Nothing! Because girls don't masturbate of course! ;)
I think "age is only a number" is a fine attitude to have but only once you're both 30+ and you're fully mature to make those decisions.
At 25, maybe 10 years older. Maybe more depending on the individual.
At 18, maybe 5. Any older is definitely creepy.
Definitely prefer a guy to cum outside of me even when I'm on bc so I'd rather have it on me for my peace of mind. But in me definitely feels better and I would love to have a husband one day I felt safe to do that with all the time.
Meh. I'll probably go see it but I thought the first one was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long and cluttered and now they're adding even more characters to it, it might be even longer and more cluttered. I prefer when they focus on one superhero only.
Lace brazilians or cotton briefs usually, but absolutely anything as part of a matching set.
black or pink are my favorites.
No I like my flannel PJs in winter, singlet and little boxers in summer. If it's really hot I like to go topless but will always wear my knickers. Even after sex I like to put my knickers on.
I used to smoke socially so I did then. But I gave up smoking cigarettes. Now I like to have a Heineken.
I like to masturbate in the mornings so it's usually light, but I don't think about it too much. If it was night, the lights would probably be off. Often my eyes are closed anyways to help me fantasise. Sometimes I take advantage of the light and watch myself in the mirror. Sometimes I take a bath by candlelight.