If I see you in a Florida grocery, you can be certain I'll flirt with you! The Chefs hat and red tresses shouldn't be hard to miss.
I have no short term solutions for you, however, I suggest you look in "estrogen rich" territory to locate a playmate.
Several suggestions are:
Dog shows, lots of travel involved and that estrogen rich atmosphere I've mentioned
Ceramics class, no real man would be caught there, guess what, lots of women with available time.
Equestrian events
Again, these aren't sure fire or short term, but I have witnessed the success of others in these locations.
Location: Outer Space
Items: Zero gravity (hardly and item, but is a story element), Sleeping restraints, Big Blue Marble
Character: Female - Astronaut, Mission oriented, Enamored with her mission specialist
I presume the party has taken place. Please provide details (not necessarily gritty details). Was it a success?
I hope you enjoy your stay with us. The stories in your blog are interesting. I hope you will share some here too.
Relationships run on communication. Have you communicated your needs to him? What is his response? If you haven't asked, you should. The answer will tell you what direction to go.
Do what makes you smile. It would seem to me that this group affair would be safer than some of your other escapades. 10 in a Limo? The limos I've been in had room for 10 sitting. I have a hard time imagining 5 couples getting wild in there. It will certainly be intimate fun! We will be looking for the story afterwords.
Beautiful women are beautiful women. I might not even know your persuasion. Flirting is a fishing expedition. If we didn't flirt, we wouldn't know if you were interested. I have known few women that I knew for certain were Lesbians. They were intelligent, interesting and attractive in my eye. My chemistry said "go for it" even if their chemistry said no. Which chemistry do you think I hear? Intellectually, I know these women are off limits. Primordially, Lesbian women are the same as Heterosexual women. As in any endeavor, one balances instinct and intellect. I try to respect their preferences, while my body is screaming "Hot Chick" from the lower recesses of my mind. My point is; as men, we are, generally, compelled to put it out there. I would hope you would feel complemented, not insulted that we are interested in you, forgive us our sin of not accepting your chemistry*without being told.
As an alternative though, perhaps, they feel like Lesbians are a safe place to practice, because they know the end result?
*I am NOT condoning the over aggressive individual that cannot accept the word no.
Natural selection at work.......
Sorry guys, I got caught in one of those system updates...
I want you NOW!
I can't seem to get this kitty purring, can you help me?
I brought the silk ties. Am I tying you up or are you tying me up?
Let's break in the back seat of the Austin.
I want you NOW!
I can't seem to get this kitty purring, can you help me?
I brought the silk ties. Am I tying you up or are you tying me up?
Let's break in the back seat of the Austin.
OK, I'll take his side, slightly:
Imagine, first date, I hardly know you and it comes up in conversation that you are wearing something from an ex. I might get the idea you're not over that relationship. Do I want to deal with that baggage? Hmmm, this odd situation makes me think twice about asking you out again. Now after having these thoughts, I am bold enough to directly ask the meaning of said item. You flatly deny that there is any sentimental connection. Do you expect me to truly believe you based upon one date?
However, this guy was your current guy and it bothered him? He should have known where the two of you stood in the relationship. Did you tell him? (and he tell you?). Perhaps, he was seeking an excuse to get out? Or, he wanted control and you weren't going down that path? If it was the control thing, you are both better off going different ways. He'll find someone to control and you'll find someone that can tell the difference between jewelry and jealousy.
If I was in a solid relationship, the jewelry thing would not bother me. I personally have mementos from past loves. For me, a male, you might say they are notches in the bed post. I would have to agree you are partially correct in that they remind me of the path I've traveled to get where I am. Either way, if they bother you, It won't be long before other things about me will bother you, so we may as well part as "friends" here.
Please, enjoy your ensemble. There is no reason to hide it in the closet after you gotten over the initial how do you dos.
"Contractors" sometimes, don't get the best accommodations. The guest quarters were taken by my superiors. I "volunteered" to take the tcontainer. With a mattress in it, it wasn't so bad.
Too shy to share, cool.
Which one interests you the most?
And your trivia??????
1) I've canoed the length of the Everglades National Park
2) I've slept in a torpedo storage container on a submarine
3) I've had sex while scuba diving
Like the DOM I am, I'd be happy to help you fulfill that desire. Am I going to Oz? Or, are you coming here?
$410.50. Judging from the other listings: milk toast.
I notice the arms first. If they are muscular, I look for the abs. Muscular women are VERY S-E-X-Y.
Natural is the way to go IMHO. If you must spend the cash, let's take a trip and play.
I'm not particular about size. I do appreciate available boobs. As in; it depend upon the mindset of the Lady. If she is interesting, her breasts are interesting.
Dressed and leading the cheer... "Gimme an F... Gimme a U............"
I agree with Syd. If the kiss is without my knowledge, it's cheating. If I know, it's HOT.
I've never had the opportunity to do either. I would like to be able to experiment in this area. If I found a willing Sub, it would be fun to be the "Lead Dog" for a while.
For me it's all about chemistry. If the chemistry was there, it could happen. Unfortunately, most Hermaphrodites aren't as developed as what is illustrated in the video.
Conversation works wonders. Just ask; if he has half a brain, you won't be able to shut him up.
Please, may I. It IS a turn on.
Bottoms over boobs here.....