Thank you for visiting my page. Just a girl from England's south coast, married two years and going steady. When not furloughed - ha ha - I work at a restaurant and get away with the odd glass of vino when I can. I've been writing on and off for a couple of years, and hope to have a go here, just for fun.
Interests Cooking, eating out, TV & film, reading.
Favorite Books The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins All of the Odd Thomases, Dean Koontz Pride and Prejudice - no need to name HER!
Favorite Authors As well as the above, Ken Follet and Patricia Cornwell.
Favorite Movies Just about any romcom or romance. Also, like a bit of drama.
Favorite TV Shows Masterchef, Eastenders, Poldark (rewatching on DVD), Game of Thrones.
Favorite Music Anything except rap and classical. The first grunts, the second just whines.