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Active Ink Slinger
Amazon's an even better place than google ^^ (for books anyway)

Here's a book to get you started off on your search - Submission by Cherie Feather.

Link takes you to the amazon page for it. It should be on the american amazon as well.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh, the gift certificate sounds really nice out of the options that you listed in your post. Means that he doesn't have to worry about sizes and getting things to fit right >.< And it can be used for something you actually want.

Apart from that I'd love to be treated to a nice night out with just the two of us (Or a night in depending on the weather).
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sexytwenties
Sadly, my GameCube seems to have passed on. I can't play Super Smash Bros Melee anymore sad

Emulators could always help with that

The oldest console wise I still play is the ps2 because it's the only console I have left. PC wise I've got quite a few old games left to play. (Most notably, Myst, System Shock 2 and Deus Ex)
Active Ink Slinger
What kind of Little are you?
Your Result: Princess
You are Daddy's little Princess!!!!! Your daddy adores you and spoils you rotten, because you melt him everytime you walk (or crawl) smile into the room!
Result Breakdown:
50% Princess
50% Angel
50% Brat
34% Schoolgirl
16% Pumpkin
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SereneProdigy

Only one. Silly question.

I meant at once, not over the duration of a couple of months....
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SereneProdigy
How many do you need? It's $250 each, $400 for two, or $1200 for a truck load.

I wonder how many guys it would take to satisfy them all.......
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
Call me a kill joy but unless I felt I had an important obligation to be there (say it was a close friend's hen night or similar) I would leave.

More than likely this for me as well.
Active Ink Slinger
Original Article

Since he made his debut on the music scene years back, the Senegalese singer hasn’t stopped to hold his own fans captive with his music.

But unknown to many, he’s been a polygamist.

Read what he thinks about monogamy: “The average guy in the world has a main girl and they got a side chick. And then they got a jumpoff. At the end of the day as a male we are natural breeders by nature. We can’t even escape it if we wanted to.

Let’s say you put 1,000 guys on one corner and one bad chick walk passed. You gon’ see 1,000 heads go, ‘Damn.’ They don’t even know why they doing it.

They’re natural breeders. It’s in their genes, they can’t help it. Men are put on this earth to breed and the reason why God put multiple women on this earth is for that.

People are having relationships, boyfriend and girlfriend, and treating it like it’s actually marriage. You’re just dating.

The whole purpose of dating is so you can date this one, and date this one, and date this one until you find out, ‘Okay, this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Okay now, I commit to what’s called marriage.’

You find that one woman that supplies everything that you desire in a woman, of course that will be a motivation to stick with that one woman, but I don’t know no one woman that can satisfy every man’s one need.

It’s impossible. Just like there’s no man that can satisfy a woman’s every need. Women just aren’t built to breed like that or… mate with more than one partner. Women aren’t built that way, men are.”

I'm curious to know what everyone reactions to this are since Akon used to be a relatively big name in some areas.

(Personally I think he's being really sexist in the way he says it)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Miele
Tomb Raider!

The newest one or the original?

OP - Can't stop playing remember me recently.
Active Ink Slinger
I didn't know where to put this article but thought it was too stupid to pass up on sharing. Now how are they going to enforce this?


St. George, UT — One city in Utah has decided it has had enough porn in their town and is taking the drastic measure of banning all pornography along with making it a criminal offense. In a unanimous decision by the city council of St. George, Utah, a law was passed making the possession of any pornographic related material in the city limits a crime punishable by 30 days in jail.
Mayor Arthur McDaniel told CNN he is excited about the new law. “It’s time a city steps up and sets a precedent that this disgusting filth that has plagued this great country of ours for generations will no longer be tolerated,” McDaniel said. “Pornography is a defiant act against Jesus and his teachings. The rest of the country can keep their heads in the sand about this smut and corruption to our children, but not the great city of St. George. I can only hope and pray other cities and states follow suit.”
The ban on pornography in St George takes effect November 1st of this year. Sheriff Paul Covington explained to reporters about the criminal implementation of the upcoming ban. “Our police force will be targeting anyone selling, distributing or using pornographic material including but not limited to magazines, toys, movies and of course the internet; basically anything that is porn related. Anyone in violation of this new law will be subject to a jail sentence of no less than 30 days,” Covington said. “We will also be removing certain produce from our grocery stores; we know all the tricks of a sexual deviant.”
48-year-old St. George resident Myron Danus told reporters he does not approve of the ban. “I don’t care if this is a Mormon backwards state or not, this is a free country and I can watch porn if I damn well please,” Danus said. “If I want to watch naked girls, that’s my business. I’ll be the first one down there in front of the courthouse with a Playboy magazine in one hand and tub of Vaseline in the other.”
According to recent porn data usage released by; the average visit duration time of a resident in Utah is a little over ten minutes. The top three porn searches for Utah is ‘compilation’, ‘teen’ and ‘hentai’.
The town of St. George has a population of 75,561 as of the 2012 census and is located in the southwestern part of Utah on the Arizona border. So far state officials in Utah have yet to make a formal statement concerning the ban on pornography.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Poppet
I haven't gotten anything like this as far as I'm aware, but I truly dislike when "friends" send me links to view. I get them all the time. I don't like having people sending me that kind of stuff. It annoys me, and I don't know what the heck it is. I just delete them, I don't care what friend sends it. I have deleted two for doing it endlessly.

Edit: Also, I don't know if this is me, or Lush but in the last two days whenever I'm on Lush I can just be scrolling or go to click something and a popup will come up. I've asked someone about it, and I don't have a virus. My popup blocker is on, so don't know what happens. It has only occurred when on Lush.

That seems like something that would happen. Have you also been getting the malware warnings? I know google chrome has been spitting them out left, right and centre on here.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by martb40

Thank you for your reply Moonlight Serenity, and thank you for your suggestion. I am certainly willing to try a real riding crop but I don't know what 'Robinsons' is.

Robinsons is a massive horse supply store.

You can find them here.

Edit: I don't know if they'll ship to the states at a decent price, but there should be a similar provider in the states.
Active Ink Slinger
Your score is: 60


What does your score mean?

You would climb any mountain, cross any sea... for the one that you adore! Your answers showed that when you are in love, you are truly, deeply and whole-heartedly committed to making your partner's world a better place. When necessary, you make personal sacrifices and even put their needs ahead of your own. You are loyal and dedicated, traits that your partner surely appreciates. While this giving nature certainly nurtures healthy relationships, it could also backfire if taken to an extreme. In fact, this high score could mean that you go too far on occasion, compromising your own well being to make your loved one happy. Does your partner give as much as you do in the relationship? There needs to be both give and take to make a relationship work, so learn to put yourself first from time to time.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know if others will agree with me on this, but have you tried riding crops that are meant for use on horses? They tend to be more durable than the kind you get out of a sex store (Well I've not broken my one yet on myself).

If not, they can be picked up relatively cheap. (Robinsons do whips from just £3)
Active Ink Slinger
Eh, to be fair I can't really see where their going to take it in the next films as the first film was very definitive in it's ending. And if they choose to make it anywhere else then it may just not be avatar any more due to the whole premise of the first one.

So, in my mind I doubt I'll look forward to them.
Active Ink Slinger
Eh, personally I would try it, but I've been known to do lots of things in my sleep. Such as kicking and tossing a lot.
Active Ink Slinger
The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas's is one of the ones I'd put as the best.

Also the Sky Crawlers and Grave of the Fireflies (I've never been able to watch the latter twice sad )
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by eocpez2
What. The. Fuck.

I am actually at a loss for words on this entire thread. It really is quite obvious why the BDSM community here is not getting much respect. Between the thread starter and the replies, I'm not sure which are worse.

This ^

We seem to have lost all of the mature people in here.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kahiltna7200
It appears the server won't allow me to post an internet address link. If you do a web search for bondage jewellery you'll find lots of sources. The company I was going to suggest was fetjewller.

You need 20 posts before you can post links.