood

Omg Terri, we just stopped in this place like an hour ago - Uranus. I have souvenirs for you all!

If that is fudge, I hope it is well packed or at least packed well.
Thank you for the souvineer.MOhZGr2OaMicws1d
Quote by TonyaL
Good morning and thank you for the setup Skaid. I'd love a cup of hot tea, please. Not too much going on over this way. Today is a supercold day. The wind is brutal. My littley is doing great. For some reason yesterday she was all about the planets. I know if Jeff was here he'd love that. She was singing me songs about the planets and told me about dwarf planets in the kuiper belt. She loves to correct me when I say Pluto is a planet. She's also excited that today is Dr. Seuss's birthday. This whole month they concentrate are reading. She has to read in some unusual places, so last night she was reading in the empty bathtub.

@Tonya Speaking of the planets, how is Uranus

another collection of tips

Scurries from the room giggling
Quote by KimmiBeGood
Hi Rumpies
Just poppin' in to show you my new friend I made in the woods yesterday.

I hope you all are well and I will catch up when i get back. I am really enjoying my twin-time in nature.

Oh deer!!!

Grabs my tip

Exit Stage left
Quote by techgoddess

I'm definitely a redhead, but I've not been around enough lately to flirt or make eyes at anyone. LOL!
Dearest TG It was but a somple flirt with Michelle, but don't let that bother you. You have lovely hair and lovely eyes as well. We have converesed. You made my nice list.

And while I'm not a witch, I am an empath. (Not that this has anything to do with anything). What is an emph?

I just took a swim after finishing my piece for the Historical category (Just need to do the final editing and submit it), so I could use some vodka lemonade.

Hope the Swim was refreshing!

And for those of you who enjoy submissive stories, Kee has a new one out that is a must read! (Fans myself).

on the read list
Quote by techgoddess
Happy Monday, all y'all!

Slinking in, in desperate need of caffeine. As is our yearly tradition, I called my daughter in the wee hours at the very minute she turned 25 this morning. Every year I sing a new verse or two of the birthday song I wrote for her when she turned 5. That she still wants me to call every year at that very moment is something I treasure. So, being tired on this particular morning is so very worth it!

Think I will grab a cup of tea and go find a corner to sit and examine the inside of my eyelids. When I can open them fully, I have many stories to catch up on. It was a busy weekend for new stories, it seems.

What a lovely gift and tradition. Congratulations to both mom and daughter.
Quote by TonyaL
Good morning. It's another Moanday and a whole year since the first Corona virus was detected in this area. So much has changed within that year. Virtual school, social distancing, wearing masks, going through a tp and sanitizer shortage. People realizing that our doctors and nurses were more of a hero than your favorite sports star. I know we all missed so many people, activities, vacations, because of this. It's been a tough year.

What can I get ya?

Have a great day everyone and let's hope March brings us better weather across the country and good health for everyone.

Tanya, Thanks for the quck shot of reality though it brings a shiver to my spune to think how things have changed. Its not a precise sceintifiic survery, nor has it been verified but a quick survery of serveral Covid recoverees has indicated an extremly high labido after a full recovery. If ytour sick, consider that as a reason to get well soon.

IF your not, well hope you find someother way.

@Tanya I'll have a shot of that red head looking at me Points to @Twisted_Skald
Quote by Lucky_lildragonfly
Morning everyone!!!

Up early had to certify for unemployment, then snuck on here to see what’s been going on.

To early, and no doughnuts yet. I’ll be back later...pouts

They already canceled the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Chicago...pouts
No dying the river green this year either...pic in happier times...

How will the Irish get lucky w/o celebrating St. Patty Day ? Are they going to cancel greeen ber and doughnuts too. This is just disgusting. People need to get out and get happy. Love is forever - Quarantine is not.

That my
Quote by Denim_Daisy10
hi peeps

Good to see everyone here!
Me being a sports junkie I'm a happy girl
and a

Love love all the animal pics and hearing about everyone's animals adventures

Stay safe everyone!

Welcome NASCAR fans to race #3 from beautiful Miami Homeland. Hope everyone had a good Sunday. Enoy the evening.
Quote by utterchaos

Thank you smile They're fascinating to watch. I'm setting up a bio-active vivarium for my orchid mantis because it prefers a warm, humid climate. Injured my hand trying to cut some bark but it should be worth it when it's finished.

So the bark is worse then the mantis bark?

Don't foreget to tip the lady!!!
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

TerriMedic wrote:

ass pinch Can I get one of those. I;ve been good.Embarassed

Well, Terri, I'm not your favourite flavour, but I'll play. My only question is: What have you been good at? Hugs

Shame on you James. I thought a gentleman {articularly one of your caliber would know tht cutomer / bartender conversations are considere privlege and sacred