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Favourite Games

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Peek a boo sausage
wack a mole
The "notorious gunman".
It has to be Twister as good for the adults as it is for the children.
What games we talking about?

Video games?

Board games?

Regular games?

My favorite childhood games were flashlight tag, capture the flag, and a form of hide n' seek where one person hides and the rest try to find them. Once you do, you also have to hide with them. Makes things frisky.
I like Mario Party.
And Wii Sports.
And Just Dance.
I'm not a huge gamer. I have a Nintendo 3ds...and it's fun. That's as far as I go when it comes to the virtual stuff.
I love Monopoly.
And Life (the board game).
I kick ass at Connect Four and Trouble.
I also enjoy a good game of Pictionary as well as Charades.
And hide-n-seek is fun at night with friends while we're all a bit buzzed.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Games!! I Love Games!!

Chinese Checkers
Cribbage (English father ... that's how I learned to count ... only up to 31! hehehe)

Madden NFL .... I play that one well
Tetris (until I can't blink)

In Vegas .... it's BlackJack .... "cocktails, table 7"
I haven't played a board game in a long time ... though my favourite was either Risk or Sharp Shooters. Sharp Shooters was a game with dice sort of like Yahtzee, you never actually shoot anything.

In terms of other games ...

I enjoy Magic the Gathering the trading card game a lot, though the amount I have to spend on the cards to make decks win at the Friday Night tournaments easily overcomes the accumulative price on all of the clothes I have bought. A single deck can easily be worth $200-$700.

I was always a childhood fan of solitaire and its many forms. I can complete a single game of Montana in about 5 minutes.

I enjoy the occasional game of Texas Hod'em, though it's been ages since I last played.

Played a lot of video games and there was never really anything that I hated, besides maybe going online with Call of Duty and having to listen to all the whiny brats on there. That and I won't play sports games. Other than those I can pretty much play anything.
Here is a "small" list of "some" of my favourites.

Blaz Blue (series)
Kingdom Hearts (series)
Ratchet and Clank (series)
Disgaea (series)
Fire Emblem (series)
Smash Bros (series)
Warlords Battlecry (series)
Earth 2150 (series)
Chrono Trigger
Batman Gotham City Impostors
Evil Genius
Team Fortress 2
"The big difference between sex for free and sex for money is that sex for money usually costs a lot less."
-Brendan Behan

"Any astronomer can predict with absolute accuracy just where every star will be in the universe at 11:30 tonight. He can make no such prediction about his teenage daughter."
-James T. Adams

"There are books in which the footnotes, or the comments scrawled by some reader's hand in the margin, are more interesting than the text. The world is one of those books."
-George Santayana

"Don't tell your kids you had an easy birth or they won't respect you. For years I used to wake up my daughter and say. 'Melissa, you ripped me to shreds. Now go back to sleep.'"
-Joan Rivers
I guess I should add my video games as well. I'm no "gamer" more of a casual player, but I still play. Mostly on a 360, so...

Gears of War
Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham City
Assassin's Creed

More boardgames.

Hero Quest (All time favorite)
Well if we're talking about board games it would have to be:

Backgammon & Chess

However, I did like to play Monopoly, Yahtzee, and Scrabble and still like to play all of the mentioned games
Quote by naughtynurse

Man i haven't played Euchre in years. I miss the group of guys i played with at work.

I love card games and board games. Old ones are cribbage, Pinochle, and Euchre.

New board games i love to play is Fluxx (a card game with ever changing rules)

Quelf, which in our group of friend we call is "Queef" LMAO!!!..

But one of my favorite currently is Ticket to Ride.
hmmm, lets see- how about - - -volcano !!!!!-------ring toss!!!!!!!-- - - -tree climb - - -hide the salami !
Favorite Game would be

Truth or Dare
Quote by mhunter0069

Man i haven't played Euchre in years. I miss the group of guys i played with at work.

I've find that people here in the south don't really play euchre. Which I find sad as I'm a good euchre player and a miserable poker player.
Quote by mhunter0069

Man i haven't played Euchre in years. I miss the group of guys i played with at work.

I love card games and board games. Old ones are cribbage, Pinochle, and Euchre.

New board games i love to play is Fluxx (a card game with ever changing rules)

Quelf, which in our group of friend we call is "Queef" LMAO!!!..

But one of my favorite currently is Ticket to Ride.

Speaking of card games, gotta Uno and Spades. Spades was a college favorite. The matches got wild.
Quote by naughtynurse

I've find that people here in the south don't really play euchre. Which I find sad as I'm a good euchre player and a miserable poker player.

thats a shame...i tend to teach people games when they don't know.
Played two great games of ticket to ride last night. A strategic board game.
But Naughty Nurse teach the south Euchre lol if you teach, they will come.:P
I love to play games:


Online Games
Candy Crush
I guess it would have to be Backgammon. However, when i was in high school I was very good at Chess and during my junior and senior years never lost a game taking first in the state championships.
Monopoly, Cluedo, Yahtzee, Scrabble, Backgammon.

I love card games too: Rummy, Poker, Beggar My Neighbour...
Used to play a lot of card games in my family, Blackout and Cribbage being favorites. Uno as well, with it's special deck.

Board game wise: Monopoly and Risk are probably my favorites. Used to play a lot of Diplomacy (very strategic, no randomization whatsoever). Also played board wargames quite a bit.

And (geek alert) I used to play a lot of tabletop roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons.
apples to apples
Mind games.

Let thy shite hittest the fan.
I love the mass effect series (yes even the ending in 3)
Skyrim is great
bioshock infinite maybe the greatest game of the 360 and PS3 generation