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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
United States


This is one of the juciest topics ever. I think people who like eating cream pies are answering and people who find it disgusting are not. I've been on both sides of this fence. Face it (if you dare), some pussies are very inviting and some are smelly and/or overly juiced. The pussies I like are absolutely the most delicious things in the world. Better than bananas Foster, the famous New Orleans dessert. Insert your own favorite food into this comparison. My current and final wife is in the delicious category. Statistically, I'd say pussies fall into a typical balanced deviation curve, with a lot that are average (50%) and a few that are gross (25% on the low end) and a few (25% on the high end) that are delicious.
Deleted by admin. Your post clearly breaks site guidelines. Please do not post of any sexual activity under the age of 18 in the public forums.
I used to have to walk around making horse noises as I tried to get the hairs out of my throat. I got really good at sounding like a horse and most people who heard the noise got a kick out of the reason behind it. Shaving is more hygienic and is a wonderful cultural change. I'm older than most of you. Some of those old "fields of dreams" looked like the Okeefenokee Swamp and sometimes didn't taste much better.
Fallen in lust - a zillion times - this is a male thing
Fallen in puppy love - often
Real, strong love - yes, that too
Depends on the woman. I remember a "10" blonde who was low on IQ but big on everything else. So you can't automatically say the mind.

My first thought when I read this topic was a young, angelic face.

With Carolyn it was tits.

With Nancy it was that delicious red pussy. Red is the best.

With Becky it was her non-stop, body bouncing orgasms.

With Barbara it was her mind! Thank God I can remember at least one of those.

With Yolo it was her flashing eyes. Oh, my God!

With one I won't name (because she might see it and get mad at me), it was her taste.
People like my wit and honesty.
People don't like my honesty and directness.
No, I drive home naked, and I drive very fast in hopes that a cop will stop me and ask questions.

Great photos on this forum topic. Dozens of great ones. This one gets my "fav" vote.
Female teens are decidedly safer than male teens. My wife and daughter are both excellent drivers. One of them is a teen!
I think pregnant women have a glow of sexiness. My wife and I made love about 12 hours before labor was induced for the birth of our first daughter.
1. A magic moment with a married woman named Barbara. We touched and it was electric. She was a dream woman. It never went beyond 60 seconds of touching -- it was a long, knowing cheek-to-cheek touch -- and after that it was nothing. But it sure has lingered in my memory. A cheek-to-cheek touch may not sound like SEX to most readers, but it sure felt like sex when it happened.
Great answer from JustSara:

There's no 'set' time. Sex isn't a ritual or a routine and so - given that it's a mutual thing designed to give both the maximum pleasure - I'd say for as long as it takes me to experience however many orgasms as I'm likely to have. Then in a state of euphoria and satisfaction I can enjoy the man's climax and feel everything as he ejaculates inside me.

Mucho adds:

When it's late at night and you have to get up early the next morning, five minutes can be just right for both parties. That would depend, in part, on my partner's trigger time. Some women can cum in less than a minute; others need ten minutes or more of total concentration. When you're on vacation and trying to express your happiness and devotion to your soulmate, an hour sounds good. And then some time at the beach...and some dinner...and then another long, fine session.

My "OP" girlfriend could cum nonstop for half an hour. She would flop around the bed (or around the car) and sometimes knock is both to the floor off the side of the bed. Believe me, half an hour of riding that bucking broco was enough to exhaust me. When we finally stopped, she was ready to cry uncle, too. "OP" came from the logo on her shoes, but to us it stood for Orgasm Pig.
Only once have I had such an experience. I had spent a week in Cairns, Australia (north, Barrier Reef), and wanted to drive the full height of the continent down to Melbourne. I left one evening and drove all night to try and see some Wallabies. This is their #1 highway and the population is so spars up north that I rarely passed other vehicles. So I did see wome wildlife, but not much. About 8:00 the next morning I came upon signs to a national beach park and decided to go there for some sleep. I found a secluded cove, spread a towel on the sand and conked out.

I awoke to lovemaking sounds very nearby. There was no good reason why they hadn't seen me because I was no trying to hide, but I guess they were so focused on their own playfulness that they just didn't look my way. They fucked for about five minutes, lay together for another five and then headed toward the ocean for a swim. Once they were playing in the water I walked off. No harm, no fowl.

They were both nice looking young people (I was, too, because this was 30 years ago). I have no idea what would have happened had I yelled something like, "Hey, can a Yank have some of that?"
WellMadeMale posted a chart that showed various women sizes. One of them was drop dead gorgeous. I love that one! I tried to copy and paste his chart in here but I guess I don't know how.

I tend to prefer a little extra rather than skinny...but very fat is a major turn off. That doesn't mean I couldn't like a very fat woman or person as a friend. Just not as a sex symbol.

The heaviest woman I've ever made love with was a great lover and an enjoyable person to be with. For one thing, she was willing to tell me sexy stories about experiences she had had. That aroused me greatly and enhanced our sex. Also, she loved sucking on my sloppy dick after I came in her.
I like dresses that show curvature. Tassles around the bodice and hips are especially sexy.

I also like white boots--as in cheerleader boots--and herein lies a story. When I was 4 years old I went with my parents through a small Alabama town to meet my father's family. A 12-year old cousin named Janette was wearing white cheerleader boots. She was skinny and had a pretty face. She was the sexiest female I had ever seen.

My family went on to Cuba where my other grandfather had a farm. This was pre-Castro. I had my 5th birthday in Cuba and that's how I am so certain I was only 4 when I met Jeanette.

Twenty years later I got married and headed on my honeymoon. Our route passed through Alabama so I decided to make the second stop of my life in that little mill town. We drove into the town and my wife asked if I knew how to find my grandfather's house. I said I had a good memory from my earlier visit. Mind you, I had been 4 years and 10 months old!

I drove across a river and continued to the East. Finally I looked down a side street and said, "There it is. That's the house."

Indeed, I was right. Those sexy white boots had made an indelible imprint on my young mind.

Jeanette was not there on my honeymoon visit, but I did meet her in another state about a year later.

White boots and tassles.
I'm Muslim. My left hand is for wiping my ass. My right hand is for eating and masturbating.
There was no Online in my young days.
My first visit to a porn theater was in Corpus Christi, Texas, and it was my wife's idea. It was a sleezy little theater with no more than 20 people in the dark audience. But the shows were great. A year later we were in San Francisco where porn was more open. We saw Deep Throat advertized on a theater marquee and this time attended in a fairly nice place. Back at our hotel my wife gave me a fantastic blow job and I came like a fire hydrant.
By comparison, I didn't like my first Online porn. The websites were designed to trap visitors and squeeze credit card numbers and payments out of you. It was a very negative experience. Lush, on the other hand, is very user friendly and far better.
The comments on this question are more thoughtful than on most forum issues. I suppose the ultimate way to judge a story is by how many times it is read in a given number of months. Even that can be skewed because provocative titles and certain categories are more popular. And some categories have a cult following. Oh well!
My girlfriend and I were emerging from the train at the Atlanta airport and walking toward the long escalators. To the right was an elevator with no one around it. I pulled her away from the escalator crowd with a blow job in mind. We pushed floor 2, which was an intermediate floor for workers. The door opened. We could see there wasn't a soul around so I whipped out my cock and pushed the stop button. Down she went. It wasn't instantaneous but it didn't take long. Just as a had filled her mouth, the door opened and she jumped up with a cum eating grin on her face. I stood with my open pants to the wall as a woman walked in. Diane giggled and swallowed. I giggled and kept facing the wall. When the lady got off at the top floor I zipped up and away we went.
I certainly love getting oral...but I love giving oral even more. But not all women taste/smell good...even if they are fresh out of the shower. Our preference when it comes to smell is actually genetic. We tend to like the smell/taste of women who are very genetically different. From the standpoing of evolution, this would give our offspring the best immunity. When I meet a women who turns me on, even long before we've been anywhere close to sex, it's probably because I'm attracted to her smell. It could be from her skin, from her hair, from a kiss or even from a workout. When the genetics are right, the attraction is hard to deny.
Seems like everyone voted yea. I often feel like I would want to eat her but when the deed is done I'm not so sure. No woman has ever asked me to or indicated that it would be important to. Quite the opposite, some have stopped me from going in that direction. I'm assuming that all the nay people just didn't post an opinion.