Hey I'm Steven, kinda new here, I'm gonna try writing a few stories. I'm not a very confidant writer so go easy but I love reading stories, making friends trying new things or even old things. I can't know what I like till I try it out once or twice. I'm pretty accepting of everyone and everything everyone likes and I love role play so don't feel shy to talk to me or add me but you probably shouldn't add me unless you're gonna talk to me. btw If you can make me laugh I'll pretty much love you.
Interestsreading, writing, chatting parkour boxing football, sculpting painting, drawing, playing guituar, piano, violin, writing stongs( lyrics not the music) cuddling, being a boss making people laugh, zombie stories
Favorite Booksanything you've written
Favorite Authorseveryone
Favorite Moviesfight club, god father, pulp fiction, top gun, platoon, all good zombie movies
Favorite Musicdubstep, rap, rock, pretty much anything with a good beat