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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154
United States


Advanced Wordsmith
It sure would be nice if our saved drafts wouldn't just float around buried somewhere down our list of stories for us to try to hunt down, especially for those of us doing a lot of work. Placing at the top of list seems most logical to me. Thanks for considering my suggestion.
Advanced Wordsmith
For myself it's not so much about the method of conveyance, as the amplitude, unless (and most importantly) it's completely 100% authentic. If it is, then it doesn't matter at all - go ahead scream out your awe, tell me what you want, need, or like -- I want the feedback. If however you think you're pleasuring my receptors by emulating something or someone you saw online or in a flick, save it for the big screen baby, read your script and do yourself proud . Bring me your 'real' and I'll bring you my zeal (and my steel) , every time. So... I'm here , I'm waiting... bring it baby!
Advanced Wordsmith
Hi Beckey. While a classy display of one's bosom certainly will put a smile on my face and a swell in place, it's her ass that's gotta pass!
Advanced Wordsmith
Such diversity in replies only confirms the importance of open honest communication between lovers to maximize satisfaction! Now, that settled, whose diner is open and ready to serve a hungry man?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by ohlalamaryla69
Just looked at it. Beautiful site, indeed. She is a French-Canadian by the way and I am too, guess the sensuality its in our blood! MidknightMan... thanks for sharing that sweet Camille with me ♥♥
My lovely beauty, but I must knew you of all people would appreciate, of course, and hearing your expounding on the subject ingratiates you all the more to me, a true kindred spirit. Mmmmm Isn't that site just scrumptious? But of course!
Advanced Wordsmith
Well worth checking out. Superb quality and highly erotic and sensual. The consummate classroom.
Advanced Wordsmith
Being alert and sensitive, right... good one. Honest and open communication, also a good point to share. Thank you.
Advanced Wordsmith
I appreciate and like what I'm reading so far ladies and I thank you for your time and thoughtful responses. I'm always striving to be the consummate lover and giver of pleasure, so this is helpful. Keep the insight coming ladies of Lush.
Advanced Wordsmith
What are some techniques that qualify a guy as above average in satisfying you orally?
Advanced Wordsmith
I was with someone once who, like you, had a bad first experience, mostly due to an inexperienced and inconsiderate partner. She was however still curious and desirous. I suggested allowing her to set the pace and depth comfort level. I remained somewhat passive, though with quite a degree of restraint and discipline for sure. She fingered herself as well. I knew by her ahhhs and ohhhs and increased tempo that she was climaxing, but also her shudder and clutch as she milked me completely. It was sensual and sexy as hell. She requested it occasionally thereafter.
Advanced Wordsmith
hmmm, well honestly for me it's more about the accoutrements, the window dressing, the confidence and attitude. If a girl is proud of her traits, treasures and gifts, it will translate to her sensuality and lustfulness. That is the ultimate turn-on.
Advanced Wordsmith
Sometimes I imagine a former muse, reliving past memories, sometimes a client who has confessed a certain palpable energy felt in my presence, sometimes the images in galleries posted by friends, coupled with their writing, if they write.
Advanced Wordsmith
Probably enjoy the show for a few minutes, then ask if I could either assist or reciprocate for mutual pleasure. It would be a complete fabulous turn on!
Advanced Wordsmith
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.AhcbZKarODT1273X I believe that is what our galleries are for? Find out for yourself!
Advanced Wordsmith
I agree totally with this point of view, as I likewise do with Nikki's assessment. Excellent ladies. Insightful.
Quote by DirtyMindedMom
I call B.S. on all the garbage about tasting your own cum being a gay thing. If this logic were valid, would it not then be "gay" to touch your own penis?

Aren't we socially evolved enough at this point to have a better understanding of what it means for a person to be gay versus what it means to derive pleasure from an act that has been narrow-mindedly labeled as gay?

I honestly admire a man who is willing to at least sample his own product before making up his mind whether he likes it or not, and I find those who enjoy the sensual joys of their own cum to be quite sexy in a uniquely manly way.

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by TheSluttyAngel
"Pony" by Genuine

Perfect temp, perfect lyrics Couldn't agree with this choice more! Can already imagine those hips in rhythm to the beat.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Guest
Prince-Cream, Pharrell- Hunter, Chris Isaak-Wicked Game

Can never go wrong with Cream (and sugar LOL). Prince always gets it done. I once took a date up to a lake cabin one evening, and was playing Prince songs the whole way, watching her out of the corner of my eye. She showed all the right signs (and sighs). I was devious sure, but by the time we got through the door of the cabin, she nearly attacked me. It was some of the hottest sex I ever enjoyed, that evening. OMG. Great choice, great memories. Thanks.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by billybroadband

Love this... LOL This much stroking deserves to be preserved for posterity eh? Great idea posting link/video! Thanks for the good chuckle.
Advanced Wordsmith
While reading this question, I was listening to an online radio station that plays an eclectic choice of songs, new -- old -- everything in between. I Want To Know What Love Is by Foreigner, came on, which I remember was playing all the time in the house I grew up in. Besides good memories, it really is a great older song, and definitely a good date song, or get you in the mood kind of a song, even if it's older. I guess you'd call it a classic lovers tune.
While searching their music online I came across Stranger In My Own House, also by Foreigner. LOL... why do I chuckle? Well -- listen to both of them for yourselves, and you'll see! Both are opposite ends of the love spectrum -- but -- connected. The "Stranger" might lead to "I Want To Know". LOL
Advanced Wordsmith
A girl I was once corresponding with asked me if I would be brave enough to send her a picture of me masturbating while with the other hand fingering my ass. I was caught by surprise, until she shared with me a book with a chapter on the pleasures of a prostrate massage, which she confessed turned her on to think about. One of the next times we went out, well... guess what was tried? Ya, and it went over really well too.
Another gal I knew introduced me to her tongue in like manner, also a new sensation. I've never shied away since. "What ever gets you through the night... it's all right..."
Advanced Wordsmith
If I knew it turned her on, absolutely. It certainly turns me on when woman are confident enough to do it for me. Hot exchange to get the action percolating. Woman only (or women).
Advanced Wordsmith
1. I'm getting wet
2. I want you
3. Take me now
4. Take my ass
5. I'm cuming baby

Need I say more?
Advanced Wordsmith
Oh indeed I have. I love it, absolutely. I find it extremely erotic and a great lead up to a thorough fucking, or fine as a stand alone opportunity to give her a single sensual moment of complete awe. Bring it!