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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Female, 64
0 miles · Washington


Active Ink Slinger

Congratulations ATC & Roz. You have been through a lot this past year. Sickness and health. Richer with each other love. Very happy to hear of the wedding bells. Happy days and long lives.



Active Ink Slinger
Congratulations Ladies Yopu are special friends and I wish you years of happiness and health. More to follow.
Active Ink Slinger
Lasting impressions replacing languishing questions. Heads or tails Kisten?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Denim_Daisy10

Yay I hope your picks win Kimmi!?

Midnight Bourbon sounds like it would make a good story title, especially if someone were to wear a Kentucky Derby.
Active Ink Slinger

Okay, beans beans beans…what's this? "Cooper's Cask Wine Barrel-Aged Costa Rican Coffee"
Hunh. No idea. I didn't know you aged coffee beans. Come to think of it, I'm not sure what a coffee bean looks like when it's at home. Oh, well, they're going to drink it not me.\\

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TerriMedic

I'll pick Midnight Bourbon and cover the bet wtih a $20. What are the odds please?

A number of years ago I ahd a freind that followe the Derby contenders in early races. He would collect bets and make they at the Wynn. One year so many people picked a horse that the pool bet so muchthe house changed the odds. That horse won. It was at least 10 year ago.

As of 2 PM Eastenr Midnight Bourbon i 13:1 or $260 for my $20 bet Enought opay for my seat nd my Mint Julip as well. A few doalles for gas and a toast to Auld Lange Zine. THe Minight Bourbon Whiskey goe for over $85 a bottle. Not sure if you drink that or just look at it. Trying to calculate how many Old Fashions are in a bottle. and just givng my self a headche.qadHMwYbpwGpTNh1

Cheer everyone!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by KimmiBeGood
Hi Rumpies!

Great news all around, Scott! Here's hoping to more good visits with them

As for Kimmi, well I am pretty sure one of my Oaks horses is stiiiillll running ... trying to finish. Trying to shake off that huge loss and feel good about my Derby picks today! GO MIDNIGHT BOURBON... GO HIGHLY MOTIVATED!

Oh, and in honor of Stormdog, I threw in a last minute bet on "Got Stormy" in the 6th race. GO, STORMY, GO!!!!!

I will take a hot chocolate LOADED with minis, please! And everyone go read our very own Michelle's great comp piece!

Hugs, have a good day!

I'll pick Midnight Bourbon and cover the bet wtih a $20. What are the odds please?

A number of years ago I ahd a freind that followe the Derby contenders in early races. He would collect bets and make they at the Wynn. One year so many people picked a horse that the pool bet so muchthe house changed the odds. That horse won. It was at least 10 year ago.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by verity100
Okay Lush, this is a massage for whom it may concern. I’ve only been writing for a little while. I do this without my husband’s knowledge as he would not approve. This is my guilty secret. Since then one very nice and kind gentleman gifted me a Bronze membership. I know who he is and we are friends on Lush. He knows how grateful I am.

Since then an, anonymous person gifted me a Silver membership. I can’t begin to explain just how much that meant to me. I really don’t deserve it.

Now today, I’m in tears, someone has gifted me a Gold. I honestly don’t know what to say. Whoever gifted me the Silver and Gold have changed my life in ways I can’t even begin to say. I really am in tears. I’m humbled. Whoever you both are, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

I wish I had more words to say just how I feel. Your kindness knows no bounds. I have so much I’d like to say but lack the ability to put it into words. I just want you to know how touched I am. As stupid as it may sound I’ve entered the latest Lush competition. I know it’s a long shot, but in the stupendously unlikely event I win something I want Lush to give the winnings to you.

Thank you so much. Your devoted, Verity

Congratulations on the gifts. I hope the previous gifts do not go to waste. You have inspired and impressed some VIP.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by verity100

Oh no, you've used up all the puns. I wanted to go out in a baize of glory. When they were handing out brains I was at the end of the cue. I should be in the pink but I’m green with envy. You didn’t even cushion the blow. You seem to have all the angles covered. I’ll just have to rack it up to experience and blow you a double kiss.

Perhaps you could put a spin on your story and add a touch of English. Do you need a break yet? Out of politeness I won't discuss your rack right now.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Now listen, Terri, you can comment about my taste in poems, my fashion sense, even my health if you wanna, but if you're gonna try and take pervin' away from me…you're gonna have a fight on our hands, y'hear?

And, BTW, folks, y'all should read Terri's micro. See if you can hear the music in your head as you read it, just as I did!

All publicity is good publicity. Thank for the publicuty but hairy legs in the ladies room is only going to get you chased with a broom.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

OK, Kimmi…but if the LADIES room is JUST for LADIES…how many of you…WOMEN…would qualify?

Just askin'…

Thank you kindly for reading my story KC's Waltz (and forgive me for the shameless plug) James 0 it takes more then a skirt. That's all I will say. Now go along and quite perving. Be happy with what you got. You will never understand so quit trying.

Meant with love and respect.

(former paramedcid perspective sorta kinda wishful thinking writer)

Just my
Going back to reading and coffee

Please be sure to read my micro e-Rotic poem KC'S Waltz
Special shout out to Kis for giving me the guts to even try a micro
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TheTravellingMan

Good morning all and to you James.

There is so much talent here, and great stories. I vote regularly and I need to work on commenting more: I don't like to sound trite.

I only had a go with mine because Ines was teasing me that I don't write for fun as much as I used to. It's always wonderful to receive such fabulous recognition from my peers, all of them writers I rate much higher than myself.

Well... another lockdown lunch beckons soon, Ines is poring over her canvas (I wonder where I got the inspiration from - really). We're being very Gallic for lunch, on the balcony for a salad in the direct sun - nice and warm.

A couple of dry white wines would be a perfect accompaniment.

Kat, hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.

I'm not very regular. Someone sugested I eat more bran but that not the topic dujour. I had an usrge and took care of it. I'm on the wrong side of town and don't get much traffice so I need to advertise if you don't mind me on your shirt tail....

Its a micro erotice poem KC's Waltz. Only take a moment. pick a number leave a constructive comment. Jame and Kisten get a plug for already reading.

Thanks folks.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by utterchaos

I have a true story smile I once moved over 100 miles to live with someone I met online.

Would you do it again? Inquiring minds want to know.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Twisted_Skald
Had to ditch my first attempt as I just couldn't find a way to add Fool into it without making it clunky.
So version 2 is being assembled, 2k words down and I've got the frame sketched in, now to add the sauce.
There are times I wish I had the Roget's online thesaurus with me, but Prof Google helps in a pinch.
Be extra kind to each other and Goddess willing we're all going to produce work we're at least partially proud of.

Best wishes!! i can't even fathom the idea of thousandsd of word arranged to tell a story anyone may be intersted in. I 'm not her to write an essay.

However if you would be so kind as to give me 15 seconds you may enjoy my micro erotic poem "KC's Waltz"
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by techgoddess
Thanks again for any birthday wishes I didn't acknowledge yet! I did have a great birthday weekend. My hubby made sure I was treated like a goddess.

Of course today I have zero energy or motivation to do anything. LOL. Think I will just stretch out on the couch for a bit.

I'll have some tea, please. Maybe the caffeine will help perk me up!

Happy belated birthday TG. Hope you had a fabulous time.2dgYUUha7chBE8kO
Active Ink Slinger
Walks into the bar waving a note. Its been almpst 60 days but I managed tp arrange a few words and come up wiht a quick new story. Someone pleas fix me an Old Fashioned with Jim Beam. I;m buty tonight.

oh the story is titled KC's Waltz if anyone would lie to take a few seconds to read,
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kistinspencil
I used to take pretty pictures of bugs and birdies and stuff. Then great uncle died. Now I just tell the nice man in San Francisco which shoe box to put the money in.

Woould love to see your shoe box collection some day as well aw your birdies and bugs, etc.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kistinspencil
Before hand comes sweet, gentle kisses, then the tasting tongue, savoring, and the nose after, relishing the rising scent of passion

Passion ignited spreads like wildfire. Through the night and inot the next day.Stopping only to eat and an occasional shower.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kistinspencil
Before hand comes sweet, gentle kisses, then the tasting tongue, savoring, and the nose after, relishing the rising scent of passion

Passion ignited spreads like wildfire. Through the night and inot the next day.Stopping only to eat and an occasional shower.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kistinspencil
I guess my previous one didn't count, so I'll try again.

Sport a smile and your chance of making a friend increases
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kistinspencil
Yeah, yeah. So what's new? Why am I being treated like chattel? Who cares what HE wants when I'm the one getting used? I think I'm going to give a woman a try. I mean what can I loose? Not a lot that I can see -- or feel. And no, he's not going to know. He's always got his porny toons.[/quote

You go Kis
"Overture, curtain, lights
This is it, the night of nights
No more rehearsing and nursing a part
We know every part by heart
Overture, curtain, lights
This is it, we'll hit the heights
And oh what heights we'll hit
On with the show this is it.

Tonight what heights we'll hit.
On with the show, this is it."

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JustAnotherSapphic
I'm not into feet as a general rule, but today I can't seem to stop thinking about Jane's feet for some reason.

...and I'm not even sure what I want her to do with them, if anything.

Just a Seceintific Wilddass Guees but Walk closer?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fuzzy1954

Rayne since you mention Leadville I remember taking our winter trips to both Copper and Cooper Mountain to ski. Some will not realize that during WW2 the 10th Mountain division trained at Cooper Mountain.

We always enjoyed Cooper's trails without the hustle of close by Copper Mountain. Great memories Rayne thank you

Great recuiterposter Joiun the Army Learn how to ski.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Wet_n_willing

Hi Arlene - and Kat and Cynthia, Emma, Elyse, Carl, Bill, Rob, Terri (don't think we've met, I'm Rayne)

Hello and Welcome Rayne (late but been on sabbatical etc. not bad manners)

Well igf you include the sabbatical etc I benn here maybe 3 monts with a 6 week abattical du to outside evnts. You been here to know the drill so no need to ealborate. This is a place so commisurate and colaborate. I did some writing for Valenitnes Day and ole old story that may or may not be true.

Sounds like you have a heck of a gig going on and more power to you if so. I just wait for the right excuse to drop a line or two and go back so sipping coffee or something and an occasional snitch of a donut.

I seek solice in the adventur of travel.

If you need more drop me a line.

Nice meeting you officially
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by _chica_

I will most definitely try and have him play that for us.

Thank you Terri by the way for stopping in my room last night.

I too had fun. I had not opened in a long while.

It may not be appropriate to tip the room mod but will glady buy an annymous cup of coffee on the bar and leave it near you.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by KimmiBeGood

Hi Chica, Kat, Curvy, Elyse, Terri, Michelle, Carl, Violet

Nice to see everyone. Carl, I have been doing a little sniffing around about our missing polar bear and my nose led me to our skinny-dipping dumpster diver Tawney out back. I am not pointing fingers, mind ya, but I saw her plucking long white hairs from her teeth!

I will be in the corner reading with a hot cocoa please

Woo hoo I made a top 5 mention.3UCnsg8GcNz3Dhak
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by _chica_

Thank you so very much Terri.

As far as seen me... You used to read my work a while back.

I am glad you are back. Hope all is well in your front

Every day is a new day and a chance to step up and be content if not happy. Please let me know if you post something new. I will read and score. Thank you for the thoughts and well wishes!!!

Keep the msuic coming
Active Ink Slinger
Yesterday was the 109 anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic
Today is the 14th anniversary of the shooting massacre at Virginia Tech

I won't bore you all with all the dates..

April 14 1865 Abe Lincoln shot in back of head dies the next day. Social news reporters inteview Mary T. Lincoln and want to know "Other then that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?"

Coffed with cream, sugar and a Bosoton Cream / Kreme donut please!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by _chica_
Hello fellow Rump Lushies,

I was not here this morning with goodies. I am sorry about that. but life took me away for a bit.

I wont be on much here tonight tho I will be on lush.

I have decided to start opening my room on Friday nights once again.

so for now I leave you with I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Great room Great fun - You think you can get Billy J to play a fw notes onthe grand piano?

Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright