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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United States


Quote by realz
Unlike what some might think, it's not a matter of desperation. I prefer it to any kind of pickup situation. I know she's there for the income (hey, we've all got bills), she knows I'm there for the sex, it's so much more comfortable when we can be completely open about it.

I've got a couple of go-to women who probably don't fit the stereotype. They've got jobs and their own actual life. Both do a little part time dancing (where I met them) and when they got to know me, they let me know that they would take care of me in exchange for a little help with expenses. I'm happy. They're happy.

Hmmm, I call them Semi Pros , those are nice because you might be able to visit them working before making a deal, and it's less likely that you will be their 3rd or 5th client that day.
You look like you'd be fun enough to wrestle with that it'd be worth a try!
Quote by VirgoGo

I didn't forget about the issue of discretion. And maybe we're just quibbling over semantics, but I don't consider discretion a reason to visit a prostitute, instead, I think of it as an essential/integral part of the transaction. You see the prostitute because you want A, B, or C. You require discretion as part of the deal, just like she requires payment.

I've never heard anyone say, "I'm going to see a hooker because I want discretion." If all you wanted was "discretion," a lawyer or a therapist might be better choices because you're not at risk of getting busted with one of them.

It's often some variant on, "I'm going to see an escort because I want to try things my wife will no longer do. But my wife can never know."
Or more colorfully, "I'm going to see a hooker because I want to get fucked with a strap-on while monkeys watch. Thank god she's discreet."

I was comparing, "Why a prostitute, VS finding a girlfriend for an affair" A girlfriend may get tired of having to be a secret and could be much more risky than getting busted for patronizing an escort who has just as much reason to be discreet as her customer.
And another reason has to be , what are the odds an older guy is going to get some much younger hottie , especially if he has to be discreet.
I've gotten lucky before, but takes alot of time , and with all the pretty big tips I gave her over weeks or months, she just gave me a gratuity for all the gratuities I gave her. I still enjoyed it but I have to invest alot more time that way and it probably is a little more risky when u need to be discreet.
Quote by DirtyDazza

The main reason for men using prostitutes, especially for married men, is it's all done in a very discreet manner.

For example, if a bloke wanted to cheat on his wife or girlfriend and not get caught, he'd be ill-advised to do so with someone he knew. This could lead to the girl texting him at inopportune moments or becoming overly attached and demanding the bloke leave his wife. In fact, it could lead to all sorts of complications. Let's remember: hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

You don't get that problem with a prostitute. With a pro it's quick, discreet, in and out (pun intended), no strings attached, no comebacks -- no chance of the missus finding out.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is the main reason men use prostitutes.

Bingo, I totally agree and this is one thing for sure that VirgoGo forgot about Sometimes you just have to be quick and disreet and can't or don't need a date or someone calling you at the wrong time.
Quote by 1nympholes

Someone is telling the truth.

I get the impression many feel they are a holier than some others and they can get as many women as they want for free. However if having sex with them is all the time you want with them, or that's all the time you are able to give them, I wish I knew where to find these women that are available when ever you want just for sex.
I think it's kinda discriminate or hypocritical to make it illegal but they still advertise all over the world.
Quote by Mysteria27
Guys -

Have you ever hired a prostitute/escort?

If so, was it the best sex you ever had?

Would you do again?

How much did you pay?


Yes , and it was not the best sex I have had since but one of the girls left an indelible mark in my memory bank. I was 17 and in AIT training at Ft Polk La, It cost me $5 and $2 for the room and then she said I was taking too long and insisted on $5 more. It was fun and well worth it though even though I think I was making only $100 a month as a Private E1 in the army. Many more times in Vietnam for about $5 and the brothels in Saigon charged like $20 for all night. New girls would wake me up in the middle of the night to see if I wanted to come to their bed. Such fun but I'd get wore down to a nub and couldnt get it up eventually. It was a tough job fighting for our country over there, but somebody had to do it.
Now I've been married for more than 30 years to the same woman, who I love more anything. However, the sex is not nearly as exciting as it was. I can not even imagine being able to have an affair without getting caught and wrecking my marriage. I think a much simpler way would be to hire an escort who definitly is going to be discreet and not get possesive or start calling me.
It'd be much simpler to skip the games and the wining and dining if all you want is a strange POA
Hmm, this is interesting.
I did a search with escort as the key word and found this.
I'm surprised that it got no replies
Thanks to Honeydipped, it's now working. The font color wax set to white which made it invible with the white back ground.
I dont know if this is the right place to ask for help with this but when I go into a chat room and I type a message, I can see it and when I press eneter it shows my name say to somebody but there is no message. It shows that I ssid something to whomever but no words come through. What is wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Thx
Love em and wish to see more of them . Very pleasant distraction at the gym, women in tight yoga pants makes it very on me.
That's great that so many women take great care of their bodies. Do many of you show it off in tight form fitting yoga pants? So many time I get my batteries all charged up and a roaring hard on seeing women working out dressed like they almost have nothing on but a layer of paint and a beautiful camel toe.
I go to 24 Hr Fitness or the rec center a almost every other day. I'm impressed at how many women are really into not only cardio but weight lifting and muscle building.
So many of them look great. Do many of our Lush women workout and do you dress in pretty hot looking tight shorts when you do?
Quote by YoungWidow
I can not think of one reason I need to know him at all. It is just harmless fun and most guys seem to enjoy it as much as I do.

Now a few times his wife/girlfriend caught me and she may not think it was so great or so harmless either.

I just love women like you!!!!
That's not a bad idea NolaHotGal, Instead of propositioning maybe I should ask if I can take her to Victoria's Secret and buy her a nice lacey racy mesh camisole and thong
Oh come on girls.

What if you were working as a sever, mostly for tips, trying to raise a couple of kids and paying $1900 a month for a 2 BR apt. You have a good customer or maybe a few who always enjoy flirting with you and leaving you good tips. Would'nt it be nice for you to give this guy something to remember and fantasize about for a very long time, a very special treat, you, and he would tip you more than you normally make in a day for maybe an hour.
Every body else sells their talent
Quote by NOLAHotGal
OH I DO!!! I like the feel and taste of hot cum in my mouth. I also can have a good orgasm while giving a blow job, especially when he cums. Some times the guy wants me to stop so he won't cum and I can't because I have started to have my orgasm. I had an orgasm the first time I gave one of my boyfriends a blow job. He was not touching me anywhere at all. That still happens about 95% of the time I'm giving a blow job.

Sometimes when I start cumming it will take the guy I'm blowing over the edge and he starts cumming too. When his cum hits the back of my throat I will start another more powerful orgasm and sometimes will squirt too. Once while giving a stranger a blow job, I had met for the first time only about 20 minutes earlier. I was naked, squatting down in front of him while he was standing and leaning against his truck with his pants down. Due to the very erotic mood set by almost instantly beginning foreplay after he picked us up hitch hiking about 1 AM. Our car had gotten stuck while we were fucking in our favorite place about 20 miles south of the town we lived in. I had started to cum and was on the down side of my orgasm when his first rope of cum hit the back of my throat. That started another super powerful orgasm for me. I started squirting and a lot of my fluids went into his cowboy boots. Him and Hubbie flogged and fucked me for over an hour after wards.



Damn, girl, u go! I almost wasted a big hot load of cum down my pant leg reading about you cumming and sending your man over the edge and as he pumps load after load of hot cum deep in your throat and triggering another orgasm of your own.
You sound like my kind of girl
Quote by kiera

The producers only paid minimum wage per minute so I had to draw it out... which is likely why I ended up burning the pizza as I was trying to earn a living and forgot it was in the oven... most unlike me to burn a pizza

Awesome! That was fun to watch Kiera and you are great on camera. I could see you being a news anchor or the weather lady on TV.

How in the heck did you do that without making a mess out of your pretty white dress ?

I once tried to make a homemade pizza and I had such a big mess in the kitchen and on me too. LOL
Quote by simplyjohn

She confuses me. She has done many cooking videos which are all available on YouTube but she wont interact on a one-2-one basis on cam.

Have a look at the YT videos .. the most popular is 'How to cook pizza'.

I looked at YT but no joy.
Quote by HotWife4U
I don't spends hours at the gym for just my health.

LOL, me too (:
Quote by PanJinlian

MichaelMax- if you were polite and charming, and understood when you were paying a compliment and when you were becoming a bit of a perv, there isn't a woman on earth who wouldn't like to know that someone else finds her attractive.

Thanks, I'll continue to charm & flirt with her but it's hard to always look her in the eye when my tongue wants to lick my lips and look at her cleavage (: Her bums great too but it's easy to check that out without being obvious but if she has the normal womens intuition , she know I'm checking it out, and that's fine too.
Great! Sounds like most women are flattered by what us men enjoy looking. However do you still enjoy him not trying to hide the fact that he is looking right thru your blouse and imagining what they look like naked, even if he is 30 or so years older than you? Not talking about a total stranger, but for instance you were a server and he has been a good tipping customer for a few months and you talk frequently. I don't want to scare her off, but fantasize about her alot. Would I scare you off if I let you know that I crave your body?
I never thought hearing about my wifes' previous sexcapades would turn me on but just recently I started to melt the ice. She has not given me as much detail as I would like except to tell how old (young) she was her first time. I try to coax her on like saying "oh come on, you never turned loose of that pussy or even given a blow job at the drive in movies?" I also always tell her that if I was a female, I would definitly be at least BI. "I say "have you ever eaten out or been eaten out by another girl?" Or at least been felt up or felt up one of your GFs?"
She has said "I can't believe you are getting turned on thinking about me with someone else"
I love my wife but after 30 years I think we could both use some extra spice in our sex life.
I'll only admit it here, but many stories have got me hard as a rock, and a few have got me to the point of no return and I blew all over myself. Other stories make me hard and then something about the story line just turns me off.