Well, the two before me said what I was going to say. It's not what is on the outside that matters to me. It's what is on the inside. I have always been one for those women that show their inner qualities on the outside. That's what always attracted me most to women, and when I found the one I am with now, and she knew what true beauty is (even though she may not realize it) she had me hooked. And we've been together now for two years and she is just as beautiful to me on the outside as much as she is beautiful on the inside.
I follow only two, and I have found their works to be quite entertaining. I know, many of you may not find that in them, but hey, to each his/her own, right? The two I follow are:
I don't think either one has had anything published in a while, but I still enjoy them both.
I don't have a common name (or at least I feel it's not that common) so I doubt, very highly, that my real name will ever be used. However, if I do see one with it in there, well, it won't bother me because I know it's just a character and nothing else.
Yes, I have actually. I'm an administrator (sort of) at a university, and students can be flirty at times. It would have been better if it had been women though that did the hitting. No offense to the guys, by no means, that are that way. It's just that I'm heterosexual.
I went in to update my "About You" section, just to add a sentence in, and when I went in to do so, I could see the HTML codes I had placed there to insert line breaks. When I clicked the update button, all of those went away and now my "About Me" section is all one long paragraph with no breaks.
I have gone back in and inserted the codes for line breaks, and it still does not work. It never saves it. I use <br>, </br> and even <p>, </p> for paragraphs, but it still does not work.
Can someone please tell me what is going on? And can you please tell me how to fix it. It was perfect before, but now it's all messed up.
I write every single day. It's not always something erotic. I also belong to Lush's sister site, storiesspace, and write for that site as well. Writing is very therapeutic for me and that's how I wind my day down from work.
My penis is my penis and it's perfect to me. Granted, and I am not ashamed to admit this, I am on the small side, but I would not change my penis for anyone.
Believe this or not, I have never really had a fantasy per se, but have had thoughts of what this and that could be like. I'm one that only cares if it happens, it happens. So be it.
There is way too much at risk here for me. Even if it was consensual, I would never be able to bring myself to do it. I am committed to only one person and she is the only one for me. I'd rather tie her to the bed instead!
I do have a significant other.
Yes, she knows that I am on this site.
Yes, she knows that I write/read stories.
Yes, she actually is on this site with me. It's how we met.
No, she does not disapprove of this site.
No, I do not hide my activity from her.
I let her read what she wants. If we read the same one together, that's fine, but she has her own likings here as well.
I've never timed it myself, but once I'm erect, I stay that way until that inevitable moment. Once that happens, and this does not bother me to say, I go soft right afterwards. I know some men can stay hard after ejaculating, but I've never been able to do so. Well, I shouldn't say never. I've actually been able to stay hard after ejaculating from a handjob and I was able to go again, but through sex, never. I need that refractory phase.
As the first poster said, penis + vagina = virginity lost.
Yes, it is possible for a hymen not to be broken the first time. I think most guys understand that. Seeing that hymens can be broken in a number of ways like, tampon insertion, masturbation, riding a bike, or even riding a horse, guys don't really think about what's down there other than getting inside it.
Personally, it would not matter to me. (And thats just my opinion since i am taken). And I think it wouldn't matter to most if your Hymen was or wasn't intact still. You're still a woman either way.
I love this concept, Metilda! Gives everyone a chance to showcase their own work, so here's my reply:
Anne, naked on the night warmed sandy shore, laid with her legs spread looking out into the dark blueness of the ocean in front of her. Anne's panties sat delicately beside her on the warm sand as the moonlight lit her sexual divide in a soft blue hue.
Dick, her husband of many years, laid on his side by her toying his finger through his wife's plush, but well-trimmed brown curly mound of love. His eyes were right in line with Anne's endowed facade and he loved how the soft pink centers shined delicately with a pale blue. The moon sure knew how to light up the love of his life.
Dick's long length between his legs throbbed with an ache that needed his wife's touch. Slowly, he kneeled and straddled Anne's top half. His large heavy sack sat heavily right under his wife's breasts and his hardness stuck out over her large milk filled protrusions. He saw Anne smile sultrily up at it then wrapped her hand around his long hard length.
Slowly, Anne slid her hand over Dick's erection feeling every ridge that made it stiff. She watched his large round baby-makers lift and lower onto her body. She felt their heaviness slide on her skin as well. Anne loved pleasing her husband just as much as he loved pleasing her.
Anne quickened her strokes upon her husband's long hardness until clear dollops of pre-excitement exited the tip. Dick began to groan and harden even more in her hands. The throbbing of his hot extension in her grip felt just the same as if it was inside her wet chasm. Anne knew she had Dick almost to the point of no return.
Dick then began thrusting his erection in Anne's hand and she stopped stroking to let him continue the moment himself. Anne watched as the clear gooeyness dripped out of his plump erect head and onto her breasts. It was making her secrete her own.
Suddenly, Dick made one more pump into his wife's hand and groaned loudly. Anne felt her husband's balls tighten and lift on her hot moist skin and his cock twitch and pulse in her hand then watched as he spurted dollop after hot dollop of his love batter all over her bountiful breasts. When the last drop had dripped from him, Anne swiped her finger around the tip, cleaning him off the only way she could.
Dick looked down at his personal glaze covering his wife's breasts. Her nipples poked out with his white formula all around them. With their dark round feature, they looked like glazed doughnuts.
Anne looked up to her husband and smiled. Dick looked down to his wife and returned with the same. Anne then leaned up to match her husband still straddling her body.
"I love you," Anne said and wrapped her arms around him.
Dick held her and said, "I love you more," then took her face into his hands and pressed his lips to hers. They kissed long and hard then collapsed to the warm night sand together.
The blue moonlight surrounded them lovingly as they fell asleep in a cuddle of bridled love.
Okay, I don't care how this sounds. To me, it's neither. It's all about what is inside. She can have the best boobs or best ass, but it's her heart that matters. It's what makes her whole.
I don't pay attention to the gender of the author because it doesn't matter to me. Both sexes are great writers anyway. As long as the story is well-written and holds my interest, then it doesn't matter.
I'm male, and my stories have been both from the male and female point of view. In fact, I tend to write from a female point of view most of the time.
I would have to choose her on top as well. I love being able to look up and see her body and see that she is enjoying herself while she is pleasing me and while I am pleasing her. Plus, I could use my hands to manipulate items on her while she hovers over me.
For one, I would not with a stranger, but would do either with my partner. Whichever she wanted to do.
However, for sake of answering the question, I would rather get tugged by a stranger in public.
I like short, shaped, and nicely painted fingernails.
I just search and find them at all various sites. There is no one in particular I go too.
Have sex in an adjacent room with parents in theirs. The thought of having sex in my parent's bed just feels creepy to even think. Besides, they know I am a grown and have a life of my own, and sex is a part of it. They would not care if I was on the other side with the woman I love.
The thought of sharing my significant other with someone else is revolting to me. Why? The thought of another guy having his way with her, even if I am in the room, turns me off immediately.
Hello readers and other authors of Lush!
I am not sure if this had been done here before; I tried searching stories in all categories, but I saw none, so I am asking here.
I am considering the idea of writing a Shakespearean style erotic story and wonder if one would take pleasure in reading it, if I do, indeed, write it.
I wanted to get some input first before I delve into that area to see if it would be of interest to other readers.
What do you all think of this idea?
I write wherever and whenever possible, so I honestly can't remember all the places I have written, but one does stick out in my mind the most.
It was at the cinema watching a movie. I don't even remember the movie I was watching because an idea popped into my head and I pulled out my cell phone and went to the memo page and just started writing.
Before I ever send a friend request, I always send a PM to that person first to say why I would like to be friends. I think it is the polite thing to do first.
It does not take them off guard and they will have a reason to say yes. If they say yes, then I will send a friend request, if they do not send me one first.
It would never do anything for me. I'd rather it be in person.
Never have, but had the opportunity to do so. But the thought of being caught unnerved me too much to actually go through with it.