Joined Lush for the erotic, both reading the works of others and contributing some that hopefully will intrigue and arouse others.
Here for friendship and a little good fun. I have a wicked sense of humor that bleeds caffeine-fueled sarcasm (more true in person than in my writing). Do not screw with my coffee. It should be hot, black and moderately strong. Period. Non-negotiable.
I will always respect a woman, and I have zero respect for any man who abuses or tries to control a woman. Those are weak souls trying to feed off those who they see as inferior. Zero respect and zero tolerance for that shit.
I am generous and charitable. I am fiercely loyal to -- and protective of -- those whom I care about, whether physically close or online friends.
Oddly, I am intensely interested in biology and chemistry on an application level. ("Why is that odd?" you ask. Because neither is remotely applicable to my chosen profession...except that in my profession a little knowledge about many, varied subjects serves practitioners well.)
Ahhh...enough about me. Who are you?
Interests My writing tends toward seduction with copious amounts of teasing and masturbation (often mutual). Some work will be 100% from memory, some will be based on actual events, some will be 100% from my imagination. Have never collaborated on a piece of written erotic work, but am interested in perhaps giving it a whirl with a scenario I can visualize.
Outside of writing (this is not the only kind I do), I'm a semi-professional photographer when I have the time. Also an avid basketball player (and I still play competitively).
One day I will write a book on leadership. I have been fortunate enough to have had some great mentors who taught me some great lessons...some of them what NOT to do and how NOT to treat people. Have also been fortunate (some would say unfortunate) enough to have been through some work and personal situations that called for quick decision making to save property and businesses. Great lessons learned; many not what we're taught in classes.
Favorite Books 1984, Cardinal of the Kremlin, The Hunt for Red October, A Walk in the Woods (read the book; the movie sucks), Martian, Finding Jake, The Good Liar, The Things They Carried, The Square and the Tower. That's a start...
Favorite Authors Tom Clancy, Bill Bryson, Simon Sinek, Dan Brown.
Favorite Movies Pulp fiction. Sin City. Deadpool. (There's probably a theme there.)
Favorite TV Shows Breaking Bad. The Walking Dead. Big Bang Theory. West Wing.