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What’s Your Excuse?

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One person starts with something they don't like doing,the next person has to answer saying why they can't do it(a ridiculous excuse)

Person 1- You have to wash the dog today!!

Person 2- I can't wash the dog because We don’t have a dog.
The power is off. You have to pay the electricity bill.

Person 3- I can't because I spent the money on A new TV
You have to feed my cat!

I can’t because she won’t eat out. Etc.

You have to go to work today.
I cant take care of live in Florida and I am wanted in that state

I have to get ready to move again
You can't get ready to move again, you have to black-box chat with me! Wait! ...why am I making excuses for YOU??

You have to read some of my stories.
I can't read your stories because my brain has turned off for the night.

Can you help me with this zipper?
I can't help with with that zipper because "Thou shalt not a zipper helper be" is the 11th commandment

Can you help me eat the rest of my sandwich because I am full?
I can't eat your sandwich because I don't like ham and cheese on rye.

Can you hold my beer while I go to the bathroom?
I can't hold your beer while you go to the bathroom because bathrooms are a bourgeois concept now that we live in the 24th century and urine naturally evaporates whilst still in your bladder.

Can you help me shop for groceries?
I can't help you shop for groceries because I always pick that one cart that has a square wheel and the noise drives me crazy

Can you help me pick something to wear for Halloween?
Sorry my answering machine was not working and I just got your request, MERRY CHRISTMAS smile

My SUV really needs washing, pleeeease smile
Sorry but it's too cold here the water would just freeze on your car.

I need to move my couch to another room, come help me.
I'll be right there, cowboy.

Can you help me choose a dress for tonight's date?
I can't I have to pick up my dog at the laundry mat and I lost a ski smile

Can you pick up my mail for me?
I cant pick up your male, as I am just a small girl.....

Would you wash my car for me?
I would love to, but Its been raining like crazy here, I can't drive on super slippery road

Will you buy a take out dinner from that hot pot place by Target? Please.....
Sorry, I am banned from going near a gun range.

Will you bring in the blue box at the end of my driveway?
I thought it was reported stolen... besides, i just had bilateral carpal tunnel surgeries from using my fone a lot answering forum posts..

Will you please scratch my back...
Your back has been scratched, you must of had a good time already smile

My hands are sticky could you hook my bra?
I cannot as my fingers are all bandaged

Could you take my cock out for a piss
Would be glad to do for you but my hands are still in casts...

My front yard trees need some trimmings, will you please give me a hand, I'll buy you an In & Out burger later.. ?
I would, but I'm allergic to trees and it would cause my throat to close and I wouldnt be able to enjoy that in and out burger...

Would you be so kind as to wash the white clothes for me?
My hands are still unable to and the washing machine just died earlier when I loaded the colored ones, soweee..

Will you take the car to the car wash please as I get ready for tonight's party.
I would, but I broke the convertible top racing home sad

Can you find me something to wear since the colors are wet and the whites are dirty?
Sorry but I am ironing my Mistress’s gown for this evening

Could you release me from my chains ?
I would, but i don't have the key.

Would you please walk the dog for his nightly duties?
Sorry I am more of a cat person and I forgot to renew my dog walking licence.

Lock the door, please
Sorry the guy with the burro has not came by yet.

Buy me some cherries at the store, please smile