LOL.. never know. maybe it was a vengful Husband who got her drunk and had her tatoo'd as a warning to any wayward souls who might find themselves tempted. (told her they were putting a nice butterfly there.... but really the message is clear!
wanderers! Beware!! you are about to enter hell's grotto!
Perhaps the scarf is hiding her hickeys.... hmmm how teenie boperish perhaps?
Do you know why your relationship is sexless? would be my first question...
Would you be able to tell us please more regarding Macroism and how it pertains to your situation? I did look this up and found very little on it.
I hope this isn't minded by the originator of the post, but was curious of the boys an extension to her question.....
So. then an erection where you are wearing confined clothes, might prove to be a terrible discumfort say for example an uncontrolled situation where you are unable to adjust or convince your buddy that he should .... stand down.
for instance - to have some sweet ass ... 'accidentally' rubbing up against you in a crowded bus for an extensive trip, where adjustments were impossible. Or some such similar circumstance...what would you compare that discomfort to? How would you describe the repercussions?
I Love Big Butts - Sir Mix A Lot
Now, Are you satisfied?