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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58
United Kingdom


12 Monkeys, no doubt.

Hudson Hawk??

Striking Distance?

Quote by Nikki703

WOW!! Love James but to put him in a list with the rest of these guys.................................


For real, Hetfield is one of the greatest right hands in metal (and rock). Sure he's not a pyrotechnic widdler like a lot of the folks cited here, but in terms of tight, clean downward picking, melodic creativity, speed, songwriting and understanding of assembling guitar parts in the studio environment, I must petition his inclusion.

Plus he does all that shit while singing!

And yeah, I forgot Paul Gilbert. If we're going to have a mention of Buckethead, we can't even talk about that until PG is on the roster!
Introduce the title of your story: Gallery
Genre/Category: Supernatural, although I don't know if that's the best descriptor for it.
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I was watching Anthrax, playing at the bg 4 concert in Sophia, Bulgaria. They have a song called Medusa which is a great tune about the Greek myth of the same name. It struck me that it could make a rocking sex story being as it is, a tale about the inherent male fear of the female magic. Men often read feminine wiles as being mental instability, evil etc etc. We have a tendency to deride shit we don't understand.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

This dystopian world lives inside of me. I have seen clear pictures of it since I was a small child. Picking characters is just a matter of looking into my primitive male 3rd eye and selecting a couple of people who look interesting to me.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It taps into an already established story. I'm like a band, doing a cover version of someone else's stuff! Hopefully a decent cover. I'm aiming for JohnnyCash's version of NIN's Hurt.

Best case, obviously.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Not getting carried away thinking about girl's butts and just ending up getting myself off loads of times.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

It's got wierd dudes in white suits, hot, dusty ruins, slippery boards, irony, violence and girl's bottoms.
A subject close to my heart...

In no particular order:

James Hetfield
Jeff Waters
Steve Vai
Trent Reznor (more of a keyboard player really, but anyway...)
Tom Morello
Keef Richards
Jimmy Page
Richie Blackmore
Twenty odd years as a guitarist, producer, Pro Tools engineer - amateur, semi-pro and pro as work has allowed.

Sadly it doesn't pay as well as working in the service of the 'free' world.

Rock and metal is my thing although I have sessioned for alt. country bands in years gone by.

Still writing, recording and (very occasionally) performing my prog-metal stuff with various vocalists and drummers. Can we post audio files on here??
And furthermore no one reads my fuckin stories, so someone should get off on them!

If my stuff doesn't get a reaction outa me, then, chances are it won't end up on here.

And if the idea didn't give me the horn, then I wouldn't have bothered getting it down.
I almost always write in pants.

Its the way to be.
Good question.

Context is everything here.

For me, personally, dick feels slightly more aggressive. Maybe I'll deploy it if there is something happening in the background that is pulling focus from it just being purely sexual, or perhaps if there is less familiarity between the characters. Cock feels right for describing something goddamn intimate.

But, it just depends on a whole bunch of stuff.

Write erotica when you're horny, then edit it when you're calm.

Ah, what the fuck do I know!
They are the modern world's greatest invention and can make even a mediocre ass/legs combo look amazing.

Furtherfore, I can't seem to write an erotic story without them creeping in somewhere!
Is the Pope a Catholic?


Let me get it a damn bath o the stuff.
Ahh, the smell of the fairer sex in all it's varieties and intensities...

Hell and furthermore: yeah.
For such a beautiful thing, bearded clam just horribly, horribly sucks vast amounts of ass... or arse depending on which side of the pond you are on.

Anyone who would use the expression 'axe wound' should probably just forget the whole 'female of the species' thing and go and give some men an angry, angry blowjob.

Just my opinion of course...
p.s. Big love to the dude with half his cock out though.

Maybe I should post a pic like that for ultimate safety!
Well, like the boyos above me, my avatar is me.

However, I have ingeniously disguised myself using a well known graphics editing package!!!!!

I've got no desire to live online as somethign I'm not and am all for being up front, but some of us have jobs who might not be too chuffed about finding out we pen erotic fiction in our spare time.

However remote the chances of being rumbled are...
A Nissan Sunny has good headroom.

Doggy is feasible with only a bit of neck twisting.

Although the transit van with the stinky mattress in the back takes some beating.
Well, there is an element of that, yeah.

Still gets me off tho!!
Quote by madhatttr
i have had a ffm threesome on two occasions, the first time with a girlfriend at the time and someone we met, which was great for me! the second time was with two girls i met at a festival, was good fun if a little difficult as was in a tent...and probably looking back at it not very subtle! from a guys point of view though both times were great. would be interesting to see the difference with mmf but i dont know how that would be...a little awkward?

Madhttr - it's only the Mark I Cock. Don't worry about it. Just get in about the lassie and don't worry too much what the other bloke is up to!!
Just wondering what sort of porn everyone uses when watching with their girl?

Has your porn collection brought out anything in your sex life that wasn't there before?

How kinky does it get?