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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 30
United Kingdom


*points at the anaconda curled up at the foot of the bed* Wasn't a dream darling.
Quote by madbadpenguin
I think if you did answer the door that way, many more people would come to visit!

Fry sausages

Haha! I cooked a fried breakfast naked once! Well, technically I had an apron on. :]
Quote by lhb1989
yolo, swag, swagger

This this this, jesus cat-swinging christ.
Oh.. hi Jinxy, was I good? :]

I will say... no, because I'm a tease!
I don't think there are any words starting with nd, so I will go id; Idea.
Agree, that's just something deeply ingrained into human psychology.

A person should be allowed to pursue their own way of life, and their own goals. Not be restrained by the things the world says is right and wrong, and the need to acquire wealth to live your life.
When I could get those Willy Wonka chocolate bars that fizzed and popped in your mouth.. ahhh cravings.
Definitely agree.

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight.
The Hobbit! Not quite as epic as LotR, but amazing in it's own way, so looking forward to the next one!
Misha Collins, aka Castiel from Supernatural. Grawr. :]


Edit: Why can't I link pictures?