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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 41
0 miles · Greenfield


Active Ink Slinger
Im going with #3

1. My first sexual encounter was when I was 11

2. I have meet Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam

3. I hate snakes

4. I enjoy using dildos on myself.
Active Ink Slinger
I love a girl who smokes. Watching a video or seeing pics its just a total turn on. I hate smokers and feel that its nasty but watching a video is just a sexy turn on for me. Very seductive IMO.
Active Ink Slinger
Just had a shot of Vodka. Yea its only 11 am but today is my friends birthday and he was born at 1101 am and I always have a shot on this hour for him.
Active Ink Slinger
Opening up for the first time can shock people and make you seem like that bad guy type but if it made you feel better than who cares what others think. Its whats best for you and your family right? And if you opened up to a family or friend then they need to accept that you are changing and opening up now instead of being the closed fist type. Because if you keep things bottled up for too long you might go and hurt others or more importantly hurt yourself. I know and understand cause I was the quiet one for so long as well. If you ever need a friend to lend you a ear feel free to message me back.
Active Ink Slinger

Tony Montana: You know what your problem is?
Elvira Hancock: What's that?
Tony Montana: You don't got nothing to do with your life. Why don't you get a job? Work with lepers. Blind kids. Anything's gotta be better than lying around all day waiting for me to fuck you.
Elvira Hancock: Don't toot your horn, honey. You're not that good.
Active Ink Slinger
For me it was the stories at first. Then I started to make friends with authors. Now Im enjoying the boards more.
Active Ink Slinger
For me personally I love going down on a woman. Im just not a fan of the girls who never trim or keep themselves clean. I was at a party one time having a good time eating out one girl after another while getting my dick sucked. Well there was this girl who came next in line and she was chunky. (not that size maters) but she was the hairiest and smelliest girl I ever had. After a few minutes I had to stop because of her smell. That kinda ended my night as well.
Active Ink Slinger
Agree. My friend has always been there for me as I will for him.

Lush is a great place to make friends.
Active Ink Slinger
Like most if not all of you that have posted thus far. Cyber chat has never done anything for me. I would rather watch someone with them not knowing or watching a video and getting off than to tell someone what to do and vise versa. I personaly feel that its better to have a personal encounter than cybering.
Active Ink Slinger
Great pics! Im new to the boards but curious how do I upload the pics here that I have on my pc? I know how to use the image link part but I dont have decent pics on websites and all.
Active Ink Slinger
I been mainly comming here for just the stories and talk now and then with some of the writters of some great stories. But now I decided to open up more and join the message board and hopefully meet new friends and express myself more openly with that I cant on a daily basis.