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Why LUSH? What does Lush Stories mean to You?

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We are a community here..... We all come here for different reasons. Why do YOU visit Lush?

To start us off, I visit for several reasons..... (One) for a quick masturbatory hit, like this:

(Two) to read high erotica like this:

(Three) To write erotic stories that I hope entertain....

I also value my friends here and we chat and do what we do......

How about You...... Why do you come here?

xx Steph

(Do tell, please. I really want to know......)
Active Ink Slinger
As a place to post my audios, and hopefully find a phone sex partner once in a while, that's pretty much it.
Active Ink Slinger
Hmmmmm, I posted a reply but it disappeared.....

To post my audios and find phone sex partners once in a while, that's pretty much it.
Active Ink Slinger
I have always been a very sexual person. I found this site by accident and quickly made some very good friends here. Most other sites of a more adult nature are very pornographic in nature. I find lush to be more about sensuality and exploration.

I enjoy writing on occasion, just the thought of putting my feelings or experiences down on paper is very liberating.

I enjoy reading. There are always some amazingly sensual things to read here, from a very wide range of very different personalities.

At times, I am sickened. (Mainly by anything incestuous), At times I am truly moved. (Mainly by poetry) But I can guarantee that there will always be a friend or two online that I can have a great conversation with.

Obviously there are trolls here. But the site is designed in such a way that if you do not want them to bother you. You do not have to let them.

All in all, I find the whole site and community very addicting.
Active Ink Slinger
I come here to post my audios and find phone sex partners once in a while.
Thank you both for your responses. I hope others might respond as well.

xx SF
I'm sure there's another thread about this; I'll try and find it because it'll be worth a read too...

I came to lush because I'd written a couple of stories for a friend. They were very well-received, so I showed them to another friend, who said they were really good. I decided to see if I could find somewhere to post them.
A quick search brought lushstories up and that's how I got here.

I never looked at any of the other sites, just joined lush and posted a story or two.

At the time I had no idea what lush was about and barely logged in at all, then I got a few friend requests..

I discovered the forums too, wrote some more, made more friends...

What I like best is chatting to my favourite friends (not just sexy chat btw)
I like posting in and reading the forums, reading stories etc...

I never frequent the chat rooms. They're too fast for me (and I'm actually kind of shy, yes, really)

I'm here more than FB now and I'd say there are people here who know me as well as some of my real life friends. Its a great community here. I love the way that Lushies will stick together in the forums, welcome newbies and really support each other. I know that I've had huge comfort from my friends here, when times have been tough.

In short, I love it, it's like a second home to me x
The Linebacker
I can tell things about myself that I can't do in my 'real' world face-to-face. I love the stories and socializing with people from around the globe.
Lush is my quick escape from the stresses of everyday life and keep me from being too bored. I enjoyed sharing my stories and socializing with people around the world. I conversed with so many talented and caring people on here...It has been a fun experience!
Miss Sassy Pants
I have a friend who was into the whole adult club thing. He told me to look in my immediate area and he promised me it was here. I thought to myself, not in my lil tiny town. We have 1 stoplight and even that's recent. So I searched my area and OMG... LushStories happened to be on that listing page. I had several stories that I had written, so I clicked on the link which brought me here.

Best click I ever hit. I read a few stories, browsed the forums and joined. Like Mazza, I did not frequent Lush often. I began in the chatrooms, met a lot of great folks... posted my writings, which have been well received.

Lush is my passion! I have brought a few friends here and they have joined, others just browse the stories. Lush is my lil addiction, I am here more than FB. I think some of my friends here know me more than some of my life friends.

Lush is a great convo topic. I have recently went back to school and we had to tell a lil about ourselves. I always say that I dabble in writing and moderate chat rooms. When asked where I always respond I just smile to myself when I see the pens jot that down.
I visit lush for a few reasons. Those reasons have changed since I first found the site through google.

Before becoming a member and creating a profile, Lush was simply a valve for sexual imagination. After becoming a member things changed a lot. though the help of some key characters of this comunity I learned to see the site through diferent goggles.

I had wanted to start writing for a long time and never had given it too much dedication, but I hope this channel of artistic expression continues to provides me with inspiration to spark something inside me.

I log on today to share digital art (most i dont produce), to share writen art that I attempt to produce and to trade thoughts with some really interesting people. I truly learn from my interactions with them and value their ideas. I feel that I can be myself here - which has been really important to me in the last year.

I don´t know yet what to make of all of experience, but I feel like this forum has filled a small empty space that I did not know existed within me. It sure has been fun.
Lush is the place where I can have some time to myself, with no one from my 'real' life bugging me. I can talk to lovely people, read great stories and just chill out. Lush inspires me, has made me more confident and I've made some great friends on here. It's like my escape from reality.
Active Ink Slinger
I came for the stories, stayed for the friends!!!

I can be myself with wonderful people who like me (or dont) for me. Not for any other reason than that. I can be serious, fun, sexy, sad or how ever I like and they dont judge me, just let me be myself. What else can I ask for?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nikki703
I came for the stories, stayed for the friends!!!

I can be myself with wonderful people who like me (or dont) for me. Not for any other reason than that. I can be serious, fun, sexy, sad or how ever I like and they dont judge me, just let me be myself. What else can I ask for?

A LafayetteCock, that's what you can ask for!!!

I came here for the stories first. When my cock was sore from all the wanking, I headed into the forum and found a whole new level to the place. And the friends I've made make it even better.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
I first came here to read the stories. I'd tried Literotica as well but didn't like their android app, and the stories weren't as good. I've never been to their actual site, though.

I stay because I've met some incredible people here. I am a big fan of many of the people I've "met". There are some truly talented and genuinely wonderful people here, and I feel fortunate to have met them. smile

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

Gingerbread Lover
I wasn't comfortable looking at porn, and I love to read. I wondered if people ever wrote stories about sex, and when I Googled "sex stories", Lush was the first in the queue. It was actually the forum that caught my eye, not the stories. I signed up because I wanted to ask things. Then I began to read some stories, and tried sharing one of my own.

I now have some wonderful friends that I am close to than nearly all of my real-life friends, and people are so kind here. And the things I am learning!!! I have begun to think more about writing as a craft, rather than a thing I just do sometimes because I love it.

I still don't really think I "fit" into Lush, but nobody else seems to mind about that. I am loving my time here, and I don't want to leave.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Active Ink Slinger
I discovered Lush after being tired of seeing the same old standard porn online. I thought to myself, "There MUST be some place that has stories. I can make better movies in my imagination than this, if only I can find reading material" When I discovered this site, I read a few stories, and decided this was the proper place to post the beginnings of my long tale about George and Isolde. After posting it, I had several other ideas, so wrote them, and posted those stories too. Next thing I knew, I had a bunch of people I enjoyed chatting with about all sorts of things. About three months ago, I closed my facebook acccount entirely, and now do all my online socializing on here. I have "met" some wonderful people on here, many of whom are "smarter than the average bear", which I find enjoyable.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
At first, like everybody, I came here for the hot stories to get me off. These days, I come here purely as a place for an outlet for my sexual side. I dont read anymore but love chatting to like minded people about sex, and have made some great friends on here. I find it a safe place where I can just be myself, and express myself without judgement. And if people do judge me on here, who cares!
I've made different types of friends on Lush than I have IRL. I see Lush as a safe haven. I can admit to things that I may not be able to IRL, I can have fun, talk utter crap if I wish or have an intellectual conversation with someone if we so please.

I've found that Lush just isn't as judgemental as some other sites or real life. In some ways the fantasy is better than the reality and this is one example of that.

I remember when I first stumbled upon Lush. I was looking for a better outlet for my sexual frustration than porn. The quality of the stories here were and still are really good. I just used to read stories and eventually wrote some of my own, really just to prove to myself that I could do it, but one fateful day I stumbled upon the forum and at first I lurked, but I eventually posted and then got a little addicted to visiting the forums.

I'm thankful that I've got this outlet for my sexuality and also a great way of learning new things, not just sexually. It certainly has boosted my confidence in the past wee while and it continues to do so every time something nice happens (someone comments on one of my stories, pictures or profile or just give me a nice compliment). In short, I love Lush and that's what keeps me coming back for more.
Lush Stories is the place I can express my wild sexual side.
The Linebacker
A great outlet for my stories!

Making friends, especially from far off places.

Reading hot sexy stories.

Discussing all kinds of topics in The Forum.

Getting to do things anonymously that I can't do with friends and family in my 'real' world.

Also an outlet for the deeply sexual things, thoughts, frustrations, experiences, fantasies, etc. that stem from my 'real' world.

Having fun! Especially having fun!
Active Ink Slinger
i come for the people smile
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
I first visited Lush because I was a young man in need of some "stimulation" and I was pig-sick of porn.

I tried my hand at writing and discovered I quite liked it so I signed up with Lush and gave it a go.

I made some friends and started getting kicks from cyber-chat and the like. People started to like my stories so I wrote some more.

I ventured into the forums and found a wonderful community in here. I posted here, there and everywhere, recognising more and more faces and having mine recognised, too.

I found myself coming on every day, checking the forums, a few posts. I'd read a cheeky wee story or three, maybe have a cheeky wank.

I was asked to be a story verifier; I was given an opportunity to make some kind of contribution to a site I love. I was welcomed with open arms into a brilliant team.

I have made real friends here and I have grown as a writer and a person. I've learned more about sex than I probably ever needed to know. I've laughed and cried and shouted and laughed some more.

Every day on Lush is a new adventure.

Why do I visit Lush? Shits and giggles, mostly.
Active Ink Slinger
I joined another erotica website a few months ago, VASTLY inferior to Lush, but ended up posting a couple of stories there. I had written the first before I even knew sites this these existed, just as a personal fantasy, but ONE person gave me so much encouragement, I wrote a sequel to it. That same person found this site, and directed me here, and we've since become friends.

What I didn't know was how much social interaction there was, and I just love it! It can be as anonymous or as intimately personal as you wish it to be, and I've really met some wonderful people here, in such a short time. If I want to kibitz with some incredibly talented writers, or if I just want to hang out, there's no pressure to do or be anything I don't want. LOVE LUSH!
Active Ink Slinger
I been mainly comming here for just the stories and talk now and then with some of the writters of some great stories. But now I decided to open up more and join the message board and hopefully meet new friends and express myself more openly with that I cant on a daily basis.
Active Ink Slinger
I come on for the stories, as so many people have vast imaginations. The forums because there is so many wonderful people on here. I like to read what others have to say.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Advanced Wordsmith
I can write stories that i haven't told friends without worrying how people will judge me! They either get aroused or bored, plus the stories on here are HOT
When life gives you lemons, keep them. 'Cause hey, free lemons!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by littlemissbitch
i come for the people smile

i've heard that about you *giggles and runs!*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.