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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
United States


Being a much older gentleman than most here, My first introduction to erotic stories was back in 1957, working the night shift in a mental hospital.. confiscated what was considered porn and not allowed in general population. began reading the "Night Stand" books, I was hooked.. smiles, I have even written some..but..they are way too personal and i always get to the money shot way to fast..*winks..
absolutely !! Cuddles after sex is a part of the entire sexual expierence..besides, there is nothing better than the sensation of a woman's naked body spooned up against Me..Mmmmmmm...My arms around her, softly massaging her firm warm breast..her nipple hard at My touch.. Oh yes, would cuddle a long time..*winks and no going to sleep either !!!
Thank you for the listing the resources...

rather new to this type of chat/picture sharing..I appreciate..
oh yes.. I'd watch.. I'd sit back and enjoy, try not to be distraction..just let it play out...
Slow_Talkin.... well, I never learned how to type properly, and look at the keys..which we all know slows the typing process (text is talk in chat)

Hench, Slow_Talkin, which prevents Me from entering into chat in most the time I answer or add a comment, the subject has changed..
Well, I'm not sure about here in Lush, but I have chatted on several of the main/popular chat sites for over 15 years..I have met many 'friends' (per se) and dozens of really close Friends" many I have met in person and have become real life friends to this day..others keep in touch via chat and emails.. smles yes..even a couple of lovers and couples that shared intimate moments's all good !!
Chuckles.. They say age is just a number..and it is.. I'm a "mature" say the least, but I like this quote.."How old would you be, if you didn't know how old you were?" I'd suggest younger people get to know the 'person' forget the age.. Just saying..
yes, twice during threesomes.., loved it both times.. although many times with My partner and toys..