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Over 90 days ago
Male, 46
United States


Active Ink Slinger
I wouldn't however cause with the -1000 per masturbation I would use up all the money in a week :/
Active Ink Slinger
Good thing this is a pub I can use a drink with all these obituaries on the walls.
Active Ink Slinger
She doesn't steal shoes but she would hit an innocent Onion visiting Chicago with a baseball bat. go figure.
Active Ink Slinger
Ok so I am sure anyone living in the states heard the push last year about generic drugs and all the radio ads for "FDA safe and effective" "generic drugs Safe and effective because the FDA checks them".

That said if I were a cigarette executive I would be having a field day. Now that the FDA is going to monitor and approve cigarettes for sale I would place that on the pack bigger that the name of the cigarette. FDA approved. Safe and effective. Marlboro Red. I can see one of two outcomes, both bad IMHO. One cigarette smoking starts to rise in the population because now that the FDA monitors them they wouldn't let us do something that could kill us and they are going to have to approve cigarettes for sale.

Or two and the more likely. The FDA's credibility is shot. Approving products for sale that will kill people. They don't need anymore bad press since they can't even get lettuce, tomato, and other fresh produce to the shelves without E Coli. The latest is now refridgerated cookie dough. So at what point do we start to wonder if they are letting these poisons through in the other products they approve should we trust the medications they monitor too?
Active Ink Slinger
Before I lay my judgement down was it Pixar that released this story and thereby seeking the publicity from it or was it the little girls family?

Had I been the manager I would have taken it to the girl to watch I would have just not invited the media for the benefit of it.

Sometimes the good act is enough of its own reward.
Active Ink Slinger
A buddy of mine has very good luck with "Nice shoes, D'you wanna fuck?" works for him but I wouldn't suggest trying it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by runonwords
Sorry, Lucky enough that I never had to pay for it!

Quote by bikebum1975
Never would pay for it. Just not me.

I know it is probably sexist but unless you are a male virgin you have paid for sex. Whether it is dinner and movie, $8 dollar drinks at the bar, or you just cut out the middle man and pay the woman directly. Regardless It is the only product that that is perfectly legal to give away for free but illegal to sell.

And I feel for you Rocco I walked that long walk myself. All three rings of marriage. The engagement ring, the wedding ring, the suffering.
Active Ink Slinger
That is cool Zafia. You are a Sox fan so all I have to do is pretend to be a good sinker and you couldn't hit me.GlfwKqbV9O4pJ0fm
Active Ink Slinger
yeah and now that isn't good enough she thinks they should need to do it for the 1 and 2 scores. As in fashion 2 is the new 1. If it needs to be changed why not just change the scoring method to only have the option of voting 5 points just to cut to the chase when the score of 3 or 4 isn't good enough without feedback.
Active Ink Slinger
So you only write for rankings? Why is it that you people need to fight over every single person liking your story. This isn't the eighth grade, there isn't some big conspiracy out to get you, write to write and you will get better. There are plenty of people out there who will offer criticism where it is warranted, granted most will not when you have to start a new crying post everytime you get a bad story review.

Plus I can't remember how many great authors when being interviewed for their new book say, " I wrote it cause the money was good." Instead of "I wrote it because I love to write."
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lisa

OMG he has a Power Glove... I will have to find him and see if he wants to trade for my R.O.B.RjOfPDIg6gITQxEg
Active Ink Slinger

First for the pirate lovers

And for the christians and athesists
Active Ink Slinger
p.s. Zafia I will be back through Chicago all this week and will be watching for ya
Active Ink Slinger
As a dedicated Semi driver for the past ten years I must say I have seen a lot more dicks than tits while driving. Guys must really be busy that they can't even pull over to jerk it. And ladies please remember to share what you got. We are out here working hard to make sure your shoe store never run out of stock.
Active Ink Slinger
Eyes, a got set can catch you half a block away and you know you have already lost.
Active Ink Slinger
It is all because men fall in love with their eyes and women with their ears. As such women have wonder bras and men talk shit lol.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by myles69

There's nothing worse than half-raw meat on one side, and burnt to a cinder on the other. At most barbies - sausages (aka Mystery Bags) are done after one drink, burgers after two drinks, and steaks after three. Having a designated cook means that it's easy to blame somebody when your guts go crook, to borrow from the venacular.

OMG 3 drinks for a steak??? They better be shots and you have them already poured when you drop the steak on the grill. If you cook off anything more than the mooo the steak is burnt and only fit for canines.
Active Ink Slinger
I would love to go back and see Henry the Eighth in action. He sculpted what true madmen in power can really do. Wars, killing off people who he didn't like, including several wives. I also love the clothes and codes from back the so I ust think it would be cool. Well until I did something to piss him off and got boiled in oil or beheaded myself.
Active Ink Slinger
Vespa : Who are you?
Barf: Barf.
Dot: Not in here mister this is a Mercedes.
Barf: Not that's my name Barf.
Vespa: What are you?
Barf: I'm a mog Half man, half dog. I am my own best friend.

John Candy in another great role. You will be missed.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Zafia
Quote by OrionTat
Quote by Zafia
Although I am not a mother I appreciate the sentiment Blind....

Now seriously Zaf I am sure you have been called a mother before. There may have been another part of the compound word with it but we will overlook that for now :P

You're right I am a Godmother.....thanks so much for reminding thoughtful of you Onionring....

I'm sure you have more experience in being called other compound words ending in the word mother than I.......smooches!

Ending in mother... no.... beginning with mother... well probably lol
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Zafia
Although I am not a mother I appreciate the sentiment Blind....

Now seriously Zaf I am sure you have been called a mother before. There may have been another part of the compound word with it but we will overlook that for now :P
Active Ink Slinger
Come on at least it was better than the old drinking joke.

An American, a Mexican, and an Iraqi were alone in the desert after a military patrol. The Iraqi pulls out three glasses and pours them all a drink. After they drink he throws the glasses up in the air and shoots them with his AK-47.

"In my country we have so much sand to make glass that we never have to drink from the same ones again."

The Mexican not wanting to be outdone pulls out three bottles of Tequila and passes them out. He takes a big, swig throws the half full bottle int the air and shoots it with his pistol.

"In my country we have so much Tequila we never need to drink from the same bottle twice."

Finally they both look at the America. He pours them all a shot of whiskey and when he is done he throws the shot glass in the air. The Mexican and Iraqi watch the glass go up in the air as the American shoots them both dead.

"I my country we have so many Mexicans and Iraqis that we don't ever need to drink with the same ones again."

See Play I think I have given you enough cover.
Active Ink Slinger
Vicini : Inconcievable!
Inigo : You know you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Princess bride fav forever

"have fun storming the castle"