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5 days ago
Bisexual Female
0 miles · Seattle


these are things to NOT do if you want to actually talk to me,follow these and we should be fine:
~do NOT call me "pet" just because it is in my name. if i am not your submissive,it is not your title to call me and it will just piss me off.
~do NOT try to pvt chat me if we havent chatted in a room or anything. i will open and ignore it. also, if you dont have a pic,im not even gonna acknowledge a pvt chat.
~do NOT whisper to me or ask to whisper to me because the answer will be no. if you want to chat and i am in a room,you can talk to me openly there.
~do NOT try and just start playing with me in a room if i am with someone already,i may play openly but that doesnt mean im game to anyone who thinks they can just join in when they want.

i have one major rule that applies to EVERYONE (EXCEPT MY MISTRESS,ONLY ONE PERMITTED TO),touching between my legs,attempting to go down,finger,rub or anything i deem PROHIBITED. i respect the fact you wanna please me but i have this rule for a reason and i will not let it slide for anyone. please respect it if you wanna play with me,im a giver and i enjoy it,thats how i am.
other than all that i am one girl who is a challenge to deal with but a wonder if you can con me into a fuck ^^ (only saying what ive been told lol)

some time ago i was gifted to the gorgeous Miss Haley as a teacher and practice for her dom side, She has since become a remarkable Mistress and has widened her reach with other capable pets. i may not wear a collar but in her presence, i am still property of Miss Haley and am happy to be so. i will not speak or play without her released permission in room,so forgive me if we have chatted,but when Miss is around, i am solely hers until released. ^^

i have a couple moods when i am around here,either i am a complete slut or a secluded Mistress.
coming up and trying to tell me how bad you wanna eat me or fuck me will not get my thong off and it just makes you look idiotic,so save your breath in trying.........MEN.
Women,i am open to talk and play but i have my boundaries,do not try to cross them thinking
"im a woman,i can get away with things men cant" because i can shut you down just the same. i enjoy when i am being a slut but my boundaries are the one thing that remain,i love to play and a good fuck never upsets me. ^^


My pet(s) are:
1. Nickiboi (my sweet and sensual Pet that i have collared officially and belongs with me in the family with My Mistress and High Mistress Miss Joanne,he has earned his place and continues to prove daily why he deserves the collar i placed on him. he is a delight and truly a wonderful Pet)

2. (Vacant)

3. (Vacant)

4: (Vacant)

In my presence my pets are to be in their position and quiet while listening to their mistress.
the position my pets must be in is:

~on their knees,fully undressed. (ladies during the time of the month are permitted panties or otherwise)
~their head is to be bowed either half,or fully forward.
~hands will rest on their thighs in a relaxed position,palms up or flat
~MEN will state the current condition of their cock (soft,hard,half etc)
~WOMEN will kneel with their chest out,as I love full access to my pets breasts ^^
~when spoken to or asked any question,they will respond with either "yes Mistress,yes Miss/Ma'am or yes Miss Janet"
i dont believe that this is excessive so i expect full compliance from my pets and in return,they will see that their loyalty will always be happily rewarded ^^

I may be open to placing another collar on an obedient and loyal pet if they can prove their worth in respect,discipline and service. i am very easy going most times but i can be a royal bitch if provoked,not a wise idea mind you. as it stands,i am content with my herd but finding someone loyal and possibly trained or easy to train would be nice,dont get me wrong,i love my women,my Mistress especially,but even i enjoy having a nice cock to have my way with sometimes and having one that is attached to someone i own would make it all the better when im riding him like a bull ^^

my interests are big luscious tits,sweet,tasty little pussies,a decent man with a nice cock and knows how to use it well,and of course,my times being the center of a fuck circle ^^

Favorite Books
Not really much into reading.

Favorite Authors
Again, not much of a reader. LOL

Favorite Movies
i dont watch a ton of movies as i normally dont get the time to,but i love the bourne movies and anything with jason stathom! that man is fucking amazing and his accent....OMG!!!

Favorite TV Shows
i dont get to really watch TV but i always watched my Seahawks when i could! ^^

Favorite Music
A mix too large to name them all. lol

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