Does any real friendship/love formed while you're in here?
Yes, I am in love with one and love many more.
i misunderstood the Q. i thought "how far" as in from reading to simply chatting with a member, or go all the way to hooking up in real life. but, from my browsing, i'm glad quite a lot of people actually found life partners here.
A simple question with such a complexity of answers...
Yes, you can easily form real lasting relationships with others, but the quality is more dependent upon you.
Are you willing to be honest with friends? Are you willing to risk rejection? Are you willing to give as much as you hope to receive? If you can honestly answer yes, then the rewards are immense, but if you expect to receive all these aspects of a relationship without exposing yourself equally... then perhaps you are not ready to for a relationship here... or elsewhere.
Absolutely I have formed real friendships here. In actual fact, a very few of my Lush friends know me better than nearly anybody in Real Life Land.
As far as having an intimate relationship goes, I'd have to meet a person (which is an issue I struggle with) before I could allow myself to risk those feelings, and even then I wouldn't dare unless I knew without a doubt that they felt the same.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.
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Yes I have formed real friendships here, people that I have come to care very much and even love. Like shylass said, some friends probably know me better then my real life ones, because I dont feel I need to hide who I am on here.
It would hurt if, for some reason, I could no longer communicate with some of the personalities I've met here. So, yes.
I met a lovely young lady and we enjoyed many conversations, mainly on instant messaging, acting out spanking scenes. We never met or needed to. The exchange was wonderful for as long as it lasted which was a very long time. We "met" twice a week and loved it.
I have made many friends on Lush that I really care about and love. But I have not fallen "in love" with anyone, but can understand how you could. There are some truly wonderful people on Lush!
I have been told that many "in real life" relationships have come from lush, I believe several actaully ending up in marriage. Although I do not know of any first hand.
Absolutely. My best friend I found here on Lush. We talk all the time off Lush.
Well, I'm not sure about here in Lush, but I have chatted on several of the main/popular chat sites for over 15 years..I have met many 'friends' (per se) and dozens of really close Friends" many I have met in person and have become real life friends to this day..others keep in touch via chat and emails.. smles yes..even a couple of lovers and couples that shared intimate moments's all good !!
Yes I have many close friends on Lush, they all mean alot to me.
I have made many friends both male and female that I have grown very fond of and look forward to chatting with them as often as possible
I have one Lush very dear friend, who knows me better than I know myself, and a couple of other friends whom I valuehighly. SO the answer is, you can go as far as you want to, provided you are willing to allow yourself to be vulnerable, and take the associated risks.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
I've only been on Lush for less then a month and have met a lot of asshats. But honesty. Yes, I do think You can meet someone, and it be real. If you are both truly honest with who you are, what you want and are faithful to each other. It takes a lot of trust to have something online. Because it's so much easier to slip up online then it is in real. More so when you come to a place like Lush. But if that is who you really want, then it can work, just like in real life.
I have made a couple of really good friends on here.
Friendship for me .. certainly and I never would have thought that could happen when I joined in a wholly virtual environment. There are people on here that I do feel an attachment too (connection I believe is the buzz word) and feel that I care for. More than that I doubt but then that maybe down to me (not saying I have offers for more by the way) .. sighs.
Not been here long enough to really make any attachments, but I have at least one online friend that I met through another board so it's quite possible. Now love, I'm not so sure. I think I'd need to have an in-person relationship to actually fall in love with someone.