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2 months ago
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Quote by sprite

talking to Nicky about changing the word count to 4k for anyone who's won comps in the past. figure it'd be a fun challenge for them.

Ha ha!
But I haven't won, so I'm EXEMPT MUAHAHA!
I have a story almost completed that would be perfect. I just have to find a way to get it under 5000 words...
Damn, at six I'd be golden. It is a real bitch to shave off that much.

At least I have plenty of time to figure it out.
Oh, now you are talking. The only Pizza we order is sausage and pineapple. Sometimes we mix it up and get ham.
I gotta go with Donald after a long hard fought battle.

I love Daffy, but he is a born loser.
Quote by WannabeWordsmith

Honestly, we are one of - if not the - highest quality adult literature sites on the Internet due to our fantastic moderating team and the high standards we set and try to maintain. If any story warrants a 1 or 2 for its well-writtenness(!), we're not doing our jobs properly and it should not have been published. Thus, any such score is usually a visceral or personal reaction rather than a technical one.

I agree with this and actually made a similar point when I was a mod.
You know what, I fucking give up. I tried to make up even though this shit wasn't my fault but no, I just get fucking ignored. Well, as Garth Brooks said, I got Friends in Low Places, y'all can kiss my ass.
Quote by Ping

Yes. Fought a speeding ticket long ago. Almost won too. I made the fatal error of not saying that I was DOING the speed limit. Apparently, that technicality was important. The cop later said I did a great job with my argument and props, but I missed that little detail. He was a good guy. I was speeding. But I saw an out. Karma is King.

HYE lost it with an online tech rep from an Indian call centre?

(I did, and boy did it get ugly. Never, ever buy Dell. That was a very long time ago.)

Yes, he was a rep for ATT rep over my need for a micro-cell. Where I lived had horrible cell reception and ATT offered these internet-connected micro-cell's for people who could not use their system from their home. They are obsolete now, WiFI calling replaced them, but this guy just couldn't understand what i wanted. I eventually hung up and got it from an American phone rep the next day.

HYE had a mechanic try to rip you off?
Quote by nicola
I love it when spammers get roasted.

Also if she's that desperate for cash, maybe she deserves her 5 minutes before this thread and account get nuked.

At least for a spammer, she has grins and giggles value...
No, I have an eye infection. I can't see going tonight

Can you babysit my cat?
I'm just dropping in to say hi. Things have been very busy but I thought I'd check in.

Everyone enjoy your hump-day.
Quote by nicola

I can confirm this is not true.

Traffic on the desktop site has remained around the same level since we made the switch over to the new mobile platform.

On the mobile site, we've actually seen quite a drop in traffic as a result of the change. It seems that quite a percentage of people preferred the no frills read only mobile site. That's probably where you're seeing the dip in views. It's not from more people using the mobile site.

When we first started, we had a simple thumb up or thumb down option. It didn't work.

No other site we researched uses a 1-10. It would be almost impossible to implement that now considering 55,000 stories have been voted on using a 1-5.

We tried allowing anonymous voting. It was abused, particularly during competitions.

The scoring will remain the same for the foreseeable future.

I saw that you had mentioned in another post a short while ago that Lush maintains the third highest level of hits of any adult literature site. Considering that would be a world wide stat, it’s actually pretty amazing. For myself, knowing people are reading is all I need. Tracking it is just a side vanity and doesn’t really matter anyway. I’m glad you made that clear.

I’m also glad the scoring won’t be changed. If we made a radical change every time a thread was started Gav would probably throw his hands up in frustration
Quote by techgoddess

Thanks! This was very thoughtful!

I'm so blessed. I do live in a real paradise. My friends and family think so too, because lately they have been visiting like crazy! LOL It's all good! Having friends come down this week meant my hubby didn't travel...a rare and wonderful thing!

Congrats on 3rd place, by the way!

Thank you! I've been so busy I had no time to celebrate. I do want to thank everyone who read Behind Closed Doors. Their comments are my real reward.
Quote by Simplicity
Knowing Milik is off.

You are so sweet❤️

That makes me happy too
Quote by techgoddess

Thanks for starting out my morning with some Mr. Mojo, Milik. I have a song playing in my head 24/7 and this morning I woke up to the DJ in my head playing When You’re Strange. Lol. So this was pretty cool.

Sitting on my balcony overlooking the beautiful beach this morning on my iPad. Maybe I need to be displaced from my office more often in the morning. Lol. The fisherman is out trawling and checking his crab pots. There’s a couple walking the beach holding hands and I’m enjoying a cup of tea looking over my “kingdom”. Those donuts look tempting Fuzzy, but maybe just a half to have along with my tea.

TGIF everyone.

I tried like heck to post the youtube link so it didn't have to be clicked, but my damn iPhone wouldn't let me. It sounds like you live in a real paradise. I remember a picture you posted that was amazing

Now, The Doors.
Wow, I am honestly surprised. I didn't expect to break the top 5. let alone get on the podium.

Thanks so much to everyone who read and supported my story. Congratulations to Saucymh and especially to my old friend Dark Apollo. I'm really happy for you both!

This kind of recognition is long overdue for him. There were a lot of worthy stories in this comp and I congratulate all who made the top 10, great stories all
And, Ping, I was wrong about yours as well
Fuzzy, it does my heart good to see someone remember the great Jim Morrison.
How many here are old enough to know Mr Mojo Risin is an anagram for Jim Morrison?
I am the scream of his butterfly...
It usually takes overnight for badges to appear once the requirements are met. I don’t know how long you have had those areas filled in.
Quote by Verbal
I would love to see him impeached. And I don't think it would tip the public against Congress: everyone points to the Clinton impeachment hurting the Republicans, but that was they spent two years obsessed with a consentual blowjob. Anyone remember Watergate? Threat of a successful impeachment pushed a President out of office.

Since it'll never fly though, due to a feckless Senate, I think the Dems should forget impeachment and work toward a battle they can win. Like maybe today's news of a whistleblower talking of secret deals with foreign governments can be a place to make a stand.

This. I want him gone, but with the Election coming as quickly as it is, the Dems need to focus on showing the middle class why they are the best choice rather than chasing an unachievable goal.
I like to think I'm that open-minded but somehow I doubt I would be happy about the idea.
Is the cigar lounge ready yet? Id love a brandy and a good maduro right about now.

Everyone who hasn't should check out the Office Whore series. These are being ignored by the RR team and that is a shame. I think its a wonderful series.
Quote by seeker4
For playing, clarinet. It's long, it's hard, and I put it in my mouth.X4eMocPHcXgB9d5s

For listening though, I'd say the human voice. There aren't many instruments that can sound as sexy as a velvety crooner or husky alto.

Among manufactured instruments, probably strings. Cello, in particular, has always struck me as having a sexy sound, though violin and viola can do it, too.

I agree with all of this.

I also think the piano is incredibly sexy. There is so much emotion that can be expressed through it.