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Rainbow in the Dark

Quote by WannabeWordsmith

I have it on good authority that the only things that trigger remoderation are changes to:

  • body

  • title

  • cover image

  • one liner

So tags and category should be editable by authors of their own work at any time.

Note that if you do change category, the URL won't reflect the new name, but if we do go ahead with this proposal, we'll snapshot the situation as it is before we start migrating content and then redirect the category assignments by hand.

I believe there is an exception to that in that any change to a story last approved before the move to Lush 2.0 will trigger remoderation. I know this because I recently changed some tags and nothing else on an older story and it went zipping off to the queue. So that might need to be considered.

Quote by Jen
Not sure anyone is just looking for 'long'.

Maybe not "long" as such, but a suspect some (not many, but some) might be looking for stories containing sex but with a focus on the story/characters etc. regardless of what form that sex takes. Something that is explicitly not just a quick stroke story. If they're after that but don't want a sci-fi/fantasy/horror or other category that indicates the type of story rather than the type of sex therein, "Novels" seems a logical place. Maybe it needs to be renamed - I believe "porn-with-plot" is often used for the movie equivalent, so maybe something along those lines?

Some kind of tag or badge to indicate a series is a complete overarching story would be good though - series can be used for that but also to tie loosely related standalone stories together, and for chapters that do lead to each other but may not have set out to do that and often never resolve as without a plan at the start the writer loses interest and never gets around to finishing them. I know have all three...

Rainbow in the Dark

My latest re-written entry in my true (as far as my poor memory allows) tale of my quest to become a boy-slut. They can be read in any order, so there's no need to read the previous chapters first.

Derby Dan's Dick

Rainbow in the Dark

Oh, I forgot one:

Quote by KimmiBeGood
Do you think differently about an author who doesn’t return reads?

No. It would be pretty hypocritical of me for a start, given I don't have time to read all the stories I want to. Plus maybe they read it and didn't like it but were too polite to say — quite likely given my stories are mostly weird as fuck.

Rainbow in the Dark

Good questions, Kimmi.

Quote by KimmiBeGood
If you read a story by an author, do you expect them to return the favor?

No. I have limited time to read, so I read for my enjoyment and to learn from others, not to get reads in return. Anyway, as others have pointed out, there's no way to know if a specific person has read a story unless they like, favourite, comment, or send you a PM. It would be a bit unrealistic to expect that from someone just for reading their story, though obviously it's all the more appreciated when they do.

Quote by KimmiBeGood
If an author reads your story, do you feel obligated to read one of their stories?

Not obligated as such, but since I write primarily for myself and the content is not exactly mainstream, I try to make the effort to (eventually) read their stories on the basis that they probably write for similar reasons so I'm more likely to enjoy it and/or learn something about writing from them than a random story. Also, since I'll only know they've read if they've commented etc., that tends to indicate they might want to share writing tips etc. and the community is why I'm still here 13+ years after I joined.

Quote by KimmiBeGood
Do you think authors should read the other entries in competitions?

Yes, as much as they can, for the same reasons others have given. I don't always manage myself, though, since I don't read any until I've submitted mine. Also, I find writing a comment that's helpful takes almost as long (sometimes longer) than reading them, so I don't think they should feel they have to comment or do anything else to show they've read, but improving your own writing is the best thing about the comps.

Quote by KimmiBeGood
Do you feel you can leave a critical comment on a comp entry?

Rarely. Or any other story - it feels like being a teacher, calling out someone's mistakes in front of the whole class, which I think tends to make the recipient of criticism defensive rather than receptive. I prefer direct PMs for criticism etc. Maybe a discussion in the forum if it's a point worth sharing (but without giving the story as an example since that's possibly even worse than a comment, and after the comp results are announced).

Rainbow in the Dark


Quote by Ensorceled
ACTUAL DEAD PEOPLE’S BONES sewed into my jaw!

Quote by Seeker4
If you don't get a story out of this, the meds must have been too strong.😁

Quote by KimmiBeGood
Agree! It needs a story!!!

Quote by MollyDoll
I fully support what Seeker4 said. I think we all would like a story about this.

Yes, yes, yes - I'm imagining something like that movie, The Eye, but with more oral sex.

Rainbow in the Dark

Unholy shit! My first podium spot! And I almost didn't enter my story due to liking some of what I had to cut out so much.

Congratulations to the other two, and also the rest of the top ten - because I don't read other entries until I've submitted mine and entered just before the deadline, there are four there that I've yet to get to, but I will. I have read plenty that aren't listed there but were excellent nonetheless, so as others have said, well done to all who entered.

Rainbow in the Dark

After 5 days of whittling, I succeeded in getting my story down from over 3000 words to the comp limit. So now I can finally start reading other entries. It's a short limit, so this shouldn't take too lo— oh.

Quote by wxt55uk
Is this a record number of competition entries?

I think the Masturbation competition in 2020 had over a hundred entries. The Quick and Risqué one in 2021 might have had close to that too, I think, although the word limit was half of this one.

Rainbow in the Dark

The term "free love" was in use for about a century before the 1960s, and despite the more conservative times, there were still those who broke from conformity and traveled around by grabbing free rides on freight trains. So scraping in the day of the deadline, it's my entry in the Free Spirit competition, a story in the Facesitting category set in the 1920s:

The Tramp

Rainbow in the Dark

Congratulations to the three winners and well done to the rest of the top ten! This was the first competition in ages that I succeeded in reading nearly all the entries before the deadline, let alone the announcement, so I can confirm the standard of writing was very high all round.

Can the next one have a shorter word count though? I've got a lot of real-world sex planned for the next couple of months, so I won't have so much time.

Rainbow in the Dark

In the 2080s, Vivian, a survivor of the banned punk scene, is still mourning the loss of her girlfriend 28 months previously to an unknown fate. To distract herself, she meets up with her only three remaining friends to see what the fugitive amongst them has brought back to London (other than a collection of century-old vinyl records).

There's sex. There's violence. There's a hopefully mildly disturbing cover pic. It's my entry in the Punked competition:

Punk’s Undead

Rainbow in the Dark

Way back in 2005, before Lush even existed, I wrote my first true story. It wasn't particularly good, but I recently decided to give it a makeover. By the time I'd sent it back and forth with a friend, it was a totally different story, so I posted it as the next chapter in my Memoirs of a Boy-Slut series. Many thanks to el_henke for pointing out the parts that still needed work and also for coming up with a suitably punny title:

Crossdressing Sex Ed

Rainbow in the Dark

Slightly delayed because I've been away: congratulations Sprite and the other two in the top three! And also to the others on the top ten, too. There's a few I didn't get to yet due to real life taking over, so I've got some catching up to do.

But another competition coming already? I'm going to run out of metal song titles to use as story titles at this rate! (That's a lie)

Rainbow in the Dark

I've been busy with family life, writing for my partner, some medical issues, and, er, let's call it very hands-on research, but I just managed to get an entry into the Anti Valentine competition. No spoilers!

Women Of Dark Desires

Rainbow in the Dark

Oh, then it must be an actual blend - I thought it might just be their own name for it. I should look online to see if anyone else does it here.

Rainbow in the Dark

Don't be fooled by my nostalgic-looking cover image — my latest story is in the Hardcore category for a reason. Meet Will just as some of his deepest and (quite literally) filthiest sexual desires are about to be realised thanks to his older lover and two whole rugby teams. Oh, and it was awarded a Recommended Read:

November Rain

Rainbow in the Dark

Quote by Seeker4
Lapsang would be nice. Haven't had any in a while. Must add some (or Russian Caravan, a blend that contains it) to my next tea order.

Russian Caravan is one of my favourite blends, too - so smoky. Out of curiousity, is yours from T2 as well or is it called that elsewhere. It certainly tastes nothing like any tea I've had in Russia.

Rainbow in the Dark

Quote by kistinspencil
We all have our heroes and new ones to come, if we open our hearts.

Yes, how could I forget one of my personal heroes?

Quote by Wikipedia

Amelio Robles Ávila (3 November 1889 – 9 December 1984) was a colonel during the Mexican Revolution. Assigned female at birth, Robles fought in the Mexican Revolution, rose to the rank of colonel, and lived openly as a man from age 24 until his death at age 95.

In 1970, the Mexican Secretary of National Defense recognized Robles as a veteran (veterano) of the Revolution. Toward the end of his life, Robles received various decorations acknowledging distinguished military service: a decoration as a veteran of the Mexican Revolution, and the Mexican Legion of Honor; in 1973 or 1974, Robles was also decorated with the Revolutionary Merit award (Medalla al mérito revolucionario).

According to historian Gabriela Cano Ortega, Robles adopted a male identity not as a survival strategy but because of a strong desire to be a man. Robles' male identity was accepted by family, society, and the Mexican government, and Robles lived as a man from the age of 24 until death. According to a former neighbor, if anyone called Robles a woman or "Doña", he would threaten them with a pistol.

Rainbow in the Dark

Greetings, all!

If it's still Friday for anyone, here is the new story I posted the other day - it's absolutely the filthiest thing I've ever written (literally), so you can have a filthy Friday. Kimmi, you won't need your teddy bear, I don't think, just some strong cleaning products to scrub the screen afterwards:

November Rain

And of course, here's the song that inspired the title (and one or two word choices, and possibly influenced the character names):

It's Saturday here, though, and I'm going to take my four-year-old daughter to the supermarket, so I'd better make coffee. Have a good day/night, everyone!

Rainbow in the Dark

This is some street art in my city:

Here's the info about it from the artist:

Sistagirls are transgender Aboriginal Australians traditionally known in the Tiwi Islands, north of Darwin, as yimpininni. Kaff-eine painted an elegant portrait of Shaniquá, a Tiwi Islands’ sistagirl, to celebrate the strength, power, character & beauty of the Territory’s sistagirl community.

Rainbow in the Dark

Lucky my next story is 7000 words almost entirely of sex, then. Not just any sex, either. Gay sex.

Rainbow in the Dark

I started this thread with my two fairy tales, published way back in 2010. There was a ten year gap before I posted anything else, mostly because I was writing this next story. It's a true story, or as true as I could make it from my poor memory and mixed feelings about the events themselves. The mods rejected the first version because a word limit of 10 000 words had been introduced since I had last submitted anything, and I forgot to check, oops. Split into three worked better anyway, in the end.

Getting it off my chest released the floodgates of my imagination, and my writing has improved immensely since, so I recently renamed and re-edited it — it's still not how I would write it now, but it's a bit tidier. I also gave it a nice cover image. And yes, there will be more in the Memoirs Of A Boy-Slut series...

Deflowered By Dave (Part 1 Of 3)

Deflowered By Dave (Part 2 Of 3)

Deflowered By Dave (Part 3 Of 3)

Rainbow in the Dark

Just over two years ago, I published the first part of what I still consider my best work — a four part queer erotic horror story. I got me my first Recommended Read, my first Editors Pick, and, together with the following three chapters, my first (and so far only) Series Award.

There's heavy metal. There's cults. There are demons and nazis. There's lots of queer sex. And possibly Monty Python jokes. Whilst it is heavily influenced by extreme metal music, you can appreciate even if that's not your thing. If it is though, here are all four chapters with a suggested soundtrack:

Lo! Baphomet! I. Cult As Fuck

(Suggested accompaniment: raw black metal, preferably Bathory's first three albums)

Lo! Baphomet! II. Pentagram Of Pleasure

(Suggested accompaniment: psychedelic doom such as Witchcult Today by Electric Wizard or any of the first five Black Sabbath albums)

Lo! Baphomet! III. Sweet Child O' Mine

(Suggested accompaniment: something really fucked up and unsettling, like Portal, Ulcerate, or Oranssi Pazuzu)

Lo! Baphomet! IV. Sex Cult Armageddon

(Suggested accompaniment: something ominous, epic, and apocalyptic - maybe Bell Witch or Sunn 0))) )

Rainbow in the Dark

Greetings, all. I just finished work, so I need a beer. Cold - it's wet season, more or less, but hasn't rained properly for a few days so it's hot and humid.

At the weekend, I posted the second part of my thoroughly blasphemous tale, Emma (part one is here, if anyone missed it and wants to read it). Kimmi, I don't think you need a teddy, as it's intended to be more humourous than terrifying, but then, you know my peculiar brand of humour...

Emma (Part 2 Of 2)

Rainbow in the Dark

Quote by LilCoffeeLuvr
⭐️ Star congratulations on your anniversary!!! 16 years is amazing!!! Especially these days!! And kudos to you for doing something to celebrate the occasion⭐️

Thanks! I suppose it is, though it really doesn't seem that long. Maybe the key is to not get married! 😂

Because we're both socially awkward, we actually celebrate two anniversaries - the one for when we first met, and then, two months later, the one for when, after traveling together the whole time, we finally got together... 🤭

Wet season has arrived, so I'll have a pina colada. But put it in a brown paper bag because I have to go back to work soon...

Rainbow in the Dark

I've begun a new blasphemous series that will hopefully be as much fun to read as it is to write. There will be at least five episodes, each intended to work as a story by itself but linked to the others, so if you read them in a different order to that in which they are published, it shouldn't matter, but together they will be a whole story. Hopefully that makes up for the fact that I have no idea how often I will write them! The first episode is split in two as it just worked better that way.

I posted the first part on the weekend, and the second will follow in a few days. Emma makes other naughty Catholic schoolgirls look like nuns - but will becoming a nun be the solution her headmaster hopes?

Emma (Part 1 Of 2)

Rainbow in the Dark

Greetings Rumplepumkins! That's definitely what you're all called, by the way, at least in October.

Is the some sorry sport going on? The only team sport I follow (Aussie Rules) finished a couple of weeks ago, with my team, the Geelong Cats, winning the Grand Final for the first time in eleven years. I should probably watch the women's league, though, as their season is only half way through. Just need to remember to check when the Cats are playing.

It was the 16 year anniversary of my partner and I meeting recently. I wrote her a story. Maybe one day I'll adapt it for Lush one day. We also got a babysitter and went to the movies - first time I'd been to a movie aimed at adults since Wonder Woman. We saw Don't Worry Darling - I highly recommend it. Definitely not what you might expect from the title and poster.

Anyway, I did post another story for here - it's an origin story for a character from one of my older stories. Unlike most of my stories from the past few months, there is no male-male action, and, Kimmi, you won't need your teddy bear (at least not for part 1... probably not part two either). It does, however, feature a very naughty schoolgirl, and is almost certainly highly offensive to devout Catholics. Sorry about that.

Emma (Part 1 Of 2)