Quote by overmykneenow
Engagement is the key - this doesn't have to be through complex plot or character development - you're writing short stories here. Why bother telling the reader the girl was "blonde, 5'6 and slim" when none of those have any bearing on what's going to happen in the story? Also your reader may not find her attractive now and might start to lose engagement. If she's a shy girl and that's pertinent to the story, that's how you need to lead.
"She was a quiet girl, the kind of girl who wore kirby grips." On its own, as a description, that statement is pretty meaningless but hopefully it's enough lure to hook the reader in to want to know more. You have to give the reader just enough to make them fill in the blanks with their imagination. If they don't have to imagine anything, they won't.
There are more threads like this in the Ask the reader and Ask the author section of the forum
On another note, your forum sig pic is way too large. They shouldn't be more than 150px in height.
Quote by BubbleButtMan
Buildup, believability, and pertinent details that pull the reader into the moment. Character development, background, reasons for meeting ate all important. It's not just about bumping into the guy at the grocery store and fucking him in the bathroom...
Quote by dpw
I want a long build up. I want to "be there" with them, be able to visualise them.
Most importantly for me is, I want to know what they are thinking.
Lastly, the sex should be believable. Not a guy with a two foot cock who can jackhammer for ten hours and cums by the gallon.
Quote by JohnSmith10
Kind of echoing what's already being said really, but here are the things that I think make a good story...
- I like the stories to have a bit of a background rather than two people just falling into bed together
- I like the stories I read to be somewhat realistic in the sense that if it's a first time story, the guy might not last as long as more experienced men
- If it's a series, I like those stories that make you form a proper relationship between the main characters (One example would be A New World by BagDog9)
I know this makes me seem really picky but I really dislike reading a poorly put together story!
Quote by BethanyFrasier
At 34, I'm about at what they claim is a woman's 'peak', and I've never had more sex than I am having now. I would say my orgasms matured to their present level around my mid-twenties, and have remained very intense, ...more often vaginal than simply clitoral. Gasping, toe-curling, all-consuming, near pass-out climaxes. I think it depends on how late a girl begins having sex. I started very young, so my peak began earlier, and thank Goddess has not diminished. If a girl doesn't start having sex till her later teens, it may take longer for her orgasms to mature into the type your mother and I apparently are experiencing.